God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2425: Qin Taizi

Mephis did not dodge, directly admitted: "This thing is too strong, I can't hold it."

This is the reason for her choice.

If Qin Qi can bear the simpleness after the first strike, then her chance will come, but Qin Qi has been hit by a blow and the ribs have broken a lot.

Although it is not a fatal injury, it has exceeded the current affordability of Mephis.

After all, there is more than one thing!

Qin Qi did not have the time to pay attention to Memphis's thoughts. After all, it is really nothing. The immediate thing is to block these invisible guys.

"Smart as you, you should know what to do, don't carry private activities!" Qin Qi warned.

Mephis snorted and his white fingers suddenly pointed.

Everyone is a smart person, knowing how to decide at this time.

When Qin Qi suddenly pulled out the sword, although he did not use the sword to pull the sword, but also attached a powerful force of the blood scabbard, when the air was down, almost the void in front of Mephis was split into two paragraphs.

Mephis pointed out that it was that position.

However, it is clear that this sword has failed.

"It seems that we have no tacit understanding," Memphis said faintly.

"This needs to be cultivated, but it should be very fast," Qin Qidao said.

Mephis did not speak, his fingers moved again, but this time, it was two fingers.

Both Qin Qi and Qing Li Tian are moving instantly. Whether it is **** or the left hand of God, the power is powerful and unmatched. There are even more ups and downs of the immortal particles. No matter who the opponent is, once hit, it will have an effect.

Moreover, Qin Qi's sword also has the characteristics of ignoring defense.

This time, Qin Qi clearly felt the resistance of the blade, and it should be able to hit only one point.

As for Qing Litian, it is empty.

Qing Litian noticed this and snorted, seeing Mephis' finger swiping again, and God's left hand was shot from a smashing angle.

Mephis frowned slightly, and Qing Litian’s blow was still a bit slower.

Too much anxious, the result will only be worse.

This Qing Litian is of a high standard, but it is obviously limited.

It was just at this moment that Qing Litian’s hands suddenly condensed a sword, and the sword fell, making up for that distance and directly squatting on the mysterious existence!

The sound of "嗤" has a flesh and blood cracking, and it is accompanied by a harsh tear of metal.

"Don't look down on people," Qing Litian looked at Memphis and said coldly.

Mephis groaned, but then he laughed.

"I admit to seeing you, but this blow is not fatal!"


But it is another sound, **** with endless murder, running through, directly penetrate the invisible existence of a sword.

"This time, is it dead?" Qin Qidao.

Obviously, the tacit understanding between Qin Qi and Qing Litian is higher.

Mephis rubbed his eyes, and immediately it was a finger, and Qin Qi and Qing Li Tian Zuo Zuo Zuo, Qi Qi shot, this time, no one made a mistake, directly killing the mysterious existence.

After being killed, the mysterious existence gradually lost its stealth ability and turned out the ontology.

"What is this?" Qing Litian asked.

This thing is not human, it should belong to a different kind, and the body is covered with a smooth crystallization. No matter which angle you look at, you can directly penetrate and see the other side.

It is this magical structure that makes this thing seem to be non-existent, both visually and perceptually.

It is completely transparent.

"This is the mirror demon, the creatures of the ancient times," Mephis said. "Where is this place, it retains so many products of the ancient times."

"Who knows it?" Qin Qi shrugged.

This mirror demon strength is indeed not weak, the power of one strike, the high level of heaven is absolutely undoubted, but unfortunately once it is found out, it is not difficult to kill.

Of course, this so-called finding out is itself the hardest thing.

At least if it is not the ability of Memphis to trace the source, relying on Qin Qi and Qing Litian, there is really no good way.

I am afraid that in the end, it will inevitably be forced out of this forest.

From this point of view, the crow should have not arrived here, to meet with him, almost no need to enter the forest, look for it on the periphery.

"How, do you want to go in?" Mephis said.

Killing the mirror demon, you can give Qin Qi a lot of experience, but also able to swallow, after all, is the product of the ancient times, the harvest is not small.

