God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2391: The person behind

In the end what happened?

Zhanjin couldn't understand at all that everything happened too fast and passed his thoughts, so his doubts can only be the last thought.

Qin Qi directly shot the battle in the ground and turned it into a pool of blood.

In the realm of the land, there is no way to stop Qin Qi slap!

This scene appeared too abruptly, and Zhang Zhangru was like Zhanjin, and was insulting Qin Qi. Everyone thought that Qin Qi was over.

As a result, the style of painting changed, Qin Qi did not say anything, a slap, even turned the battle into a **** mud?

This change is too big for people to accept, and the reaction is not over.

Even some people did not see it clearly. They only saw that the battle had suddenly disappeared. They thought that Zhanjin was taken away by anyone.

How can you think of it, become a blood mud?

This is probably easier than shooting a fly!

In the audience, there was only one silence, as if it had fallen into the ice cave, and the heart was chilling, making people tremble.

After a while, the whole hall was banged and rioted. People were pale and could not believe that this scene turned out to be true.

This kid is so powerful!

And the means are also so unrelenting.

"It is estimated that this is an idiot that is used by people, that is, I don't know who is behind."

As for the killing of Zhanjin, he did not care at all.

I don't care about it before the war, but I don't care. After all, what is not dead, Qin Qi is not in the eye.

"This... this guest, you, you are going to go, Warjin is a warrior, although you are strong, but the armor also has a strong, they will not let you go!" The face of the manager is also Not good-looking, it was scared.

But still secretly passed to Qin Qi.

Of course, I don’t want Qin Qi to stay here. Otherwise, this restaurant may not be able to stop the warlord under the wrath.

Qin Qi did not care, and did not intend to leave.

What kind of warrior, also want to let his actions?

"Give me a table of banquets, I also want to see how strong the warriors of the undead castle are." Qin Qi said lightly.

Before coming to the castle, Qin Qi checked a lot of information in this place, and the warrior as a local snake, Qin Qi certainly understands.

The warrior is one of the three major forces of the undead castle, and the other two are the death curse and the dead temple.

Among them, the members of the Death Mantra are mostly Aboriginal people in the Taoist circles. Most of the members of the Dead Man Temple are from the Heavens and the World.

The three major forces, the death of the temple is the latest, the strength is also the weakest.

In addition, the death curse is the strongest, in the battle home.

However, the warriors used the blood of a family to counter the other two forces, which shows how powerful the undead power of the warlord's blood is.

It is a natural undead.

Of course, Qin Qi is not afraid of anything.

Although I know that some people have deliberately arranged it, Qin Qi is not clear. I plan to look at it and see what happens.

Anyway, the other party first provokes him, then let the other party say hello.

In addition, this also just makes Qin Qi stretch the bones and bones, which is conducive to the ultimate recovery of the Dragon Ring vortex.

Dengxian Yuguo Qin Qi has already taken it, everything is going well, just waiting for the time to arrive.

That management saw Qin Qi did not go, the mouth is full of bitterness, but did not dare to violate Qin Qi, after all, Qin Qi, but a slap in the face of the battle.

Managers had to arrange the best wines for Qin Qi immediately, and rushed to report the situation.

This kind of thing, he can't hold back, only to let the big guys of Yuelan Restaurant deal with it.

These Qin Qi did not pay attention to it. After sitting down, they enjoyed this food and wine. He was like a bystander and waited for further development.

If you don't see the whole process, I am afraid that no one will believe that the revenge that the warlord can foresee is going to go to Qin Qi.

Actually, I really eat and drink, how big is my heart?

It’s just that it’s killing the battle, but the battle is not the top player.

However, there is such a thing, but no one dares to talk again, they are drinking, but they are not planning to leave.

After all, I am afraid that it will be a big excitement. Everyone is excited and who wants to miss it?

Qin Qi was judged if no one was eating and drinking, but soon, one person walked up and sat down on the edge of Qin Qi.

"This son, it’s boring to drink alone. Would it be better to let me accompany you?"

It is a beautiful woman who speaks, although it can't compare with the four beautiful women, but it is also rare and gorgeous.

She did not wait for Qin Qi to agree, and she did it straight down. The red sleeves were light and the wine was added to Qin Qi, but it was quite poetic.

The wine is under the belly, and the mature charm of this woman is even more charming.

It is a pity that it is more difficult to enter the eyes of Qin Qi than the shameless flower.

When I saw this woman, those who knew the details were shocked, and even dared not speak freely.

After all, this woman is not someone else, it is Liu Yuelan, the owner of this month's restaurant.

"Be free, but after a while, you may hurt the girl." Qin Qi smiled lightly.

This woman’s initial strength is not weak, and it’s no wonder that Yuelan Restaurant can stand firm in the undead castle.

"Oh, thank you son, pity, if it is dangerous, I am hiding under the shelter of the son is, I want to come to the son can not bear to see me this little woman injured in front of you?" Liu Yuelan Jiao smiled.

Qin Qi is not allowed to continue to eat and drink.

Liu Yuelan did not show anything at the beginning, adding wine to the Qin Qi, but gradually, his face changed a little, and the smile on his face began to stiffen.

I don't know why, staying at Qin Qi, she actually feels close to the cliffs, and may be dangerous at any time.

However, Qin Qi Mingming has any breath.

Even if it is strong and there is no breath exposed, it should not be such that she has such a feeling.

But this feeling is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, Liu Yuelan couldn't bear it. He jumped up from his chair and didn't dare to sit on the edge of Qin Qi.

Other people can't see anything, but Liu Yuelan himself, but his heart is rolling up waves.

"Why, is there a nail on the stool?" Qin Qi smiled.

Liu Yuelan heard the words and quickly pulled out a few smiles. He said: "The son said that he was almost finished drinking. I will take some points for the son."

"Alright, but let others send it." Qin Qi is a faint smile.

"What is the name of the son?" Liu Yuelan stunned.

"That depends on your own understanding, and my attitude depends on how deep your understanding is." Qin Qidao.

Liu Yuelan's face changed, and after a ritual, he slowly stepped back.

But careful, we can find that her steps are a bit messy.

The master of the early days of the heavens has such a posture, and can think of the vibration of the heart.

Liu Yuelan was not a vase, and soon made a decision, and did not let Qin Qijiu wait.

The people who came with the wine also made Qin Qi still satisfied.

"Nine-turning king snake stuffed, very good, you can try it." The person who sent the wine was dressed in black and sat on the opposite side of Qin Qi. "Snake wine?" Qin Qi poured a cup, "Catch the snake but the eagle does, how can the crow do it?"

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