God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2370: Particle light group

"Nothing," Qin Qi shook his head and collected the Buddha's relic.

For those who do not cultivate Buddha, the Buddha relics still have great utility, and the value goes beyond the fairy fruit.

But in that case, there are some violent things.

For the time being, still collect it to see if there is a Buddhist and Taoist person who is suitable for this Buddha relic. Only then will the greatest value be brought into play.

"Boss, you see, there is one!" Zhang Lang called.

Qin Qi stunned and looked at it again.

Sure enough, there is still a light spot that is constantly relatively embarrassing and full of magic.

"Devil Zuli!" Qin Qi took it, and the heart was once again shocked.

"That's right, the Buddha's demon is left, it shouldn't be only the Buddha's relic."

The ancestral relics, the power of the martial arts ancestors can be condensed, of course, compared to the Buddha relic, the form can be arbitrarily chosen.

The reason for the appearance of the relics is only because of the personal preferences of the Buddha.

It’s time to match it with Buddha relics.

Similarly, the ancestral relics are also the things of the sky, the effect is not weaker than the Buddha relic, for the people who entered the magic road, the value is irreplaceable.

Get it, maybe you can call it the ancestor of the magic!

Unfortunately, there are no people to repair the devil.

Of course, the strongest of the Mozu can also be used, and there will be no difference. Perhaps it will be combined with poetry and poetry to make her go to the next level.

The relics of the Buddha and the ancestors of the Buddha are so harvested and worthless.

The only pity is that it cannot be used immediately. For the time being, it is not as good as the fruit of the fairy fruit.

Of course, if Qin Qi is changed, it is also unwilling.

"Fozi Devil, according to your statement, but close to the estimate is close to the level of heaven and earth, really only left two relics?" Zhang Lang is not reconciled, still inquiring.

The two relics are indeed worthless, but how much, it still makes people feel less.

It does not match the name of the Buddha.

"Grandma's!" The baby squatted on Zhang Lang's head, fiddling with two tentacles, and giggled.

"Small girl is not allowed to swear!" Zhang Lang's face was black, and he immediately said: "If you want to help your uncle, you may be able to lead something out!"

The deaf children can be different, but the darkness is a genus, and her power may have a miraculous effect.

“Oh, what?” The child’s head, although he was able to speak, would still issue a similar proverb.

Immediately, there were butterfly wings behind the deaf, and the black ring vortex in the body rotated, and the most primitive dark particles emerged.

And with the appearance of high-quality dark particles, there have been some changes in this tomb.

Then, a strong pressure shrouded the down, it is an indescribable strong atmosphere, facing it, can not give birth to resistance.

This is the power of the Buddha's demon?

Qin Qi reacted extremely fast, almost at the moment when the pressure appeared, the body avenue particles spewed out, covering the dark particles of the child.

At the same time, a small flower picked up her baby and sealed her strength.

Fortunately, Qin Qi and Xiaohua have a tacit understanding. The speed of doing all this is fast enough. The pressure of the Huanghuang is not suppressed. Otherwise, the children are afraid of life.

"I am careless." Zhang Lang swallowed his mouth and looked pale.

In the case just now, only Xiaohua and Qin Qi were able to react. Zhang Lang and ghosts could not do even the same.

"It is true that the Buddha's predecessors were killed in the battle against the dark heavens, and the remaining forces will respond to the dark particles. It is also reasonable." Qin Qi exhaled.

Don't blame Zhang Lang, but after that, you must be more careful.

Moreover, Zhang Lang let the children exert their strength, and it is not without gain.

The strength of the deaf child pulled the power left by the Buddha's demon, and what it presented was a group of particle light clusters. At this moment, it was suspended above the stone.

"Awesome power, what is this, Avenue particles?" The little flower will perceive the light to the light group, and can't help but lose color.

The power contained in this light group is really amazing, at least the small flowers have never been seen.

"It's very similar, but there is a difference, at least it is more powerful!" Qin Qi also explored the perception.

It can be found that this light group consists of particles, but not ordinary avenue particles, which may be estimated to be higher quality avenue particles.

It is like a nephew, her blood is very strong, and the dark particles she possesses are different from the dark subordinates and even Gino, and the quality is higher.

But in general, it seems that they have not reached a higher level.

At the macro level, it is still the same thing.

"What is the use of this thing?" Zhang Lang came over, but he could not see anything.

"Useful, great use!" But it is a small flower, suddenly excited.

"What did you find?" This Qin Qi has some accidents.

"You already have avenue particles, maybe you can't feel it, and I am different. On the edge of this light group, I feel that I am closer to the avenue particles!" The small flower is beautiful.

She is already the pinnacle of heaven.

And it has been a long time to maintain this state, but it has never been able to touch the position of Tianzun.

The florets are naturally clear, what they lack in the end, and others do not talk about the understanding of the power of the avenue. The avenue particles are also one of the elements of Hengdan.

Perhaps the most important element.

Tianzunqiang is able to display the existence of avenue particles, which is basically a sign of Tianzun.

Xiaohua has always tried to condense the avenue particles, but unfortunately it has not been successful.

However, compared to other people, she is also taking a step or two, and has a certain understanding of the Avenue particles.

Can't say that there is no foundation at all.

The difference may be an opportunity, or a guide.

At this moment, before this light group, Xiaohua only felt that his understanding of the avenue particles suddenly increased, and there were special fluctuations in the body's power source.

That is the avenue particles to start germination.

It is like a seed. It has been unable to grow in the dry land all the year round. Now, the rain is moist, and finally there is a condition for germination.

One is that Xiaohua himself has a strong accumulation.

Second, this light group does have the role of rain and dew.

"If this is the case, then it will be amazing!" Qin Qi also shines.

The avenue particles, Qin Qi is a chance to master, if not different Kunlun, it can not reach this level.

After all, Xiaohua is not bad, and the realm is high. She can master it. Qin Qi is still almost inferior.

At least not in the sky, I am afraid there is no chance.

But with this particle light group, it seems that you can master the avenue particles in advance, which is very significant for a warrior.

"Xianguo, plus this particle light group, with the cultivation of the Holy Land, such a combination..." Qin Qi burst into a wave of hearts. The geniuses of Zhongzhou will win a crazy upgrade.

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