God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2418: Abyss law enforcement

"you guys……"

Mephis's face was pale and pale, and he suffered two such positive attacks at the same time. Even her, some could not bear it.

At this moment, Mephis finally knew that he still looked down on his opponent.

Qing Litian did not die.

This is really incredible. Mephis remembers that she obviously killed her, and that kind of injury, Tianzun could not survive.

Moreover, this blow runs through her body, and the strength is not what Qing Litian showed before.

At this moment, Qing Litian has become more powerful!

Didn't you use all your strength before?


Such a fierce battle, Qing Litian can not find death, how can there be reservations.


Memphis suddenly had a hint of insight.

Qing Litian had always been fighting instinctively, but now, it seems that it is no longer a fighting machine, but has its own decision.

She has recovered her mind!

Is it broken?

Let's die and die?

Memphis has a pair of heroic but beautiful beauty, she has become a stepping stone for others.

From the beginning to the end, Qing Litian is using her power, and wants to reverse the situation and fully grasp the power of the ancient gods!

good very good.

She was treated as a chess piece.

The descendants of the district's losers, under the mercy of the dark heavens, can continue to linger, so this identity, dare to use her in turn.

Absolutely, unforgivable!

On Mephis, the dark particles turned out to be violent again. Even if they were attacked by two people and suffered heavy injuries, her strength was still a crazy outward impact.

The black ring vortex in Mephis's body, at this moment, is already overloaded, and there is a glimmer of light, and the celestial particles begin to overflow.

"Black Moon? Execution of death!"

Not yet waiting for Qin Qi and Qing Litian to react, a circle of black thin lines is centered on Memphis and spread rapidly.

Qin Qi and Qing Litian are all screaming in the heart of the police. If they don’t think about it, they will dodge it directly.

"Is there such a combat power?" Qin Qi bites his teeth and his face changes slightly.

Qing Litian's body was successfully activated, and it was restored again, and the strength increased greatly. Just now, the left hand of God fell, and there was no trace of it.

On top of it, there are more and more particles of the immortality.

Even if it is Tianzun, it is hit like this, fearing that it is close to the taste of death. Although it may not necessarily die, I am afraid that there will be no more embarrassing to continue fighting.

I have long ignored the escape of face.

Not to mention, Qin Qi mastered some of the fairy particles, the combat power is also greatly enhanced, and the power of the swordsmanship of the day, with the **** and **** scabbard.

This blow is not good, if it is in the middle, Tian Zun is also uncomfortable.

Mephis, at the same time, suffered both attacks, but even so, not only did not seriously dying, but also had a strong force, want to fight back.

Is this the power of the craftsman?

Although Qin Qi had a battle with the comet, but that time, it relied on the sigh of arbitrage, and there was no real power to face the craftsman.

Moreover, Mephis is probably stronger than the comet.

The round black line on Mephis kept vibrating, expanding from the extreme, and then quickly retracting, and everything was cut when the black line passed.

Even the altar was cut off.

If this is hit, it will definitely die.

"You two, very good, very good, actually pushed me to this point!"

Mephis said as he spoke of blood in his mouth. Obviously, her injury was still very heavy, but she could still suppress it for the time being, and would not be unable to fight.

Qin Qi and Qing Litian stood in one place, staring at Memphis, without saying a word.

Mephis smiled, and the short sword wrapped around the fairy particles pointed to Qin Qi. "Tell you directly, I can't hold it for a long time, only about a minute."

"After this time, I will not be able to suppress the injuries in my body."

"So, you will find a way to kill me in this minute, and leave enough power to kill me!" Mephis faintly said.

She even told Qin Qi and Qing Litian how long they could support themselves.

"This guy", Qin Qi's eyes became extremely dignified.

Qing Litian said this, no doubt is the character, but also strong self-confidence is pushing her to do so.

She is confident that even in this case, even if it is an enemy, it can still defeat Qin Qi and Qing Litian!

"Ready, then, I am coming!" Mephis snorted.

Black Moon? Abyss law enforcement!

This is a secret law. It is among the executors of the famous black moon. There are not many strong people in history who can display it, but Mephis is already quite handy.

With the addition of the secret law, the strength of Mephis has once again increased, and the two wounds on the body have been completely suppressed, which is difficult to influence the strength of Mephis.

Qin Qi and Qing Litian, only feel the breath of a stagnation, the instinct began to tremble, and this, it is almost impossible to appear on Qin Qi.

So strong!

Such a sense of oppression, almost people have to give up directly to resist, lead the way.

It's no wonder that Mephis dared to say a minute, I am afraid, it is a matter of a moment.

In the eyes of Qin Qi, the blood line appeared, forcibly pulling his mind back, and immediately pulled through Qing Litian, in a dangerous and dangerous posture, avoiding Mephis as a sword.

This is 100% bloody, forcing Qin Qi to avoid this blow.

But even the **** power can make Qin Qi feel the surrounding time flow rate is reduced, but the effect is not as good as expected.

It seems that under the pressure of absolute power, even if it is bloody, there will be some power.

"Oh? I avoided it!" Memphis flashed a glimmer of light.

Qin Qi squinted, he was hesitating, is it necessary to use the equipment to force the aria.

This thing was able to shock the stars, so it should have a role for Mephis.

Qin Qi believes that with the masterpiece of the master craftsman who made a deep sigh, Mephis must not see through it.

Just, do you really want to use it?

This is one of Qin Qi’s life-saving means, which is not unavoidable and cannot be used.

After all, this is fake, and it is forced to use.

Once it is seen, it will no longer be meaningful.

In a very short period of time, Qin Qi pondered back and forth hundreds of times. In the end, he chose to shun, use the power of blood, follow the attack of Mephis and make a round.

Mephis is different from comets, and their personality is completely different.

At this moment, Mephis is the strongest moment. Once Qin Qi uses deep sighs, I am afraid that she will not be able to shock her, but will inspire her.

That's all done. It is not impossible to use the aria, but it is necessary to grasp the opportunity and directly defeat her heart at the crucial moment!

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