God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2383: Sell ​​a flaw

I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die in Qin Qi’s hands.

Only when you are alive can you have a future.

The comet is trembling, he is too proud, even if he has decided to give in, he still can't keep going.

"Is it so difficult, I will help you!" Qin Qi smiled and stepped on the head of the comet, and he stepped on his hard life.

A shameful shame!

The comet was almost stunned by anger.

However, Qin Qi extended deep sighs to his eyes, the deadly horror, let his scalp numb, and instantly calmed down.

"This is the right!" Qin Qi laughed and let the comet linger beside his ancestors.

Qin Qi is so arrogant, it is difficult to have a suspicion of the comet, but Qin Qi's own heart, but it is very empty, if not acting, it really can't hold such a play.

Qin Qi couldn't help but feel that it was too difficult to install it.

But in the end, the effect is still very significant, and all of this depends on the power of this sigh.

As long as it is not really shot, this thing is invincible for the time being, and Tianzun must bow down.

Although the crisis has not yet been touched, a bad one may be discovered by the comet, but at the moment, my heart is still cool.

This Wang Ba Lazi, a bite of a bed bug, a bite of a loser, puts the posture of the upper-level person, and does not talk about Qin Qi.

As if you are working, you will be able to kill Qin Qi and others.

The result is now, not yet.

Even if he is not convinced by his strength, he is embarrassed, and he is still screaming with his ancestors!

How can you not be happy?

"Predecessors, seeing these, are you happy?" Qin Qi laughed, this is also a disrespect for the tomb.

Qin Qi looked at Shi Yan and whispered in his heart.

Immediately, he looked at the comet.

"Give me the space ring. In addition, I still have a lot of things to ask you!"

This is interesting. Qin Qi wants the comet to hand over the space ring, but at the same time, he has changed his direction to let him know that he will not kill him immediately.

This is to give hope to the comet and not to let the comet make an extreme choice.

Deep aria is so shocking, as a descendant of the black lotus singer, the comet is difficult to compete, even if the heart is unwilling, most will choose to yield.

Sure enough, after knowing that he would not die immediately, the idea that the comet was desperate to fight was still suppressed, and the space ring was handed over to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi face sneer, no disdain.

But in my heart, I am happy.

This is the treasurer of the craftsman!

The quantity may not be too much, but the quality is definitely worth the sum of the top and bottom of a giant.

Absolutely a huge resource, it is difficult to measure.

"If you are interested, if you know each other, I can consider letting you be my servant." Qin Qi snorted twice, but his mind had already thought about it.

Qin Qi knows that he must leave the comet to leave.

As long as the deep aria is not a fight, there will be no flaws, but Qin Qi knows that many words will be lost.

After a long time, maybe he has a flaw.

Therefore, it is right to just accept it. When the comet is still in the fear of deep sighs, sell a flaw to him and let him escape.

Only in this way is the safest.

Qin Qi, never thought of relying on force, can take the life of a craftsman, even if he really hopes so.

"You don't care too early, even if you have this scepter, you can't compete with my darkness!"

"This time, no more than before ancient times, we will not give you another chance!"

Comet cold channel.

"Hey, things are still arrogant now, do you think you can see that day?" Qin Qi sneered twice. "I advise you to be obedient, what I ask, what do you answer!"

The comet glared at him and almost broke his teeth.

"Say, what do you want to do, when will you attack my bright group?" Qin Qi shouted.

Although time should not be dragged on for too long, if you can ask something, it is enough.

"Tell you how, let me just say it. I will have a Supreme strongman in the dark world and fight with Kunlun. At that time, Kunlun will die, and your asylum will disappear!"

"Without Kunlun, you are bright and clear, and it is just a moment to be destroyed!" The star sneered.

Qin Qi heard the words, his face was just a mockery, but his heart was turned upside down.

He knows that the comet is the one who is the supreme on the Kunlun Mountain. His name is called Kunlun.

It’s just that Qin Qi has nothing to know about him.

