God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2331: Adjoining Zhongzhou

The word monument was revived, and the word "dao" above was particularly splendid. Immediately, a circle appeared out of thin air. It was a portal, and through this, it was able to go to the second monument.

This is the intersection of the fifth grommet and the sixth grommet.

"Wow, is that simple?" The little flower was speechless.

They have come through here after thousands of hardships, and as a result, people can directly cross this dangerous and unremarkable war relics by using the monument.

People are more popular than people.

"Go, go over, it's Zhongzhou." God's Wandao took the lead in crossing the portal.

Qin Qi naturally keeps up.

And the little flowers, they also went in.

The streamer flashed in front of me, and after a while, the field of vision suddenly returned to normal, and what I saw before it became a lively scene in which the exile was not visible at all.

Emperor City!

This is the core hub of the Emperor City of Zhongzhou, the whole Tianyuan world, and the other side of the portal is here.

Qin Qi looked at the giant city in front of him. This time, it was finally not false.

He has re-entered the Central State!

The opening of the portal, only the gods of the gods and Fu Caixuan can do it, now suddenly open, naturally attract attention, a few breaths, then there are strong to arrive.

"Emperor of the Emperor, the emperor!" Qin Qi eyes fell to the people, but also could not help but feel a little excited.

This pair of legendary couples, coming together, the wind is still the same, the day seems to have returned to the past, the past time.

These two people were the predecessors who took care of Qin Qi in the same year. Today, goodbye, but there is a sense of separation.

"Qin Qi!" The emperor was also exclaimed.

Compared with the emperor's lord, she and Qin Qi are more familiar with each other. They have met Qin Qi and Green Luo, and have given treasures to help Qin Qi to reinvent the danger.

It was only the young boy who was in the beginning, but now he has grown into a towering tree and needs them to look up.

However, when the realm returns to the realm, Qin Qi will never reduce his respect for the two, and there is no sorrow in the current ceremony.

"I always feel that you will come back, and sure enough, did not let us down!" The emperor smiled and saw Qin Qi, a natural surprise.

Qin Qi, no doubt is the hero of the Zhongzhou Terran. If it is not his sacrifice, there will be no Zhongzhou escape from birth and arrive at the border.

After that, Qin Qi had no more news, which made people worry.

After all, the game of the day, with the strength of Qin Qi, is extremely difficult to reverse, and may die in the outer world, or become a prisoner.

Unfortunately, they can only pray that Qin Qi is innocent, but nothing can be done.

Now that Qin Qi is coming back, a stone in my heart has finally fallen. How can it be a surprise?

"I am waiting for you there." The gods faintly said that they nodded to the Emperor and they were swallowed up by the portal and left the place.

On the other side of his mouth, Qin Qi naturally understands that it is the road monument located here!

Maybe she is there.

"Qin Qi, you are now over the top of everyone, I believe that Zhongzhou, after you return, will have no worries!" Emperor City Lord laughed, revealing joy.

They lived in the heavens and the earth opened up by this monument, no longer worried about being swallowed by the exile. The cultivation system has gradually unfolded and began to approach the system of the Tao.

Among them, the top layer exists, such as the Emperor City, and so on, it has successfully replaced the practice method, specializing in the Taoist system.

In addition, among the war relics, there are not a few resources left, and the top level, which has a great auxiliary effect on cultivation.

Qin Qi can feel that this big Zhongzhou, the spirit is actually very rich, comparable to many of the top holes in the road.

It seems that Zhongzhou has truly established itself in this exile, and even the problems of poverty and desolate have been properly solved.

However, although the progress is good, but after all, the foundation is too bad, it is the imperial city lord such a hero, and now it only touches the Xuanjing.

Not as good as the callers of the heavens.

Of course, the gods of the Tao, who can resonate with the Taoist monument, are much more powerful, and they are already close to heaven.

And his realm should continue to improve rapidly. After all, the gods such as the Taoist monument have a high level of strength, and Qin Qi can't touch it for the time being.

It is a pity that this kind of example cannot be copied. Only by mastering the gods of heaven and earth can we do it.

Qin Qi learned from the emperor's city masters about the current situation of family members and friends, knowing that they are safe and sound, and there is no rush to rush back to the city of the era.

Of course, the reason why Qin Qi does not know how to face the payment of color, or, taboo the female emperor.

He followed the emperor's city and they walked in the emperor's city. At the same time, they also understood the specific situation of Zhongzhou.

"When the state arrived in the realm soon, it was caught as a handle, forcing the ancestors to be exiled with me and enter this world of anger."

"I am too weak, that is, the ancestors of the ancestors, and they can only guard the state of China, and it is difficult to do more."

"And then, the ancestors died in the **** battle with the dark genus, and there is no shelter for the people of Zhongzhou. I am almost desperate."

"Just did not expect", the emperor looked at Qin Qi, the complex complex, "I did not expect that the legendary taboo will return, only reverse the situation, even sent Zhongzhou to this place!"

Qin Qi is silent.

He wanted to ask if the emperor really died, but now it seems that they don't necessarily understand the emperor. Maybe he can give him the answer. Only the taboo female emperor who took over the war.

"We originally thought that this place of exile, a barren, nothing, but survival, all need to spend the past, and these will sooner or later will be exhausted, then Zhongzhou will collapse!"

"But I did not expect that in the core area of ​​this war relic, the resources are far more than imagined, and the inheritance left by those predecessors is not mentioned, it is a variety of mineral veins rich in spirituality, and there are countless!"

"According to our calculations, these veins were the ancient world that affected the heavens and the earth. With the passage of time, they gradually evolved. It is the precipitation of those strong powers against the sky. Today, it is cheaper for us!"

"It counts, and it's a dead end."

It is seen that Qin Qi is not in a hurry to return to the city of the era, all kinds of reasons, the emperor city owners they understand, so they began to talk with Qin Qi.

In this way, Qin Qi also has a general understanding of the current situation in Zhongzhou.

It can be said that in the midst of the disaster, after the arrival of Zhongzhou, the female emperor will display the taboo and reinvent the people.

Those mineral veins that are rich in spirits, many of them are the gods and veins, even in the realm of the Tao, there are only a few giants.

But at most it is two.

Here, there are more than a dozen of them, and they are all called up. The consumption of the supply of the state has directly opened up excellent cultivation conditions.

With these veins supported, Zhongzhou is already comparable to the top of the road, and even wins.

Not only that, there are many inheritances in the remnants of war, and the female emperor and the gods of the gods are forbidden to use the power of the monument to gain a lot of these creations and decentralize them to the people of Zhongzhou. This is not the case. The taboo female emperor went to the depths of the war to go deeper and retrieved a space ring, which was left by the top elites of the old people. It was not destroyed in the war.

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