God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2323: Road and Kunlun

According to the information previously available, there is a stone forest at the intersection of each grommet in the exile area. There is a monument in the stone forest.

Only later, it was completely destroyed by the dark genus.

When Qin Qi came to this place, they could not even feel the breath of any monument, but also the side of the taboo on the dark side.

At this moment, the power of the monument has reappeared.

It should be the only residual force left, diluted in the stone forest, it is the dark genus, but also the power can detect.

Just did not expect that this power was actually provoked by Qin Qi.

Different Kunlun does not know what is causal, but since such a change has occurred, it may help Qin Qi.

He could not let Qin Qi deepen his understanding of the anti-Kunlun through deduction, but he studied the Taoist stone and knew what kind of power it contained.

In this case, it will force the power of the monument to a more comprehensive coming!

This point, different Kunlun can still be done.

In the hands of Qin Qi, Dao Shi can not only be refining by different Kunlun, but also a large amount of inventory. Now, Yi Kunlun will smelt one of the brains and water the Qin Qi remnant with the essence.

And when the children saw this, they thought about it with their heads, and quickly stepped forward, and entangled their own avenue particles.

At this attraction, the remaining power of the Taoist monument began to gather more quickly and slowly infused into the remnants of Qin Qi.

I don't know what effect this change has.

But just like the little flowers are left with the dance of the sky, the only thing that different Kunlun can do is it.

On the other hand, what Qin Qi saw was another scene.


Qin Qi whispered, he saw the huge Kunlun Mountain, majestic and boundless, enough to open the world.

In the vagueness, you can see that there is a figure between the 999 dragon heads on the Kunlun Mountains.

"That was the person who took the Kunlun Mountains to fly up!" Qin Qi was a giant shock.

The person who lifted Kunlun in the heyday of the earth world once again appeared in the consciousness of Qin Qi.

But when it was on Earth, it was traced back and saw the ancient picture.

What is it now?

Qin Qi was too late to think about it, because the picture was read again.

On the Kunlun Mountains, a monument to Hengdan was there, and there was a suppression of the ancient times. Even Kunlun Mountain could not be broken.

It seems that on the monument, there is also one person standing.

"Is this the scene when Kunlun flew up the road?" Qin Qi was shocked and thought of some possibility.

But now Kunlun, there is no such monument, only the Kunlun Mountains, covering the ancient times, the sea and the sea, the mountain is immortal.

Sure enough, the next moment, Kunlun Mountain showed infinite power, the scene is too horrible, Qin Qi saw only some pictures, but could not bear it, could not help but close his eyes.

Until the calm and calm, Qin Qi was able to see the past, what he saw was only the last scene.

Kunlun Mountain has replaced the location of the monument, and it has become the only one in the world and supreme.

The monument is falling and I don’t know where to go.

Qin Qi slammed his eyes and wanted to see the details on the monument. Finally, he saw a word from the book above.

Qin Qi didn't know the word, but the word was too special. It seemed to be a stroke and a world of avenues.

This word is called "Tao"!

Qin Qi did not know why there was such an idea in his heart. He clearly did not know the word, but this word seems to be the collection of all the avenues.

Then it is called "dao"!

"Does the monument not succeed?" Qin Qi felt a move and thought of a possibility.

But he couldn't confirm anything. The monument fell, and the people on it, Qin Qi didn't even see it. I am afraid that in the peer collision, it has already been defeated and may have died.

"It is difficult, the master of this monument is the original hegemon of the Tao, but Kunlun, which has been soared, has replaced the position of the whole world pedigree?" Qin Qi guessed.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to verify.

But if that's the case, it would be too great.

This scene should have occurred in the extremely long past, and it is also the time when the earth has turned from prosperity to decline. The specific years and months have long been unclear.

But since the Taoist world already existed at that time, it should be after the ancient times.

I don't know if the person on the Kunlun Mountain is still there. Such a person should have already overcome the time.

It is the age of the ages that has passed, and he is not likely to be ruined.

Qin Qi couldn't help but feel a little excited. It came from the ancient earth. Although Qin Qi did not recognize his way of flying.

But after seeing it for the first time, I was eager to see it.

Qin Qi looked at the Kunlun Mountain, which had just replaced the Taoist monument and became the top of the heavens and the earth.

This moment of Kunlun, Shengji!

It is already standing above that peak.

Qin Qi is at this moment, but it is in the shadow of it.

Looking at the magnificent Kunlun Mountain, Qin Qixin realized that the whole person began to turn against Kunlun, just like the reflection of the Kunlun Mountain.

Just as Kunlun was born, there are both positive and negative directions, but in the end, they will give up the reverse and leave positive.

Now, Qin Qi is the direction of this Kunlun counter!

Positive and negative two Kunlun, at this moment, seems to return to the beginning.

In Qin Qi’s heart, he suddenly realized that he set foot in a higher field and understood the deeper will of Kunlun.

The picture is broken, Qin Qi’s consciousness is also returned to the body.

Then, the force of the anti-Kunlun flowed to every part of the dragon's vortex, and the vortex that had gradually collapsed began to reverse, just like the time-reversal, in a little bit of recovery.

However, this time, the Dragon Ring vortex is no longer a semi-finished product. Qin Qi’s crazy idea is completely shaped. This is his strength and unique!

The construction of the dragon ring vortex was successful, and the collapse of Qin Qi’s body was also stopped. The physical strength began to return, Kunlun to the dragon, and flesh and blood reborn.

"Oh, oh!" The child cheered and was very proud. He felt that he had saved Qin Qi.

But look around, but only the mother is still conscious, no one praised her, suddenly a small face, sitting on one side, looking at the sullen.

The female worm, also watching Qin Qi, was shocked.

Its injury is also very heavy, but it has not yet reached the level of sudden death. Qin Qi is different, and such injuries can still recover.

This is terrible.

Is this still human?

The group with the strongest vitality in the dark genus is afraid that this step cannot be done.

But no matter how incredible, Qin Qi is recovering, and the body re-agglomerates visible to the naked eye. After a small quarter of an hour, it has completely recovered.

At least on the surface, you can't see any injuries.

But now Qin Qi's body structure is different from before. Dan Tian and Kunlun heart are integrated into the dragon ring vortex, not in the original place.

In the future, if anyone takes it for granted that Dan Tian is the weakness of Qin Qi, I am afraid that I will miss the opportunity. Finally, Qin Qi opened his eyes.

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