God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2397: Supreme

After all, the city that does not fall is big, it is only a city, not to mention that this huge city has long been worse than the past, the entire city of similar scale of the city, there are not eight thousand and ten thousand.

But the castle is not dead.

This is called a castle, but in fact it is a name of power. Although the sphere of influence is not as large as the undead domain, it is almost the same as some smaller ones.

Undead Tianzun would have to sacrifice all of them?

You know, this is equivalent to tens of thousands of days of the world.

It is crazy!

But this is the reality of the world. The strong can decide everything. The people underneath, even the ants are not, just the grass.

Cutting a wave of grass can achieve a key part of your plan. For Tianzun, there is no need to hesitate.

Very cruel, but it is impossible to stop.

"What's wrong?" The crow wondered and noticed the slight change in Qin Qi.

"Nothing," Qin Qi shook his head.

Qin Qi did not expect that Tianzhu had just returned to the Undead Heaven Palace, and there was such a harvest. It seems that she really got the unprecedented attention of the Undead Heavenly Palace, and some core secrets are also qualified to contact.

Qin Qi fixed his mind and continued to look down. The content of the news can be more than just those.

Until the end of the reading, Qin Qi will annihilate it, and his mind will ponder.

"It seems that the suspicions of those people are correct, and the creations that the undead gods want are far greater than the imagination!" Qin Qi read the news, and his eyes were flashing.

For a certain purpose, he has always called for a large number of arrogant sons to fight for the creation.

But what he said is good, it is to give these callers the opportunity to compete for this anti-Japanese creation, who can get it, relying on the opportunity and strength.

It seems very tempting to listen, but everyone knows that this is just a talk, and the high-pitched rhetoric has no reference at all.

Undead can never use such resources, invest a lot of time and energy, but give the final counter-attack to others.

Even if you change to Qin Qi yourself, you can never do such a thing. He is not an idiot. He will do whatever he wants.

Retreat 10,000 steps, maybe there will be saints who can do this, and really want to train the younger generation, but will the immortality be such a person?

The answer is naturally no.

This guy has lived for so long, but the more he lives, the more he is timid. It is a fear of death, which has occupied his entire soul.

The only thing he wants to do now is to live and live. He wants to live together!

As everyone knows, Undead is one of the oldest celestial beings in the world. He has lived for a very long time. He can even say that no one lives longer than him.

Of course, living for a long time has no direct relationship with strength. It is not that you live the strongest for a long time. On the contrary, because of the death, the age of being late, the body begins to wither, the soul has shrunk, and the strength of the undead is long gone. Compared with the peak period.

Now, he is living alone, it will consume endless resources.

It is said that the current undead temple has deliberately spent a huge amount of resources, and has a group of women, each of whom is a special spiritual body, used for the undead sacred tonic, to nourish the flesh, activate the soul, and achieve life. Effect.

But now it is almost the limit, even if you continue to pick up, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Undead must respect new ways to extend life.

However, in the Taoist world, whether it is word of mouth or recorded in ancient books, the method that can be used to extend lifespan has already been tried for a long time. Even many secrets created by oneself have been exhausted. It can be said that any means is now For him, it has no effect.

The only chance is that it is getting stronger!

Of course, Tianzun is not the shackles of the Tao. Above Tianzun, there are also heaven and earth supreme. So many powerful people in history, such as the undead, such as the Buddha, are extremely close to the existence of the heavens and the earth. Although they are dead, they are dead. They are all dead, not the end of their lives.

And if they don't die, then their life expectancy is definitely much longer than the undead!

So in this way, things become very simple, how can we extend the life?

Only strong can not die.

Undead esteem has been in the realm of heaven, but for nearly a million years, he has never made much progress.

Although he is a veteran Tianzun, his strength far exceeds that of the ordinary Xinzun, but he is very clear that he is far away from heaven and earth.

His potential has been exhausted. With his own efforts, even if he works hard, he will not be able to reach the level of heaven and earth.

This decade-long years, a long time, has fully proved this point.

In fact, for the majority, it should not be said that the vast majority of Tianzun, what the undead sacred experience is what they experienced.

They simply do not want to be supreme, even if they live, there is no life without death.

Today's Guangming Group, there are only two of the Emperor's Supreme Masters who have been tested in history. One is the one on the Kunlun Mountain today, and the other is the Yanxian Daozun who has long disappeared into the long river of history.

Regarding Yan Xiandao Zun, it is almost impossible to test, there is no record to check, but it is said that he has established a monument.

One of the two is still alive, the other may have died, and who else has reached the level of heaven and earth supreme?

In this long history, only the only ones are known, and the only ones who are not the central party and the first Kunlun are considered to be close to the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Except for them, other Tianzuns are not enough to watch.

Therefore, the undead sage wants to be the supreme world, and there are only a few ways that can be thought of.

In the past, including the many celestial respects of the Taoist world, the strong people who have already ranked on the top, or the status of noble status, have some speculations about what the undead gods want.

Some people like leaf squid and so on.

And if it is not bad, it should be a land of creation, a sacred object called the Supreme.

Legends, as long as you wear the supreme sorrow, you can become the world of supreme!

Regarding the Supreme Priest, it was a strong person who had once entered the land of creation. As for the truth or not, who can test it?

Entering the land of creation is already a chance for Tianda, let alone the encounter with the supreme, so today, this is just a legend, some people are serious, and some people do not believe.

But for those who have reached the end of their lives, those who have come to the end of their lives must not believe him, because this may be his last path.

Therefore, when the genius of the undead heavenly summons the heavens and the worlds enters the realm and says that they should let them compete for the anti-Japanese creation, many people think of the supreme.

However, although the movement of the undead is so great, it seems to be a must, but not many people believe that he can really get the supreme.

Even skeptical about whether these call-makers can enter the land of creation.

Not to mention winning the supreme.

But now it seems that the undead wants, perhaps not just the supreme.

There are some conjectures in the outside world, but the most is speculation, but this time, the news that Tianzhu passed back is more accurate than those guessed.

This undead sacred lord turned out to be a big hand!

He wants to center all the mysterious places in the universe with the center of creation, and then create - the supreme sacred fairy!

What is the supreme sacred fairy, Qin Qi does not know, Tianzhu did not mention, I am afraid there is no concept.

But I am afraid, it is a force far beyond imagination, it is unprecedented!

However, such a handwriting can be done by immortality?

Qin Qi does not believe it.

Not to mention the supreme sacredness, is to integrate all the mysterious things in the universe, this is not what Tianzun can do.

Even the Heaven and Earth Supreme does not necessarily do it.

Undead, what is the secret? The more you know, the more doubts in Qin Qi’s mind.

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