God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2375: Forced aria

Qin Qi's eyes are bright, and my heart is naturally pleasantly surprised. Perhaps I should also consider the advanced road of the talents of Zhongzhou.

Vortex, this thing should be sooner rather than later, the sooner you get, the more you will seize the opportunity!

Now Qin Qi and ghosts are all condensed with their own vortex. With this experience in the past, the different Kunlun will master this.

All of them, to play that counter-attack power, should be able to complete large-scale vortex model customization.

With the priming model, the genius of the ancient guys, there is almost no possibility of failure.

Even, they still have the ability to condense a completely different vortex according to their own conditions, similar to the ghosts of the ghosts.

And these are the talents they show themselves, and Qin Qi can't help anything.

Thinking so in my heart, Qin Qi is a little faint.

These cultivation systems, even those who are the giants of the Taoist world, may not have.

Even if there is research, it is estimated that it will not achieve the efficiency of different Kunlun.

The only downside is time.

Qin Qi still lacks time.

Such a Zhongzhou, as long as the time is enough, why not?

It is no exaggeration to say that it can even become the strongest giant in addition to the Kunlun and the Weiyang Palace.

"The road has to go step by step, and the down-to-earth direction is always wrong." Qin Qi whispered.

At this moment, the smell of the little flower began to change and became stronger.

Her body, the spirit is very rich, has reached an unprecedented purity, and look carefully, you can find that there are already avenue particles noisy!

Shen shame, she finally mastered the avenue particles.

After many years of hard work, it is impossible to get it. Nowadays, it has been a success, and all of this has largely relied on the power of Qin Qi.

The strength of Shen Shahua has climbed, and it is a step closer to Tianzun.

That pair of charming scorpions, every look, has a style that makes the world's men fall down. At this moment, it is extremely bright, completely occupied by the shadow of Qin Qi.

There is no doubt that this is already a fascination. It’s a shame to spend all his life and do whatever he wants, but he has never seen a man like this.

"Little guy, you are really amazing. I will entrust you to the road that I will go back!" Xiaohua cleverly laughs and sings with charm.

This look is a man can not resist, Qin Qi is no exception, there will be great satisfaction in the heart.

You know, this is a shame.

"Well to say," Qin Qi coughed twice, and refined the taste, but felt that there was something else in the words of the small flowers.

However, Xiaohua did not give Qin Qi a chance to say anything. His eyes were bent into a crescent shape. Instead, he asked: "What is the word you are condensing?"

This time, the speed of controlling the avenue particles exceeded the expectations of Xiaohua, and the key ones played a key role.

The little flower just follows the strokes of this word, and it is fascinating, and it doesn't know anything, but the avenue particles in the body begin to accelerate and condense.

It is really incredible.

"This word is extracted from the particle cluster. It is possible that it is related to the force formed by the secondary metamorphosis of the avenue."

"If you can recognize this word, the help should be bigger, but unfortunately, I can't recognize it for the time being." Qin Qi shook his head.

"I really don't know what kind of power is that, I am afraid, only the heavens and the earth can master it," Xiaohua sighed.

At least in her cognition, what Tianzun masters is still the avenue particles, perhaps the quality is higher than her, but it does not deviate from the same category.

Only the existence of the Buddha's demon, which is already close to the heavens and the earth, can leave such a source of particles and have the power to approach the next level.

"Well, let's not say this first. Now it is estimated that there will be a strong person in the dark heavens coming, we must get the creation away as soon as possible!" Qin Qi Shen said.

The dead air here has been absorbed by the ghosts, and the strength of the small flowers has improved, which has made Qin Qi more confident.

At the moment, it is natural that it is not too late. Qin Qi and Xiaohua also open the barrier at the same time, resisting the pressure from the people who are in front of the tomb, step by step.

This existence with the title of master craftsman is not weaker than the Buddha's demon. Afterwards, Yu Wei is still shaking.

I believe that if you are not in this burial chamber, the master craftsman can only make a redemptive sin in a shameful way. Qin Qi, they just want to get close.

"I rely, it's terrible, what is the existence of this series!" Zhang Lang pale, and did not dare to speak loudly.

"And he, but he is here," Xiaohua whispered.

So strong, in the end can only be squatting, showing the power of the Lord of the Tomb.

But even so, the Guangming community is still defeated.

"I hope that this big cockroach has a bad baby, otherwise it will be a big loss!" Zhang Langyi.

Several people moved slowly, and finally they came to the big master, and they could already see his look.

All faces are not willing to be ashamed.

This is estimated to be the last expression before he died.

"Look at him, it seems to hold a staff!" Zhang Lang exclaimed.

How can the people in this class be idle?

"It's useless, it has broken, and the deity is lost." Qin Qi shook his head.

He also noticed that it is a pity that it is useless. It is impossible to repair it. At most, there are some materials remaining, so you can try to use it.

The value has been reduced by more than ten million times.

"Unfortunately", Zhang Lang is very sad.

However, it is also helpless. If you want to let such a strong man kneel down, it is impossible to completely defeat it.

"Hey, there is a staff!" Zhang Lang did not give up, carefully looked and found that in the coater's jacket pocket, do not have a staff.

A small staff, but this level of treasure, free to zoom in and out is not a problem.

"Is it a treasure?" Qin Qi is also a bright eye, although adventurous, but in any case, it must be captured.

"Dead isolation!" Zhang Lang mouthed a word, and successively made a number of French seals, assisting Qin Qi to seize the scepter.

This is the means of the tomb thief practitioners, and the effect is taken from the deceased.

The combination of Qin Qi and Xiaohua, coupled with the isolation of the dead, finally took the staff into the hands.

"Well... it doesn't seem to suit us." Qin Qi played with it for a while and couldn't activate it.

After thinking about it, I gave it to my nephew.

Sure enough, the hand of the deaf child is different, the dark particles are injected into it, and the whole staff is beginning to shine.

It is a deep black light.

"Scepter, deep aria", the child has obtained the contents recorded in the scepter.

Deep aria, it sounds very powerful.

“Is it very strong?” Zhang Lang asked excitedly.

"This way," I tried to activate this deep aria.

The next moment, the fierce flames of the scorpion, with the recovery of the scepter, the vision of the heavens and the earth is coming, it is simply earth-shattering and unparalleled.

It is like a sleeping world hegemon, blinking again, and patrolling his own world.

There is no need to release any power. This horrible scene alone is enough to make people pale and even have no rebellious heart.

"It’s terrible!" Qin Qi swallowed his mouth and couldn’t compete.

"Hey!" But it was a smile, a flash of tinkera in the eyes, and then holding the scepter, is to Qin Qi.

At this moment, Qin Qi’s heart almost stopped beating. In the face of this unprecedented terrorist power, he felt that he would be destroyed in the next moment.

Even, it is impossible to adjust the power to resist.

Is this going to see the king?

A world name, destroyed in the hands of this bear child?

However, immediately, it was a "squeaky" sound. Qin Qi’s head slammed, and the death in the expectation did not appear, or that nothing happened.

It was simply hit by a stick.

"What is the situation?" They are all shocked.

The nephew giggled and said: "This thing is useless. It can only scare people, and there is no power at all."

"This..." Qin Qi and others are somewhat worried.

It's no wonder that if this scepter is really so powerful, it won't be used up.

Feelings, those just those special effects, this scepter is simply used to force the use. This Nima should be called a forced aria!

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