God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2363: Sansheng Temple

"I also think that we should have not left the scope of the tomb." Zhang Lang has a more compass in his hand. The pointer above keeps beating and points out a rune.

These runes have special meanings, but only the tomb thief can understand, Qin Qi has no clue.

"This may be the grave of the Buddha's demon. Of course, it is not a Buddha's demon. You need to say something else," said Zhang Lang.

Immediately, he had words in his mouth, and the compass in his hand turned faster, and even the power dissipated and turned into a huge compass.

Zhang Lang is in the center of the compass. His other hand, holding the tomb of the tomb, Lan Xiang Luoyang shovel, at this moment, has served as a pointer.

One rune is beating on Zhang Lang, if it is a living thing, it is like a little devil, jumping, and finally it is turned into two lines, what information should be conveyed.

"The sun rises and the moon rises, the Buddha and the devil are empty, and they take it." Zhang Lang whispered.

Immediately, his face suddenly became white, and a blood spurted out, and the whole person fell into a state of extreme weakness.

"Zhang Lang!" Qin Qi exclaimed, and quickly shaken the power, wrapped it up, and continuously provided treatment.

In this way, Zhang Lang is considered to be a sigh of relief.

"Is that just a counterattack?" Qin Qi Shen said.

"If you want to explore clearly, you always have to pay the price. Fortunately, this baby is very powerful, and the doorway of this tomb is excavated!" Although Zhang Lang is weak, he is very excited.

"What did you mean by that?" Xiaohua frowned.

"Wait, when the sun rises, it will naturally have an answer," said Zhang Lang.

This is the information that Lanxiang Luoyang shovel digs out, and the rules of the tomb are like this.

When the sun goes down and the moon rises, the Buddha will stand up in the air. At that time, you should be able to see the shackles of the burial.

However, it is unclear whether the so-called "self-acquisition" can be smooth.

At least Qin Qi does not believe that as long as he waits until the beginning of his life, he can easily take away the creation.

"It seems that there is no danger here, and it is still early from the sun. Let's look around, maybe there are more gains," Qin Qidao said.

"Or the boss is thoughtful!" Zhang Lang nodded.

This world is indeed very big.

However, it is very monotonous, forever blue sky and white clouds, a peaceful.

But this is a big world. If you are willing, it will never be just such a scene, it can be more abundant.

The reason is obviously an independent choice, not the world is too weak.

Qin Qi they gallop all the way, really did not encounter any danger, but the harvest is not.

"It is difficult, really have to wait until the sun and the moon alternate?" Qin Qi Emei.

However, I was thinking that there was a special fluctuation in Qin Qi’s perception, which came from the far left and was very weak, but it could be distinguished.

This blue sky and white clouds, green grass, as long as a little change, will be as prominent as a volcanic eruption.

Xiaohua also immediately felt, and now flew in that direction.

"Yushu!" Zhang Lang exclaimed.

After a few breaths, Qin Qi came to the position of special fluctuations, where a eucalyptus tree grew.

As I have seen before.

This jade tree is also rooted in the void, and the fairy light is lingering, and the growth is gratifying. It is obviously bigger than the previous one.

And the advantage of this is that on this jade tree, there are three fairy fruits!

"This is issued!" Zhang Lang exclaimed excitedly.

Three fairy fruits, although not the legendary Dengxian jade fruit, have played a lot of discounts, but the effect is still huge.

At the moment, nature is nothing to say, and the fruit is collected.

"In this tomb, there may be a real fruit of the immortal, and a similar fairy fruit, perhaps a lot!"

"The two, you two first eat, and then continue to find!" Qin Qi said, the two cents were handed to the small flowers and nephew.

Do not look at the small flower is already a real world of heaven, this fairy fruit still has a role for her.

This is where the fairy fruit is.

As for the nephew, the natural benefits are more obvious.

Xiaohua and his nephews are the people who will be polite with Qin Qi. They are hesitant and hesitate. They are swallowed directly. This is a faction. You can see Qin Qi’s belly, and thank you, thank you.

"It's delicious!" The child is happy, the butterfly wings are sloppy and radiant.

Feelings are ordinary fruits, and after eating, there seems to be no change in her body, making Qin Qi quite depressed.

It’s hard to be a child’s blood is really too strong, such a fairy fruit, meaning little?

It was only Qin Qi who did not notice that when the children took up their wings, there seemed to be a very light color on the wings.

Compared with the nephew, after the small flower served the fairy fruit, the change was not small, and the breath began to rise slowly.

This is not the promotion of her realm, but the power of the past is recovering.

This fairy fruit has further nourished the damage of Xiaohua, and has already made great strides toward recovery!

Once healed, the small flower can be the strength of the peak of heaven, and it is stronger than Qin Qi.

"In such a big world, there must be other Yushu, let's find it separately!" Zhang Lang excitedly said.

Qin Qi and Xiao Hua are also bright eyes, so many fairies, more good.

Although it is dangerous to separate, there is no danger in coming along. I don’t want to change until the sun sets.

"Before the sun goes down, you must come back here!" Qin Qi is not nonsense, leaving a force in the original place, the fluctuation is extremely strong, just like the bright lights at night.

Everyone naturally understands the purpose of Qin Qi, and does not need to say anything at all. They are scattered and looking for Yushu.

And along the way, once you approach the limit of the range of fluctuations, everyone will leave a force as a mark.

This is also to avoid getting lost in this world.

Everyone spreads out. Qin Qi’s search range is the sum of the others. The natural speed is extremely fast, like a glimpse of light.

In this world, Qin Qi was also given surprises. After half a day, Qin Qi had found three Yushu trees and seven fairy fruits!

Such a harvest, Qin Qi can not be calm.

After returning, handing these cents to the guys in the Holy Land is enough to help them rush to heaven.

Although the process is still gradual, but at least, can shorten the time by more than half!

More, more!

Qin Qi looked at the sun in the sky and began to sink in the west. It must be faster.

All the way to the light, Qin Qi has increased the speed to the extreme.

However, suddenly, Qin Qi stopped and looked at a small hill in the distance.

The hillside is very common and the ancient wood is loose.

There is a temple in the forest, which has been somewhat run down.

This is Qin Qi searched for such a large range, the first time I saw different scenery, let alone, it was still a temple.

Such a change, Qin Qi naturally strange, he flew down.

"Sansheng Temple?" Qin Qi saw the broken plaque.

Three students... These two words make Qin Qi unable to hold his heart tight.

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