God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2333: Warmth

"Do you know what you originally?" Gao Hao looked at Qin Qi and suddenly asked.

Su Shi and Situ Jing heard the words, suddenly shocked, indeed, Qin Qi's reaction was beyond their expectations, as if already known.

Regarding the relationship between Fu Cao Xuan and the taboo female emperor, Qin Qi did not mention it after the resurrection of the year.

Because then he decided that even if he was sorry for the taboo female emperor, he would not let her appear again.

Fu Cai Xuan, just paying for color.

It is a pity that manpower is sometimes done, and some things are Qin Qi, and they are forced to do so.

At the time of the crisis in Zhongzhou, Fu Cai’s end of the day was in contact with the deepest part of the subconscious, and the taboo female emperor returned.

Today, there is no need to hide anything. Qin Qi has said everything about the matter.

"I didn't expect it to be like this," Situ said quietly.

"Fu Jun, is it true that she will not come back again?" Su said could not help but ask.

"I don't know," Qin Qi shook his head.

Everything must be known after seeing the taboo female emperor.

But at this moment, Qin Qi really does not want to see her, at least, let him enjoy the joy of reunion with his family.

Therefore, Qin Qi exhaled a sigh of relief and stopped thinking about it. Instead, he looked at Situ Jing with suicide and looked at Su.

"What's wrong?" Both Situ Jing and Su Shi were seen as reddish.

"I remember that you are all pregnant, what is the situation now, is there no birth?" Qin Qi wondered.

The two men clearly have their stomachs up.

Even if Qin Qi’s son-in-law is different from others, it’s not a pregnancy in October, but now he’s going down alone, where is the child?

Su Shi and Situ Jing heard the words and smiled. "The child has been born safely, but not here."

"Where is that?" Qin Qi hurriedly asked.

These children, except for those who are not personally, such as Qin Xiaopeng and Yu Er, did not even have a birth when he was with him.

Although it is a matter of fact, the wife understands him, but some can't say it.

For example, the original Fuer did not recognize Qin Qi, although there are reasons for sorghum, but there is a great relationship with Qin Qi.

Now Qin Qi is not easy to come back, of course, to spend more time with his children.

Oh, no, you have to see the child first.

"Take her away," Situ Jing said.

"They are still small, have they brought it to practice?" Qin Qi frowned.

"The children are very talented and very good, so it is normal to be trained." Situ Jing laughed.

"Although she said nothing, but we can also feel her urgency, she seems to be trying to improve the strength of the state, perhaps, why in preparation," Gao Yan slowly.

She now holds all the intelligence exchanges in Zhongzhou. From the details, she can analyze the mentality of the taboo female emperor.

"Although it has stabilized now, it still can't be relaxed. Her heart is in a hurry, it is normal," Situ Jing said.

"Not the same", Gao Song shook his head and immediately looked at Qin Qi. "In short, when you go to see her, it will be clear."

"I know it," Qin Qi nodded.

A few people were together and talked a lot, and Qin Qi also told them about the experience of these years.

In these years, Qin Qi can be said to be a legend. From Tianyuan to the outside world, he returned to the earth and eventually entered the Taoist world. He experienced too much.

In addition, Qin Qi did not conceal anything about Tang Sinuo, but it seems that no matter whether it is Su Shi or Situ Jing, there is no unhappy look, it is really to make Qin Qi shameful.

"That girl, Tang, is the one who came with you?" Gao said suddenly.

It is worthy of being the person who has all the intelligence. When everyone’s attention is on Qin Qi, he has mastered the general information of Xiaohua and others.

It is said that Su is still good, she is a non-contentious temper, gentle and quiet is her biggest feature, but Situ Jing is not the same.

She will not eat a little vinegar, just look at Qin Qi thousands of hardships to come back, do not care about Qin Qi.

Now when I hear this, my ears are suddenly erected, and it is a look at the sorghum.

These two women, partner for many years, some are tacit understanding, squatting a finger, they jumped out of an image, which is a small flower.

Situ Jing’s eyes shook a little, and it was quite sour. “I don’t think you are forced to helpless. I’m already coveted.”

"She is called Shen Shahua, it is my friend. This road has helped me a lot, leading to the lack of strength and becoming a mortal." Qin Qi shook his head without words.

However, such a small movement between them is to make Qin Qi feel more cordial.

"This way," Situ Jing grinned, and then he was suspicious: "On this road, you really didn't happen anything?"

The value of the small flower is too high. What you see is only that Xiao Xiao can compare with it. When Situ Jing feels that he is a man, he can’t stand this charm.

"Can I be such a messy person?" Qin Qi was depressed.

"Hey, it’s your heart, the most likely!" Situ Jing said.

"Well, after waiting, we will definitely see the girl of Tang, and then look at what kind of person is it," Su said with a smile.

She has already regarded Don Sinuo as this family.

"Small words, you don't want to be so used to him, or our sisters will not count in the future!" Situ Jing snorted twice.

Su said with a grin, and then said: "It is great to know that the heroine and the girl are innocent!"

"That is, now that the husband is also back, the next step is to plan to leave the exile, at least to open up the exit, and then meet with the girl Ji!" Situ Jing nodded.

Qin Qi did not conceal Tang Sinuo's affairs. The situation of the green radish naturally also said, but they seem to have expected that there will be such a day, and there is not much to mention at all.

"It is true. After I understand the situation here, I will find a way." Qin Qidao.

Qin Qi said everything about himself, and then, it was Gao Qi who would tell Zhong Qi about the specific situation of Zhongzhou.

In these cases, regardless of the size, Qin Qi has learned about it. Only in this way can we better help make any decisions in the future.

Of course, Qin Qi is also extremely concerned.

"Xiaobai, Diji, Yuexin, Xiaohuang, Bairi, before they entered the exile, they left Zhongzhou beforehand?" Qin Qi whispered.

At that time, there were more than a few of them leaving Zhongzhou, but Qin Qi cares only about these.

"Well, but more is wrong, we did not expect that Zhongzhou will be forced into the exile." Situ quietly smiled.

"Right, before the husband entered this place, have you heard of Xiaobai’s whereabouts?" Situ Jing asked.

"Yuexin they are still not clear for the time being, Xiaobai is now, may not be in a good situation." Qin Qi spit out a sigh of relief.


"Is those people in the middle domain, they want to scribble the roots?" Situ quietly sighed.

"Not bad," Qin Qi nodded, his voice cold. "I believe that Xiaobai will not have something, and those people, I will definitely let them pay ten times the price!"

"In short, the following things, to open the export as the first priority," Gao Yu Shen channel.

After that, the family is constantly talking and there are too many things to say.

On the second day, after the news of Qin Qi’s return spread, Qin Qi’s old people all over Zhongzhou rushed over.

The elders of Chaotianmen, the comrades in the battlefield in the north, and the gentleman of the emperor's academy, the entire era of the city, are full of excitement.

The return of Qin Qi, the Zhongzhou Terran is a great spirit, I believe that the hero of this state and even the entire Tianyuan world, will be able to lead Zhongzhou to a strong!

Will not be bullied again.

Qin Qi met with them, which used him a lot of time, but also let him finally sort out his mood.

After sending away the guests, Qin Qi sighed with a sigh of relief, and his eyes fell to the end of the world, and the looming monumental shadow. It's time to go see one side.

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