God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2373: Tomb room mala

Ghosts are of course very happy about this. There is nothing more fun than drinking Qin Qi’s blood.

And this life and death vortex, will not be as arrogant as Qin Qi, or that it is a big death, and did not integrate into Dantian.

Just use the birth and death imprint as the basis.

Although the difficulty is large, it is not enough.

In the end, ghosts are not ordinary people.

As for the small flowers, it is less able to help, and the different Kunlun can only give advice on the details.

However, Qin Qi’s own sentimental sharing.

With the talent of small flowers, it should not be too difficult.

After all, there is the existence of the particle light group.

It doesn't take much time, Qin Qi has done all that he can, and then he can only rely on themselves.

Ghosts hold Qin Qi's arms, and the whole body is dead and ups and downs, showing the shape of the vortex, and constantly merging into the ghosts and ghosts.

The blood of Qin Qi provides a huge amount of vitality to meet the needs of ghosts and ghosts.

This is Qin Qi, the body is special, the body is strong, and the ability to recover against the sky, otherwise, it has long been sucked by ghosts.

"Oh, miserable, really miserable!" Zhang Lang could not help but sigh.

"Grandma's!" The child giggled.

Qin Qi’s face was black and cold, but he could only bear it silently.

But he can't just be so idle.

In front of the small flower, the mysterious particle light group is suspended, and the small flower is using it to speed up the perception of the avenue particles.

I can feel that the effect is very good.

"What is this?" Qin Qi also came under the particle light group, let go of the perception, and feel the power contained in it.

It can be found that the avenue particles in the body slowly begin to become active.

"Different Kunlun, can you post something?" Qin Qi felt for a long time and couldn't help but ask.

"From the wavelength of the particles, this should be the same thing as the avenue particles, but the quality is higher."

"This has been mentioned before, and after repeated calculations, I found that it is already at a critical moment of metamorphosis. Perhaps the Buddha is not dead, it can go one step further."

Qin Qi heard the words, and the heart was slightly shocked.

Can the original avenue particles undergo a second metamorphosis and become a stronger force?

However, even the Buddha Mozi was stuck at the critical point and did not succeed, leaving only the particle light group in the metamorphosis state.

Presumably, the difficulty should be beyond imagination.

Qin Qi exhaled a breath, no matter what it was, it was the direction of his next move.

And he is obviously more fortunate than others, and by referring to this particle light group, it is obviously more efficient than the blind person.

"In addition, there is another discovery", different Kunlun Road.

"What?" Qin Qi quickly said.

"Through the analysis of the particles in this light group, there is a word, appear on its own", different Kunlun Road.

"Ah?" Qin Qi was shocked, how is this going on?

"What word?" Qin Qi asked.

"I can't identify it. It may be related to me not being a creature. You may try it. If you can recognize this word, it will help the transformation of the avenue particles."

"I look!" Qin Qi suddenly came to interest.

A word appears on the system interface.

A word that is completely incomprehensible, and each stroke is not special, but there is no clue what word.

It is like the word "dao" above the Taoist monument, which is completely different from the Taoist word recognized by Qin Qi.

But that is the "Tao", that is, the heavens and the world, even to the dark heavens, that is also the word "dao".

To a certain extent, it is not so much a word, but a symbol of power. Understanding this word is an understanding of this power.

Qin Qi is a avenue particle, so he knows the word "dao".

As for the word in front of you, it is not known, and it is completely unspeakable.

"Predecessors, when you are feeling the avenue particles, you can also look at this word, maybe it will help you," Qin Qi said.

He showed the word out.

This word is a symbol of strength. Even if you can't recognize it, just look at it, try to understand it, and understand that one stroke is good.

Of course, Qin Qi himself will not give up to interpret the word.

Time passed by a little.

The deadly atmosphere in the tomb, which has been planned to be inseparable, has become very weak. The ghosts have absorbed them into the body, and the condensation of life and death has already entered the right track.

On the other hand, the smell of the florets has also begun to grow, and there are tiny particles of light that are free in the body, and there are already some avenues of avenues.

Qin Qi, did nothing, just looking at the word and constantly understanding it.

In this process, Qin Qi clearly felt that his avenue particles are strengthening.

This is enough to surprise people.

For the cultivation of avenue particles, Qin Qi has always been puzzled. Now, with a clear path, the meaning is too great.

With the improvement of the avenue particles, Qin Qi's understanding of this word has also taken it to the next level.

He seems to be able to recognize what is coming.

There is a key point that he is aware of, but it is erratic and difficult to grasp, and it takes time to consolidate.

Fortunately, there is still time.

However, Qin Qi also found that it was no longer a good idea to devote himself to it. It is better to do something else and distract.

It’s like a student’s need to relax before the college entrance exam, and no longer do any endless questions.

"Boss, so boring", Zhang Lang depressed, Qin Qi they have things to do, only he has nothing to do.

The surrounding environment is so sinister, he is interested in exploring and does not dare to leave Qin Qi's protection.

There are also nephews, the same look is boring.

"You can't practice it," Qin Qi is speechless.

"The tomb is in front, how can I calm down and practice!" Zhang Lang rolled his eyes.

"What can be done, they are at a critical moment, and the ghosts do not completely absorb these dead things, and they can't move forward." Qin Qi spread his hands.

Zhang Lang is a smile, said: "Boss, if you have nothing to do, how about the two hands, I have not eaten your craft for a long time!"

Hearing the words, the first child was brightened, and nodded again and again, "Oh, oh yeah" cried.

Xiao Shantou has tasted Qin Qi's craftsmanship and has long since sipped.


"Here is the tomb."

"What is this, let me say, I see the boss you are hitting the bottleneck, it is better to find something else to do, and cooking, especially the cooking that is done with heart, is the most suitable!" Zhang Lang laughed.

In fact, this is not unreasonable. Qin Qi needs to change his mind now, but he can't be too relaxed, and cooking with heart may be a good choice.

Of course, there are many similar choices, and it is not necessary to cook in this tomb.

However, Zhang Lang said so, and the children are also drooling, and Qin Qi has to satisfy.

Fortunately, there is nothing in the backpack space, don't worry about no ingredients.

"Boss, what are you doing this time?" Zhang Lang and his nephew have already taken the dishes, just waiting to eat.

"Matango", Qin Qi no expression.

Anyway, eating mala Tang in the tomb is a very strange thing.

I only hope that this scalding can be done, and it is really possible for Qin Qi to recognize the word.


Thick earth outside the stars.

A man suddenly appeared on the periphery.

"I said how strange fluctuations came out. I didn't expect it to be such a burial place. Inside, who was buried?"

"Whether, before going to the border, advanced to see."

After all, the man was arrogant and disdainful, and slowly walked toward the tomb. But the next moment, his face changed.

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