God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2313: Thought

"Different Kunlun, don't pretend to die, but give some analysis!" Qin Qi called, quite dissatisfied, so the different water Kunlun is still the first time I saw.

However, the different Kunlun did not continue to silence, and there was a model of exile in the system interface.

Of course, this is a model that is further complemented according to the description of the mother, which is much more detailed than before, including the part of the ancient war remnants.

This exile is indeed in the form of a chain, but even if it is a female worm, it does not know how many grommets there are.

After all, it is impossible to come here alone, but the strongest of the dark genus has passed through the remnants of war and placed them here.

It can only be regarded as an advance force, and it is only used to test the environment and improve the environment of exile.

The place of exile is indeed not suitable for the creatures on either side of the two sides, but after investing a lot of dark subordinates in this life, the years have passed, and the exile has been slightly biased towards the dark side.

This change is small, but it cannot be said to be meaningless.

In this way, although the dark genus is extremely strong, and naturally restrains Qin Qi from their side of the world pedigree, but still very cautious.

But think about it too. If there is no threat to them here, there is no possibility that there will be war remnants that are difficult for them to cross.

In the limited knowledge of the female worm, the sixth grommet is the limit it understands.

According to the mother, the entire exile area should have more than six grommet, but the sixth grommet is close to the depths of the war relics.

There, there are two more known monuments.

The road monument, the mother worm does not know what it is, only knows that even if it is dark, it is extremely taboo.

It can even be said that it is not the remnants of war, but the monument that truly blocks the darkness of the genus.

Of course, the role of the relics of war is also very big. After all, the battle is broken, the passage world is almost destroyed, and it is too difficult to come over.

However, the existence of the monument is to suppress everything.

In the content known to the mother, the monument does not exist only in the remnants of war. In fact, there is a monument in the connection of each grommet.

Only the monuments outside or outside the war relics have already been destroyed by the strong ones in the dark genus, and all traces have been erased directly.

It can also be seen that the dark side is indeed quite taboo.

The monuments that are located in the remnants of the war are not so easy to destroy. After all, the darkness is its own and cannot be easily approached.

The dark subordinates like the female worms came from the secret passages on the edge of the world and could not get close to the core of the war.

But to this day, the darkness is exhausted, and the first six grommetes have only two monuments close to the core of the war relics.

"These two positions?" Qin Qi looked at the model given by the different Kunlun.

There is a red gradient above, and from the third grommet, it is already reddish, representing the impact of war remnants.

The red is getting deeper and deeper, until the end of the sixth grommet, which is deep red, where the center of the war remains.

As for what is still there, the mother does not know, and the different Kunlun has not been simulated.

The two known monuments are at the junction of the fifth and sixth grommet and the junction of the fourth and fifth grommet.

The stone forest where these two places are located has the existence of a monument.

The road monument is a relic that the dark scorpion must retreat.

Now that Zhongzhou has disappeared into the exile, it is unknown. Even if it is the first time, there is no clue, but there are several possible places.

It seems that it may be the monument.

Qin Qi did not know whether the taboo female emperor had this ability to take the entire Zhongzhou and send it to the remnants of the war.

But now there are no other clues, and you can only follow this idea to find.

"Then, first of all, we have to go to the fourth grommet." Qin Qi took a deep breath.

This is not an easy task.

The second grommet is not a small pressure for him. It is not easy to enter the fourth grommet.

Need to enter the heavens as soon as possible.

Or, it is to raise the physical realm to another level.

Now Qin Qi, the body has reached the extreme of the **** oven, even in the realm, such physical strength is very rare.

There is not much in the past, and there is not much in ancient times. There is only one person today.

The physical body is also called body esteem, and the body esteem is also the supreme realm of physical cultivation. After the body is not known, the body can continue to grow.

There may be relevant records in the Kunlun Mountains, but the outside world, even the existence of the Tianzun level, does not necessarily understand.

Of course, the body itself should have sentiment, but it will never be rumored.

The qi and blood oven is the second realm under the body.

If Qin Qi can break through the gas-fired oven and reach the realm of the physical body, then the distance away from the body, there is only the next step.

However, it is extremely difficult to make a **** oven, but it is extremely difficult. Even if it is Qin Qi, I am afraid there is no clue.

It is still more appropriate in the natural world. After all, there are dark subordinates as nourishment.

On the other hand, if Qin Qi is hunting too much, I am afraid that there will be problems. When it comes to darkness, it is not necessarily able to escape.

For the sake of the present, we must be careful and careful, and we must not be half-hearted.

The mother worm explained everything that was known, and Qin Qi made a decision. Of course, it continued to go deeper.

With the information of the female worm, Qin Qi learned about the distribution of the dark nests around, but it can improve a lot of efficiency.

It’s a pity that the female worm does not know where the dark scorpion is, so it is still necessary to pay attention.

After that, it was repeated repeatedly.

Avoid the natural danger, find opportunities to sneak into the dark lair, use the **** scorpion to carry out overwhelming destruction, cut off the threat of the dark side, and enhance your own strength.

Of course, the second star of Tianjing wants to light up, and it is very difficult. Qin Qi still needs a lot of time.

All of this is carried out with trepidation and even unexpected gains.

After returning to Qin Qi, the female insects also participated in the battle. The purpose was to disturb the dark genus that would come to explore after the disturbance, and let them think that it was the infighting between the dark subordinates.

I don't expect to be completely stunned, but it makes sense to distract them.

The strength of the female worm is very strong, the beginning of the heavens is absolutely perfect, and the identity of the dark subordinates can paralyze the opponent and help Qin Qi to improve some efficiency. For the current Qin Qi, it is still needed.

He must race against time.

The strength of Qin Qi is also to make the mother insects tremble with fear, but even dare not give birth to the idea of ​​betrayal.

On the other hand, Qin Qi also wants to see if the mother will have any rejection of the killing of the same family, but it seems that the mother does not have any special feelings.

For them, fighting is the only mission. As for who to fight, there is no difference. This is naturally better.

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