Now, when I heard what the comet said, the reason why the bright circles of the relationship can survive today is because of the protection of Kunlun.

Is Kunlun blocking the darkness of heaven?

This is amazing.

It is one person who blocks the whole world!

"Why, you still don't believe, do you really think that Kunlun is invincible?" The comet saw Qin Qi revealing the color of ridicule, and suddenly sneered.

"I admit that Kunlun is indeed very strong. In this world, it can be repaired to such a realm, like a miracle!"

"But he is stronger, he is only a person, and he can only be equal to one of my darkest heavens."

"If the Kunlun ability is special and fights with it, no matter whether it is a group attack or a single-handedness, one person will be killed by him. Otherwise, how can you let you go today?"

The comet smirked, he was really awkward, even if he was on his lips, he was looking for some places to come back.

Qin Qi heard the words, and was shocked. I didn’t expect Kunlun to be so powerful.

And the reason why he can block an entire dark heaven is clear.

The dark heavens don't want to kill him.

However, no one wants to bear the price.

I am afraid that the same level of supreme, each of the famous gates at most one, once died in a battle with Kunlun, then his descendants, afraid to be swallowed and clean.

Who would be willing to gamble on the future of the entire ethnic group for the brighter community?

The reason why it has changed now, I am afraid, there is such a supreme and can not survive, so simply use the last strength to kill Kunlun, while winning enough benefits for the tribe.

This point does not require the star to speak, Qin Qi can guess clearly.

Just knowing this, but it is helpless.

Since the comet dare to say, it is not afraid that Kunlun knows these plans. This is obviously a conspiracy. Kunlun knows it and avoids it.

That war can't be avoided. The only extravagant hope is that Kunlun will come back alive on the premise of killing his opponent.

But that kind of opportunity, there is almost no such thing.

Qin Qi’s heart was shaking, and the breath of his body could not help but undulate, and there was a flaw.

Although it is only a fleeting flaw, it is enough in front of a strong person like Comet.

The eyes of the comet are bright.

He said so much, naturally it is impossible to just find a face to save, but also want to let Qin Qi change his mind.

At this time, chances may arise.

And he really waited.

The descendants of the loser, indeed, the waste, is to control the deep aria, or failed to suppress him, he found the opportunity.

The opportunity is only for such an instant.

However, the comet was completely grasped, and the strength of the body broke out, and it was immediately necessary to leave and leave.

He is only thinking about escaping now. This is a flaw, and he is only enough to escape.

Even if he wants to take the opportunity to attack Qin Qi, the comet can only hold back, and then escape and say.

However, Qin Qi’s reaction speed is also idle. After a sigh of relief, the deep sigh will further recover, and the more earth-shattering power will flock to the comet.

The comet still underestimated the power of deep aria, and this time, there is a feeling of being unable to escape.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is no turning back. I know that once he is stopped, he will never have such an opportunity.

He can only fight.

When the comet screamed, and even broke his arms, the two blood fogs spread, the power of the sky, and then came, but the speed is unparalleled.

The speed of the comet is instantly increased, and when the time is not allowed, the range of power of deep aria is rushed out.

He still escaped.

The next moment, hundreds of miles away, the shape of the comet reappeared, but it was a groan, almost fell to the ground.

The remnants of war that had not been considered by him in the past, at this moment, became a purgatory enough to take his life.

His consumption this time is too big.

All the way to the main burial chamber and the abyss blessing, has consumed him too much power, and in the end, it is even heavier, and he is wounded.

In his current state, if there is a god, there is a real possibility of being killed.

"Damn, you must go back first!"

Unexpectedly, I had to wait for the embarrassment before, even to break into the realm, to teach the power of Kunlun, and now, even if the road has not set foot, it has almost died.

After going back, I was afraid that I would not be laughed at.

But what happened today, one day, he will come back.

The comet struggled to stand up, as a phantom, flew away in the direction of the dark heaven.

It’s just that you can see that on his back, he is carrying a person. But the next moment, but it seems to be no.

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