God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2297: Egg group

Because the rift is so huge, even if it is a few hundred miles away, it is still at the edge, so you don't have to worry about the sudden increase in dark particle concentration.

However, somehow, along the direction indicated by the deaf children, the concentration of dark particles began to increase abnormally. The distance of hundreds of miles increased the concentration by at least a thousand times.

This is already the concentration that is relatively close to the center of the battle.

If there are no children blocking the dark particles, Qin Qi and Xiaohua are here, I am afraid I can't support a few breaths.

"Be careful, there must be a demon in the abnormal situation. This place, I am afraid it is hidden!" Xiaohua Shen channel, is ready for the battle.

The same is true of Qin Qi, and God is ready to fight.

Finally, after crossing a slope, Qin Qi and Xiaohua suddenly stood, their eyes were round and the pupils were contracted.

They finally know what the nephew is sensing.

In front of us, there are countless black eggs like jade, just like the nephews that were born at the time.

Only the eggs of the deaf children are smaller, and these eggs are larger and darker.

The most important thing is that the number is really too much!

At a glance, the piece of black pressure is all eggs.

Qin Qi and Xiaohua are all in the cold.

Even if the hatching of these eggs is only a subordinate to the dark, it is also an army of horror, and no force in the border can resist.

Moreover, there are several insect eggs that are extraordinarily large, and there are even many lines on the outer shell. Once hatched, I am afraid that it is not the dark subordinates that Qin Qi encountered before.

Even if it is still not a dark genus, its strength has definitely reached the horizon!

So many eggs, once hatched ... that scene, think about it makes people feel scalp numb.

This is the rift formed by the Tianzun level war. How can there be so many eggs, is it the original Tianzun to stay?

"In the dark days of the original, shouldn't it be a female insect?" Qin Qi said.

But no matter what, so many eggs are placed here, it is not because the environment is suitable for hatching, I am afraid to prepare to attack the road!

"Hey, now they have not hatched, destroy it!" Qin Qi cold channel.

Once hatched, it will be an irresistible dark torrent.

And they are on the way to the road, I am afraid there is the place of Zhongzhou.

Qin Qi can't put them in the past.

"Yes," Xiaohua nodded and looked dignified.

It must be prevented from happening, and these eggs will not be hatched, and they will be destroyed. Otherwise, even small flowers will feel tricky.

After all, here, the concentration of dark particles is too high. It’s really a big fight, and the children may not be able to isolate the dark particles.

The mind has already made up its mind, the small flower directly shot, the power of the heavenly environment, suddenly violent, even the dark particles around, have been shaken a lot.

Immediately, the small flower was a knife and stood down.


A loud bang, accompanied by the sound of countless hard shells, was over, and all the eggs were broken, and the embryos that had not yet formed were turned into black meat.

Of course, there are also a lot of eggs, which were swept by Yu Wei. Although they were broken, the embryos did not die, and a sharp whistling sound was heard.

What makes Qin Qi horrified is their vitality. After they leave the eggs, their skin begins to harden rapidly, and after the limbs are struggling for a few times, they can be used normally.

Although they have not fully grown up, their bodies are defective, but for a while, they have changed from embryos to fighting units!

It is a natural warrior. Even if it is an embryo that broke the shell in advance, the combat instinct is already in place. After adapting to the environment, they will rush to Qinqi.

The engraving of the soul, let them wake up at the moment, understand how to fight, to kill!

Such resilience, such vitality, such combat power, this dark ethnic group, is really terrifying.

Of course, Qin Qi and Xiaohua are not injured by such dark subordinates. The florets don't even care about them, but continue to shoot and destroy other eggs.

As for the fish that slipped through the net, it was naturally handed over to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi’s **** sputum, blood in his hands continually swayed out, and every sword was directed at the weaknesses of those dark subordinates, and strived to kill.

These dark subordinate defects are obvious, and the defensive power cannot be compared with the complete body. Even Qin Qi can penetrate it with a sword.

It is dark particles and cannot be defended.

And killing these dark subordinates, Qin Qi's stars are also lit up, although subordinate to the darkness of the adult, but the ants are small and meat, Qin Qi is not too bad.

Not to mention, the number of eggs in front of the eyes, the number of people to the scalp numb, Qin Qi even if it is a leak, can also all the way to the first star of the heavens!


A screaming roar, the attack of the small flowers has fallen on the extra large eggs.

These eggs have extremely strong defenses. Although the small flowers are crushed, they do not completely disintegrate the eggs inside.

After the shell is broken, the darkness inside is submerged, and the limbs collide with the ground. It is like a metal impact, and it already has a nearly complete shape.

This has left the embryonic category, almost as fast as the normal form of the shell.

Those embryos are still able to complete the transformation of the battle form, not to mention the almost complete darkness of the subordinates. At the moment of the exit, the dark core of the honeycomb behind it has reached its limit.

The dark ring appeared in front of the mouthparts, and then the dark slaves roared, and the dark particles in the body were all poured into them, condensed into a point, and then, a dark ray slammed out and took the small flowers.

This is the power of heaven!

Very terrible.

However, Xiaohua has already made a full effort at the moment, and the body has begun to emerge as a force of high heaven and earth. Even if the darkness of the heavens is subordinate, it will not be able to shake the small flowers with a full blow.

Not to mention that their current state is not full.

The little flower grabbed the hand, and the void suddenly collapsed. The dark rays were directly distorted. I didn’t know where the bang was, and the darkness of the day was subordinate and it collapsed instantly.

"Little guy, my sister will have no way to control the power, you look at killing yourself!" Xiaohua shouted, and his strength broke out again and swept out.

Xiaohua generally understands how Qin Qi should be promoted.

However, she has no way to control the power to keep those dark slaves. After all, what she is facing now is not a dark subordinate.

More and more shattering sounds, and even in areas where small flowers have not yet been attacked, eggs have begun to crack.

This is the threat of dark subordinates, and they broke their own shells in advance.

Xiaohua has no time to make it easy for Qin Qi to make it. She must now try her best to destroy as many eggs as possible and prevent them from breaking the shell!

Qin Qi knows this, but he does not want to interfere with the small flowers because of himself. After all, the situation in front of him is not good, they can be planted here.

Not to mention, in fact, Qin Qi focused on leaks, but also enough to break through the heavens! As long as you reach heaven, everything will be different.

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