God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2335: Sitting side by side

Even though he already knew that even if he had already prepared himself, Qin Qi discovered at the moment that it was just his own wishful thinking.

He is still unable to accept such a reality.

The man did not shed tears, but he did not go to the sad place.

Qin Qi did not go to stop bleeding, he just looked at Fu Cai Xuan, tears could not stop.

"I'm sorry", in the end, Qin Qi can only say such three words.

The taboo female emperor looked at Qin Qi and watched him burst into tears. For a moment, he did not know what to say.

Cried into such a Qin Qi, no one has seen it.

"A big person, crying like this, is it interesting?" The taboo female emperor finally had no choice.

Qin Qi gritted his teeth and looked up. He did not speak.

"I told you long ago, I will come back after all," the taboo female emperor turned back and continued to look ahead.

"If I am by her side, you will never come back again!" Qin Qi said.

"You are really worried, ready to seal me forever?" The taboo female emperor laughed.

"It is best not to come back," Qin Qidao.

"No wonder you are so fancy, they are still willing to wait for you, but it is good enough for their wife." The taboo female emperor shook her head.

"So, is it ok?" Qin Qi laughed at himself.

"Not bad, I am quite happy for them, at least they wait, and have not been disappointed." Taboo female emperor faint.

She had waited, waiting for the ages, but found nothing.

Qin Qi bit his teeth and said: "You don't talk to me like your sister, I am not your brother!"

The taboo female priest stunned and immediately laughed and said: "Who knows."

Qin Qi looked at the taboo female emperor, and she was so upset. She said this in the past. Today, I still say so, deliberately let Qin Qi be depressed?

There is any reincarnation in the world, death is death, and everything is over.

"Don't cry any more, even if you cry, this time, I will not give up again," the taboo female emperor turned.

"I know", Qin Qi was silent, and then said.

The taboo female emperor has already retreated.

Some of her people have never resigned from outsiders for the rest of their lives. The former concession was the retreat of the body of the first generation of the dragon when she was a mortal.

Qin Qi also let her retreat once.

It is only once.

More luxury, Qin Qi did not dare to think.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and wiped the tears dry. Even if he didn't want to, he could only accept such a reality.

Moreover, as long as the taboo female emperor is still there, only her memory, there is the paragraph that belongs to Fu Cao Xuan, perhaps, one day, Qin Qi can still bring Fu Cai Xuan back.

Once, Qin Qi thought that Wu Shen was the limit of the world.

Once, Qin Qi thought that taboos were the supreme world.

Once, Qin Qi thought that the king was the king overlord.

Once, Qin Qi thought that Tianzun was supreme.

But all the peaks seem to have been overturned, and all common sense seems to have been subverted.

As long as it grows stronger, there will be hope.

"It seems that you are calm down." The taboo female emperor looked at Qin Qi and smiled slightly.

"Let's talk about it," Qin Qidao said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Everything is OK, or you can tell me about your previous life, or you can talk about your brother", Qin Qidao.

"These, wait for a chance to talk again," the taboo female emperor shook his head.

"Do you have anything to do?" Qin Qi looked a move, Shen Sheng.

From the past, the taboo female emperor seems to be somewhat eager. Her time seems to be insufficient, and she is trying her best to speed up the progress.

"Well, there is something." The taboo female emperor nodded, but did not elaborate.

"Why are you leaving that singularity?"

Since the female emperor was not willing to say more, Qin Qi had to speak for himself.

"As long as you stay there, you don't have to experience the pain of parting, isn't it?" The taboo female faint.

The false Zhongzhou is not only deceiving the gods, but also preparing for Qin Qi.

Indeed, it is illusory that it can be fake.

Arriving there, Qin Qi is like arriving in the real Central State, and does not have to experience the pain of leaving the color.

"After all, fake is fake, isn't it?" Qin Qi smiled.

"Yes, fake, after all, it is fake", the taboo female emperor nodded.

She has also been lost in true and false, the second generation of the dragon that she resurrected is false, but it was her sustenance.

But fake, after all, is fake.

Qin Qi did not want to go deep into this issue. He turned to ask: "Since your time is tight, why should you leave that false deception, if I don't come, what should you do?"

When Qin Qi came to Zhongzhou, he could greatly help the taboo female emperor. For the time being, only he can do this.

And if Qin Qi is tempted by the illusion, then no one can share the pressure of the taboo female emperor.

"If you don't come, my time will not be so small." The taboo female sighed.

Qin Qi heard the words, the heart suddenly shocked, and immediately thought of something.

"Dark genus?" Qin Qi bit his teeth.

"You don't have to be so excited first. Since you have already come, I have a lot of things to tell you clearly." The taboo female faint.

Qin Qi calmed down and began to shake the strength to recover the injury, while waiting for the female emperor.

"This is about the establishment of the state of the state and the distribution of resources in the exile." The taboo female emperor gave a shot, and a stream of light fell into the forehead of Qin Qi.

There is a lot of information recorded in it, which is extremely detailed. Qin Qi also has to sigh the power of the female emperor, so that the exile can be touched so thoroughly.

At the same time, regarding the setting of Zhongzhou and the blueprint for the future, Qin Qi is even more impressed.

As long as the female emperor's ideas advance, Zhongzhou will rely on this war relic, become extremely powerful, and absolutely have the potential to attack the giant power.

"This is the idea of ​​the door, but it is not finished." The taboo female emperor points out another streamer.

The door in her mouth was the place to leave the exile and return to the gateway of the Tao, but it was not completed.

But even if it is just like this, it is amazing.

In fact, to be precise, the place of exile is that only the entrance has no exit. Although there is an example of going out from the entrance, it is necessary to cooperate with the road.

Otherwise, it will not go out.

But the idea of ​​tabooing the female emperor is to create an independent export, which is incredible!

Qin Qi looked at the idea of ​​the portal, and his heart was astonishing and lingering.

Until now, he remembered that this is a forbidden female emperor, and his talents have never been seen in the past.

It’s just that the female emperor confessed to this, as if he was about to leave, he was entrusting the latter things to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi wants to ask, but the taboo female emperor continues: "Although this idea has not been completed, you can rest assured that there will soon be an opportunity for you to complete the portal."

"The specific opportunity, I am also very difficult to say clearly, but I believe that it is your words, you can certainly seize!" Taboo female emperor.

These two items are the most important things. After the female emperor confessed to the confession, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. When the finger volleyed, a circle appeared. From this circle, you can see another scene of heaven and earth.

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