However, the distance from Tianzun is still far from the future, more and less, and it has not affected.

What is really important is the crystallization of the body of the mirror.

This is a very rare material. If used properly, it may be able to produce a group of stealth armor and achieve the ability to resemble a mirror demon.

If you are equipped with a whole ace leg, it is terrible!

In any case, let’s put it together and say that there will be big use in the future!

"You can't waste this ability, go in and have a look." Qin Qidao.

Mephis did not have many accidents. When he first went to the forest.

Qin Qi and Qing Litian are each other's horns, slowly keep up, ready to shoot.

However, what others can't notice is that Qin Qi's fingertips have fallen silently.

That is a mark, the crow's mark.

Continue to go deep into the forest, the mirror demon encounters have gradually increased, and become more powerful, even if there is Mephis warning, it is quite tricky.

However, Qin Qi and Qing Litian are also strong enough, and the tacit understanding between the three has been cultivated, and there is no damage to it.

Compared with the sinister danger that this road should exist, it is already smooth.

The fourth day.

"Just at that time, did you deliberately not hit?" Mephis stared at Qin Qi with a anger.

She was hurt by the mirror.

But Qin Qi was able to stop it.

"You have been too comfortable in recent days, have not shot, no way, can only do this, otherwise you will be difficult to recover if you recover," Qin Qi shrugged, not a little embarrassed.

This place is too suitable for Memphis to exert its strength. Qin Qi cannot give her any chance.

I believe that under this attack, the accumulation of Mephis in a few days has been paid in an instant.

"Moreover, you don't have a life-saving card, you can't die, ask so much to do?" Qin Qi laughed.

"This **** bastard!" Mephis gritted his teeth, it seems impossible to let Qin Qi relax.

"The recovery of your days and this injury just offset, so don't stop, go on." Qing Litian was indifferent.

This pair of dogs for men and women!

Mephis's eyes trembled and his heart was squashed.

I almost missed my heart and simply calculated it. In this place, I lost her guidance. Qin Qi and Qing Litian don’t want to go out completely.

But in the end, she was patient.

After all, she just returned to the original origin, talking about the loss, really not.

It’s not yet time to turn your face.

Of course, when I got here, I was almost close to the withered world tree. Looking back, if I look forward, the whole vision has been obscured by the world tree.

And when I got here, the surrounding time and space began to be a bit confusing, apparently influenced by the world tree.

This kind of **** tree, even if it is withered, the remaining power is still terrible.

"Wait, there is strange power!" Mephis frowned, his look changed. "Someone got the first step!"

Can you get here?

who is it!

Qin Qi’s heart sinks and can come here. If there is no special reason, I am afraid that only the existence of Tianzun level can be achieved.

In the land of creation, is Tian Zun personally coming?

It should not be possible.

"Where?" Qin Qi Shen Sheng.

"The world tree!"

Mephis followed the power trajectory and eventually locked the target, which is now on top of the world tree.

Qin Qi looked in the direction that Mephis pointed out. There is a branch of the world tree. Of course, it is a branch, but it is also huge.

In that position, a glimpse of purple is spreading.

Suddenly, the purple voice swayed a bit, seemingly to feel the eyes of Qin Qi and others, consciously reacted.

Immediately, one person walked to the edge of the branch and looked at Qin Qi.

When Qin Qi saw this person, his pupil suddenly shrank.

Prince Qin!

At the beginning of the battlefield, the Prince of the Qin State, the first of the seven countries.

It is also the most talented person in the battlefield.

Its genius, said to be above the third king, is the future lord who can unite the battlefield!

It’s just that the experience of the city that has not fallen is all illusory. Even if it is not dead, it will not leave the place of exile.

So seeing him at the moment, Qin Qi’s heart is horrified, indeed indeed extraordinary.

Prince Qin walked out of the exile.

So what about other people?

Moreover, the purple sorrow of the prince of Qin, the feeling of Qin Qi is very bad, there is a feeling of being like an enemy.

Just the realm of Qin Taizi, how could Qin Qi have this feeling? "This person is a bit strange," Mephis said.

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