God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2422: you shut up

Luo Liete knows that he can't stay here anymore, he must leave immediately. Otherwise, he may turn over the ship in the gutter!

However, at this time, the picture in front of him has turned upside down, and numerous caves have appeared, not like being carried, but originally here!

Lorelet's pupil suddenly contracted and felt cold in his hands and feet.

This is an illusion.

The toxin affected his perception and interfered with his vision. He even thought that he had been flying at high altitude, and eventually entered such a place but did not know.

"Welcome to Wancao Cave!"

The venomous cave, one of the mysterious places of the universe, is now connected with the land of creation in the form of a nine-star lianzhu.

Interfered with the toxins, Lorelet did not realize that he had left the land of creation and entered the scope of the gulf.

The voice just now was slightly tender, like a child.

Immediately, a little black-haired boy appeared, looking normal, but giving a feeling of incomparable demon.

He turned out to be associated with the entire venomous cave. His existence itself is poison!

"Psychic toxins!" Luo Lie's pupil narrowed slightly, and couldn't help but be shocked.

This level of poison is extremely rare in the dark world. It is said that only one of the top poison masters has cultivated the spirit of toxins.

Unexpectedly, I encountered it here.

"Toxins are psychic, it's really rare, but you are too weak, and you want to turn me into nourishment, it's impossible!" Rohette screamed, and the dark particles of his body burst out.

He can't be planted in this place!

However, the endless toxins of the Wancao Cave are not what he said he can get out.

Not to mention, I don’t know when there is a poison in the poisonous cave!


"How are you?"

Qin Qi will help Qing Litian to take up the next medicinal medicine, and also gave Qing Litian a service.

This medicinal herb is a space ring from the comet. The quality is very high, which is very helpful for the recovery of the injury.

Of course, it will take time to recover.

After taking the medicinal herbs, Qing Litian recovered a lot. The power of the ancient **** took over the injury and began to heal itself.

If not, her injury is afraid that even self-recovery is difficult.

"Is there such a treasure, why don't you come out early?" Qing Li Tiandao, then he shook his head. "But if you take it out, I probably can't get this power."

At this moment, Qing Litian has already got rid of the shackles of the remnants of the ancient gods and completely incarnates the ancient protoss and inherits all the abilities of the ancient gods.

As the realm improves, more and more racial superiorities will continue to emerge, and she will become stronger at that time.

After all, in ancient times, the ancient Protoss was also one of the giants of heaven and earth, enough to resist a big name in the dark heaven.

"This, let's talk about it later." Qin Qi shook his head and did not elaborate.

However, with the wisdom of Qing Litian, I realized what I was in a moment. I was a little more suspicious in my eyes, and then disappeared without a trace. I just said: "Resolve the immediate troubles as soon as possible, you and I need to recover."

Qin Qi nodded.

Although they have the aid of medicinal herbs, the recovery rate is too slow. It is not that the remedy is not strong, but the injury is not light. It is necessary to find a place to recover as soon as possible.

As for the trouble in front of you...

Qin Qi got up and walked over to Mephis.

This powerful craftsman is stronger than Comet and Rohlet, and the determination and skill shown are not comparable to that of Rohrett.

Even from the darkness of the heavens, Qin Qi could not help but admire.

However, just because he came from the darkness of heaven, Qin Qi could not let him go.

The war between the dark heavens and the bright roads will continue from ancient times and ancient times, and a new round of intrusion will be after the death of Kunlun.

Qin Qi is not sure about the specific time, but I believe that day will definitely come.

At that time, Qin Qi really did not know that what the Guangming community wanted to resist against the dark world was simply a one-sided situation.

In order to find a chance in this situation, Qin Qi himself must become stronger.

Tianzun can only be said to be a guarantee.

And to kill this Memphis, I am afraid that Tianzun is at his feet.

However, such a strong person, the outstanding descendant of the Dark Heavenly Gods, the master of the artisans, is expected to be a master in this life, and now falls in his hands, and it is really impossible to go.

Of course, it’s not Qin Qi’s pity and jade.

He went all the way to today, and he did not have any pity for the enemy. The reason why he hesitated was to value the value of Mephis.

The value of Mephis is so large that it is difficult to measure. It depends on whether Qin Qi can control her.

Otherwise, once you can't control it, you can just pick up your own feet.

"Why, is hesitant to kill or stay?" Mephis leaned on a stone, his breath was so sullen, his injury was heavier than before, and he had no advantage.

Such an injury, the medicinal herbs can only barely maintain, it is difficult to repair.

Therefore, if Qin Qi wants to kill, he must squat now.

But even so, Mephis still has no fear in the eyes, so Qin Qi had to look at her a bit.

With pride and conceit, Mephis is much more than a comet and a single, and this is a kind of pride that is born, not by scorning his opponent to raise his arrogance.

"You are very smart, then what do you think, what are I thinking about?" Qin Qidao.

Mephis sneered, saying: "There is nothing to think about extracting my value. After all, my value is very big. The whole dark heaven, the heavens and the earth, the value is bigger than me, and I can't get together."

This is really conceited.

"If you can control me, your benefits are endless, but you are worried that you can't control me!"

Mephis looked at Qin Qi with some ridicule. "When you are forced to retreat from Luo Lie and protect me from some disgusting things, I will advise you to say a word."

"In this world, the people who can control me Mephis have not yet been born!"

That being said, it is obviously not afraid of death.

"You really are as always, you want to be a person when you meet a powerful woman." Qing Litian is not ridiculous.

This guy, sure enough, did not intend to return to the former subordinates, and did not give Qin Qi face.

However, she herself has no hate for Qin Qi. In the end, she is close to some, at least can be called a friend.

"You said this, very bad." Qin Qilian rolled his eyes, this is a bit vulgar, what is called "engage" into his own people!

"The woman who died in my hands is not a minority, and then said, the result is not very good, you are not standing on my side now!" Qin Qi laughed.

Qing Litian snorted, but there was no rebuttal.

Mephis blinked and said: "It seems that you are no different from Lorete."

Immediately, she looked at Qing Litian. "I used to like you very much. Although there are many compromises in your pride, I don't hate it. It seems that it is my eyes."

"When you have a child, have you obeyed? A woman like you is really sad," Mephis said indifferently. "You shut up!" Qing Litian gritted his teeth.

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