God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2365: Criminal day

Both Qin Qi and Xiao Hua are masters. Without words, they can have a tacit understanding.

When the two men tried their best to speed up and broke through in one direction, they could not be blocked by these faces at least.

The two are like the sharpest knives, and these faces are just tofu, and it is not difficult to open the tofu all the way.

But even this knife is sharp.

Even if it's just tofu.

But one day, the blade will become dull.

In particular, these faces are not tofu, at least, they will not always be tofu.


The weird laughter was even bigger and penetrated directly into the sea of ​​souls.

These grim faces have also changed, and they have turned into a huge face.

And this time, it’s not just a grimace, it’s also a body.

This is a baby's body, but it is huge.

"Grimace corpse baby!" Zhang Lang exclaimed, his face was white, "How come this kind of thing, damn, luck is too bad!"

Ghost face corpse, Zhang Lang has only heard of this ominous spirit in some tombs.

This thing, the obsession, the more powerful, the more horrible the ghost face of the obsessive.

This is definitely not to be underestimated!

The moment when the ghost face appeared, Qin Qi and Xiaohua’s heart were suddenly awkward and felt threatened.

This thing, weird and scary, said that the fighting power is not comparable to these ghost faces, I am afraid it is very tyrannical.

Sure enough, the face of the ghost face screamed, the smile of the exaggerated smile was like a ghost, a "small hand" photographed, like a landslide, straight to Qin Qi and small flowers.

Qin Qi is cold and cold, and the blood is directly smashed, killing the sword and swaying out, directly breaking the arm.

This is also Qin Qi's ability to test each other's strength.

However, it seems that he still can't stop his sword.

However, the battle of this sword did not last long. On the broken arm, countless ghosts swarmed and turned into a ghost face.

And the ghost face that had been cut off from the arm, the arm also recovered.

Don't you die?

"Hey, haha!"

Qin Qi and Xiaohua have not yet fixed their minds, but their bodies have been shrouded in a shadow. The two did not think about it and directly evaded it.

Then, a loud bang of "Boom", a big hand fell down, directly smashed the earth, together with the hand, all broken.

It can be seen that the strength of this blow is that even the hand itself cannot bear it.

However, it doesn't matter, because it can be recovered soon.

And after the restoration, it is not a single one, it is hard to say.

"What is this again!" Xiaohua whispered, and some of the flowers were eclipsed.

This is an ominous spirit similar to a ghost face, but in a completely different form, it is a huge naked woman.

The woman did not disclose it, but the front chest opened a mouth, like the one that was directly torn open, and a grim face was drilled from the inside, especially infiltrating!

"The headless corpse!" Zhang Lang almost cried out.

This is also an ominous spirit, but it is more powerful than a ghost face.

"Little guy, big Mimi!" The little flower mouth twitched, although he wanted to make a joke, but he couldn’t laugh.

Qin Qi is also a dignified face, feeling a more terrible threat.

But for the present, there is nothing that can be done, only resistance.

Ghost face corpse and headless corpse women shot, more terrible than before, strong strength, Qin Qi and Xiaohua, also began to feel tricky.

And the number, the more the kill, the more like, there is no end.

In addition, the battle of the Buddha and the Devil has become more and more extensive. If you can't get out of it, even if you block these ominous spirits, you may not be able to withstand the power of the Buddha.

In this way, there is almost no way to live!

"Boss, think of ways, do not forget, these ghosts will not disappear!" Zhang Lang called.

"Do you know the method?" Qin Qi kept out his sword and tried his best.

"There is no clue for the time being." Zhang Lang is doing his best, and all kinds of implements have been tried again, but still have no gains.

Qin Qi bites his teeth.

He knows that he can't go on like this, otherwise he will die.

"Right, that temple!" Qin Qi felt a move.

Perhaps the temple can shelter them.

Although the temple was fast-paced, even the ghosts of the ghost face could not bear it, but now there is no choice, Qin Qi can only try.

"Follow me!" Qin Qi drank, his body suddenly became deeper, killing.

Kill innocent!

The ability of blood and blood to advance to the ranks of the heavens and the earth, the heart and the earth, can be killed.

Kill the king, kill innocent!

"Fireworks in March, Liuxiang house head - red dust song!" Xiaohua light drink, the body's breath suddenly skyrocketed.

The two joined forces and rushed out, even if they were ghost faces and headless corpses, they could not stop their steps.

However, this road is rushing, and the resistance is constantly rising. There are more and more ghost faces and headless corpses, stacked in layers and stacked in front.

It would be extremely difficult to get to the Sansheng Temple.

"March Fireworks!"

The little flowers are low and the sword is thrown out.

Seeing this sword again is much stronger than what I saw before.

After taking the fairy fruit, the injury of the little flower is almost healed, and the power of the peak of the heavens is displayed in this sword.

It is simply the retreat of the gods!

The ominous spirits that are densely packed together are instantly emptied at this moment.

"Flower girl is mighty and domineering!" Zhang Lang quickly called.

There is no hesitation at the moment, Qin Qi and Xiaohua continue to rush into the sky, and they can see the shadow of the Sansheng Temple.

This ruined temple is so small that it may collapse at any time.

But at the moment, it gives people a feeling of mountain.

The whole world is sunk, but the Sansheng Temple is located there without any influence.

It looks like there is nothing wrong with the hunch, this Sansheng Temple can really shelter them!

Qin Qi’s heart was happy, but only a little, he could arrive.

However, at this time, it is a much larger ominous spirit falling from the sky, countless ghosts swarming, and still growing.

"Decapitated!" Zhang Lang’s eyes widened. "Does this ghost thing appear?"

The **** of punishment is a ghost, but it is still a ghost!

The arrogance of the sky, the gods tremble, a huge axe in hand, can break the mountains and rivers.

Such an ominous spirit is actually tender and cohesive. Is it true that the tomb of the tomb was buried?

Zhang Lang could not help but despair.

The decapitation is in the forefront. How can they survive in the past?

Xiaohua is also pale, just the sword, has consumed her too much power, it is difficult to make a sword again.

Even if it is barely out, but in front of the decapitation, the power is so terrible, afraid that it can not be killed.

However, if you look back, it really does not return.

It is impossible to look back.

Qin Qi looked the same, his eyes fixed on the sky-like ghosts, holding the scabbard in one hand and holding the hilt in one hand.

All the power of Qin Qi has been invested in this sword.

At this moment, he seems to be holding a **** sun, the kind of breath fluctuations, let the small flowers face madness, my heart is blank.

Immediately, draw the sword.

The next moment, the world is one color.

What ghosts, what Buddha magic, seems to disappear without a trace, only the blood is full of the entire field of vision!斩天拔剑术!

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