God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2340: Causal cause and effect

"The body of the dragon vein... Why?" Qin Qi did not understand.

The taboo female emperor said that he knew it was true, because Kunlun’s ancestral land was on the earth, and the new Kunlun, which was before the Earth’s nuclear explosion, was indeed forcibly taken away.

That person is the one who created the world of heaven.

The first taboo is also from his hand, so indirectly, the system is also created by him.

The cause and effect, has been chaotic, can really be sorted out?

Moreover, this person made such a big hand, just for the body of the dragon?

Qin Qi has some unbelief.

The body of the dragon vein is indeed very strong, known as the first physique, but many special physiques, but also unique, really research into the depths, use properly, also has a strong strength.

For this, creating nine hundred and ninety-nine worlds is too exaggerated.

After all, it is a real big world, not a small world in the strong body. So in order to build these test sites, I am afraid I have already built a world tree!

"The body of the dragon vein is not as simple as you think, because this is only the initial state."

"Initial state?"

"Yes, it is only when it becomes the body of the dragon vein that it is possible to evolve to the Kunlun body, and the Kunlun body...the one above Kunlun is the physique!"

Wen Yan, Qin Qi once again shocked.

There is no need to taboo the female emperor to say anything more. This sentence alone is enough to show the strength of the Kunlun body.

Why the person behind him has spent so many means and wants to get the body of the dragon vein, you can understand, what he really wants is the Kunlun body!

Perhaps in his view, only with the same physique can you compete with the one on the Kunlun Mountains.

In the vagueness, Qin Qi had some conjectures about the identity of the people behind him.

"Or, you have the opportunity to become a Kunlun body, but it seems that you have no need to look at your way."

Qin Qi retracted his heart and nodded. "I believe my way will never be weak."

The taboo female emperor smiled and said: "It should be."

"Speaking back, the man opened up 999 worlds, prepared to compare each other, and then chose the strongest one!"

"Of course, he did a very good job, worried that the strength of the Dragon's body is related to the Kunlun ancestral land, so each test site is similar to Kunlun's ancestral land."

This is no wonder.

After Qin Qi returned to Earth, he saw many history of earth civilization, including Buddhism, Taoism, and Western mythology.

These are very similar to the Tianyuan world.

Now I know that it was originally deliberate.

"You should know that my brother is a natural dragon vein, but unfortunately, it has passed away, so the Tianyuan world will be abandoned by that person." The taboo female emperor faintly mentions his brother, and there is still grief in his eyes.

"But then the development of the Tianyuan world probably came out of that person's surprise. He re-appeared his eyes on this side. It seems that he began to value me with it."

Qin Qi stunned, but soon relieved.

I value the taboo female emperor, and her words will never be lost to the dragon vein!

The person behind him estimated that he was hesitant to use the taboo female emperor instead of the dragon's body, so he chose the Qin Qi born on the earth using the system created by the first taboo.

It is necessary to control the female emperor with the cause and effect of Qin Qi and the female emperor.

However, why Qin Qi is chosen is still a mystery, but if it is just casual, it always feels a little wrong.

Although Qin Qi said that the body of the dragon vein originated from the dragon vein of Tianyuan World, it is consistent with the second generation dragon pulse of the resurrection of the taboo female emperor, but apart from this, there should be no connection.

However, the appearance of Qin Qi is very similar to that of the dragon vein.

Is the system deliberately chosen a similar Qin Qi?

After all, there are many people on the earth, and they will multiply from generation to generation. After all, there will be a similar person.

But if it's just that, it's a bit confusing, and it doesn't make sense to know that.

The taboo female emperor looked at Qin Qi's gaze and became slightly complicated. But she said nothing, just continued: "So you should understand, I must cut off your cause and effect, so as not to be influenced by that person. ""

"In addition, make sure you won't be around him!"

Judging from the overall situation, Qin Qi and the taboo female emperor are nothing but the little white rat in the test field. It is the chess piece in the hands of the man behind him.

I usually look at nothing, but as long as the person is willing, it is easy to control.

Only by breaking all causes and effects can we get out of it.

For the taboo female emperor who has long been self-defeating, the only thing that can affect her is only Qin Qi.

For Qin Qi, the system will become the key cause and effect.

When the system was last updated, the person behind it planned to continue to control this cause and effect, but was interrupted by the female emperor, and the system became a different Kunlun.

It is only though this is the case, the cause and effect seem to have been cut off.

But in fact, it is just the people behind it who want to look at it this way and see what Qin Qi and the taboo female emperor can become.

He obviously has a heart for the odds of the taboo female emperor.

As for Qin Qi, it is nothing. After all, in the nine hundred and ninety-nine worlds, the most important thing is the body of the dragon vein!

Leave this long line, only for the female emperor.

This time, the taboo female emperor will have to relieve all worries before leaving, so that he and Qin Qi are no longer under any control.

"Can you really do it?" Qin Qi couldn't help but worry.

After all, since the person behind it can lay such a big hand, its strength is bound to be the bottom of the sky, with the current taboo female emperor, whether it can be done, there is doubt.

"It may be a little difficult elsewhere, but it is relatively easy to get to the border, let alone, what we are in now is the place of exile!"

"Here, the man can't interfere with anything!" Taboo the female emperor.

Then she chuckled and ridiculed a bit. "In addition, since she chooses someone else's way, it is estimated that she will not know that God is too empty."

Qin Qi heard the words, nodded and nodded.

Choose how to take the road of others, how dare you die?

"Okay, I said enough, let go of causality." The taboo female emperor slowly floated into the air, and the starlight in the sky was the stars.

In her body, the cause and effect surround, giving people a very different feeling. It seems that everything has been in the cause and effect since ancient times.

The taboo female emperor reached out and bowed down to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi's face is stunned, and nothing has changed. It just feels that the people in front of him are getting farther and farther.

She is clearly in front of her.

Does this even break the cause and effect?

"You..." Qin Qi opened his mouth.

"The next thing, I will give it to you." The taboo female emperor smiled lightly, and his body was full of light and everything was floating.

She will leave.

Qin Qi still wants to say something, but it is a voice, coming from the void.

"It is a good way to break the cause and effect. You can't help but marvel again!" The voice came, and then a figure came out directly from the void.

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