God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2351: Waste class

Relying on the black lock, the black shadow suddenly became huge enough to open the world, and immediately, his hands crossed and slammed closed.

The blood scabbard and the immortal guard are all sealed.

Such a power, if the magic swallows the sun and the moon, swallow the mountains and rivers!

And then, a shocking sword rang.

Return to the blood scabbard, pull the sword!

The only sword is the strongest sword.

Between the dark giant palms, a series of **** rays passed through the cracks to the outside.

With a mad madness, a blood line, from near to far, disappeared into the sky.

"There is nothing to lose, you have to escape, **** it!" The shadows are furious, but now they are helpless.

The blood scabbard is the weapon of heaven and earth. One of the murderers of the ancient times, now with the impact of seven injuries, even the black lock can not stop.

If it is forcibly blocked, it will be both loses. When the blood scabbard is afraid, it will be broken, and the black lock will be cut off.

That would be even more loss.

Just now, what about it?

The black shadow is here through the black lock, but after all, it is not the real body, and there are too few things that can be done.

not to mention.

The blood scabbard rushed into the depths of the exile, and there was a remnant of war, the power of heaven, and it was not easy to get close.

Not to mention, this time, the level of activity of the Dark Heavens in the exile is beyond imagination. Even if it is Tianzun, how are you willing to risk?

In the end, the shadows were so deep that the city was very deep and quickly suppressed the anger.

"Let's go back like this, I am afraid that I have to work hard with me. It is really trouble..." The black shadow whispered, the black lock slowly turned, and the immortal protection was re-sealed.

"But in any case, at least the protection of immortality is still in the hands, not the worst case." The shadow can only comfort himself.

However, the voice has just fallen, and the immortal protection has also changed.

Immediately, it blasted directly, and the black lock could not completely suppress these violent forces and was forcibly opened.

Then, the fragments of the immortal guards were reorganized and rushed straight into the distance.

Immortal protection.

It is immortal!

Even if you blew yourself, you can reorganize. If you want to say it, the ninth heavy undead body is not enough!

The change came too suddenly.

The black shadow was also unexpected.

And the power he can come to is really limited. Just a hard fight with the bloodstain scabbard, the loss is not small, now can stop the immortal care?

It’s just a matter of planning for tens of thousands of years. I’ve spent my time trying to use a lot of resources. In the end, is this the result?

The huge loss is still secondary at this moment. What is important is that the black shadow can't bear to watch the two gods, so it is so inexplicable.

And it's still time for them to harvest the fruit.

"The trough!"

Rao is to overwhelm the heavens and the earth, and the power can pass through the sky. When you read the birth and death, you can decide the strong and strong people who are born and killed. At this moment, you can’t help but burst into a thick mouth.

Only the word "lying trough" can show his messy heart at the moment.

Qin Qi did not know how much the mysterious Tianzun strong man was angry. Of course, he did not realize what happened here.

At this moment, there is no extra mind to pay attention to anything else.

Because of the heavy forging of blood, it has come to the most critical moment.

Finish the last step.

Qin Qi retired a few steps, all of them were cold sweats, and their faces were pale.

He couldn't stand even the station.

It is hard to imagine that the strength of Qin Qi’s body and soul will become so exhausted. It is obvious how terrible this consumption is.

However, even if the feeling of exhaustion comes from the body and mind, Qin Qi is very excited.

He became!

In the forging process, although there have been many twists and turns, and even a few times failed, but in the end, it has become.


A loud noise.

The infinite amount of murderousness erupted from the forging furnace, and it was so fierce, let alone the volcano erupted, it was the star explosion!

Such a force, even Qin Qi can not resist, was directly flew out.

The specially built forging workshop, without mentioning it, turned directly into ruins.

Fortunately, Qin Qi expected that this would be the case, so the forging workshop was built in the layout that was recently accommodated by Zhongzhou.

There are not many forces here, so don't worry about hurting others.

"This is too strong, it is definitely a step-by-step order!" Qin Qi coughed out a blood and was injured.

After all, the consumption is too large, and the resilience of the flesh cannot be effectively displayed. It seems that it is more like a war.

However, Qin Qi did not care at all. He stared at the **** gas column that passed through the sky, but it was the purest murderous composition.

The blood of the new birth is being announced to the world, it is coming!

The vision of the heavens continued for a while, and then the murder suddenly converges, and the light of the blood is also retracted in an instant, all infiltrating into a woman.

Kill the **** worm.

Of course, it is also bloody.

But now **** can already appear as a form of killing blood, which also shows that killing blood is already completely compatible with blood.

It is like the same as the slaying sword that gave birth to her.

"How, can you still be satisfied with this new body?" Qin Qi lay on the ground and smiled at the sky to kill the blood.

That beautiful red, the dress danced like a **** river.

It is so beautiful!

"Very good!" Killed the blood and nodded.

She is really satisfied.

Although it was still not as good as the sword of the day, it was Tian Zun's full forging and warming up the weapons of his life.

It is normal for Qin Qi to forge a sword that rivals it for the time being.

Moreover, if Qin Qi enters the ranks of Tianzun one day, then this **** will surely surpass the slain!

Killing **** Ji, at this moment, the heart is so determined.

Qin Qi smirked and smiled. He took a hand and killed the blood. He rushed from the sky and embraced Qin Qi's arms. Immediately, the blood flowed, and Qin Qi had already had a long sword.

The whole body is bloody, such as jade like gold, there is a grain of heaven, as long as you look a little, the mind is likely to be submerged by the blood of the corpse.

The person who is generally cultivated is afraid that when he looks at the sword, he may die from the liver and gallbladder and can't stop the kind of murder.

Qin Qi measured the blood in his hand a few times, regardless of form or strength, which made him very satisfied.

With this sword, probably under the gods, there is no rival!

Qin Qi thought in mind, of course, this is not necessarily. After all, although Qin Qi can kill the general world, but always feel that distance is still far away.

There may be some high heavens, far more powerful than imagination.

But no matter what, the success of **** and heavy forging is to make Qin Qi greatly encouraged, the feeling of strength in hand, and the incomparable comfort!

"This is a good sword, but unfortunately, there is no scabbard matching." Qin Qi had a little regret.

Suddenly, a **** light across the horizon, Qin Qi did not respond, the blood has come to the near, directly hit the bloody.

Qin Qi was stunned.

Realizing that he is innocent, seeing something that suddenly appears above the bloody, is even more responsive.

what is this.

Santa's gift? Isn’t it a scabbard above the blood?

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