"Hey, the martial spirit of that guy, isn't there a spirit? I remember a martial art, just a flame!"

"I just hope that after I go out, I can find the guy quickly. When I let him divide you into a martial art, anyway, he is also a lot." Green Luo looked at the stranger area that was getting closer and closer, and giggled.

Honglian heard the words and laughed aloud: "Wuhen is a very important force for any, how can it be easy to be with people, that is, he is willing, I am not willing!"

"Hey, I can be different from you. I am missing a world tree now, and my ability will be perfect!"

"If you know where there is, let him find me in the sky and underground, it will not be polite!" Green Roger said.

But then she shook her head.

There is no world tree in the world, let alone live, and the estimated death is not found.

"God bless, let me merge a world tree in my life, even if it is dead, it doesn't matter, my request is very low!" Green Luo prayed.

It is said that Honglian can only be speechless.

This requirement is not low at all.

However, she also hopes that the desire of Green Luo can come true. After all, this time, she knows the power of the world. This can no longer be said to be an attribute, and should be classified as the power of the law.

And if it can be perfect, then green radish will surely become one of the strongest beings in the world!

"Well, it looks like it will be in contact soon, be prepared, don't care!"

Daqianjie Market is about to border another completely unfamiliar world.

"Reassure, if you join forces, even if you are not good, you can't run the road!" Green Luo is very easy.

Of course, it just looks like this. In her heart, there is no point in it.

Two pieces of heaven and earth, finally bordered, and did not expect the big movements, unexpectedly gentle.


Red lotus sipped low, and together with the green radish, jumped into the strange world, they did not want to stay here, they must leave.

The process of getting out of the Great Wall is even smoother than imagined.

Crossing over is a completely different world.

The desolate scene of the Daqianjie Market is gone forever, and it is replaced by a wetland swamp.

This piece of heaven and earth is very strange, the space is unprecedentedly stable, and it is almost impossible to fly.

However, the green radish does not want to fall into the swamp, the power of the world is running, the life is set in the air, and the red lotus is also supported, so as not to fall.

The power of the world is that you can do whatever you want.

"This swamp is very strange, there is a terrible power of devouring, I am afraid that once contact, we will not be able to escape."

This swamp actually looks very ordinary, the grass is lush, the fog is lingering, the scenery is good.

However, under the beauty, it is often hidden from danger.

The green heart was moved, and a body of a strange animal appeared. This was originally used for barbecue, but now it can be used to test the ability of the swamp.

The body of the beast was huge, but fell into the swamp, but it quickly sank.

And Green Lol tried to drag it up, but found that it was not moving at all, but there was a feeling of being pulled in together.

At the moment, the green lord quickly let go, and both eyes looked at the palm of his hand.

"How?" asked Honglian.

"It seems that it is not just engulfing the material, but with the strength, it will also sink into it." The green radish is dignified. "And this is not enough."

"More than that?"

"Well, just now, although it was only indirect contact, I still felt that there was a slight abnormality in the soul and it became a heavy burden."

It is said that the red lotus has changed its look. "Do you mean that this swamp can even engulf the soul?"

"I am afraid this is the case."

"So we must not touch this swamp, when the flesh does not guarantee, even the soul is afraid to sink together." Green Road.

"Leave this swamp range as soon as possible", Hong Lian took a deep breath.

This place should not be left for a long time.

Green Luo also knows this, even the busy service makes the power fly in one direction.

This time, it depends on the power of her world, otherwise it will fall there, I am afraid there will be nothing.

I just don't know, is there a living habitat in such a place?

The heart is thinking this way. The next moment, the red lotus and the green radish are all changed, and the power of the body suddenly erupts and rushes to an area.

There, a beast was shocking, and a strange fish swooped down from the swamp, and it was covered with armor-like skin, which resisted most of the power of the green radish.

However, the green radish's reaction was fast enough, even if it failed to kill the strange fish, it also let it lose its hand, and only flew down to the swamp.

"Not good!" Green Roar screamed.

This strange fish is good at all, but if the number is too much, it is really bad.

But it is like to confirm the green radish, under the swamp, a few similar to the smell of the strange fish began to appear, and quickly approached.

"Be careful!" Red Lotus drank low, and the fire and wolf smoke rushed into the sky. The bright red fire swayed, freezing a region directly and burning it.

This is the power of bright red and cold fire.

Of course, the power of warfare is now added, and the combat power is even stronger.

An area was instantly suppressed.

The strange fish under it, had to rush out, but at this moment it was a few screams, did not choose a tough impact, but swiftly swam in all directions.

However, the characteristics of the swamp reappeared at this moment, and the power of Honglian suddenly accelerated and was swallowed up in the swamp.

The red lotus is cold and cold, and the fire suddenly changes, condensing into a bundle and chasing it up.

These beams, the strength of the incomparable, even if the swamp has the ability to swallow, in the face of such an attack, the efficiency will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, almost at the moment when the red lotus exerts its power, the green radish also shakes the power of the world.

The power of the world is lingering over the beam, and the ability of the swamp is again limited, and the attack power is greatly improved.

Red lotus and green radish have been working together for a long time, and nature is full of tacit understanding.

This time, although it has not been fully utilized, it is also a serious shot. Once it is hit, it is the amazing defense of this strange fish, and it is absolutely not good.

Sure enough, a few loud screams, the swamp suddenly exploded, a few muds of water into a column, mixed with blood, rushed into the sky.

"Did you die?" Green Road.

"A little worse," Honglian shook his head.

Her strength can only be fully exerted in the military squad, and it is like a fire.

There is only one person today, although it is still not weak, but after all, it is almost meaning.

"It's really difficult, but let's do it for the time being," Green Road.

Her strength is indeed stronger than Honglian, but her main attack is too expensive and difficult to support for too long.

With the main attack of Hong Lian, she can help, and the time she can persist can be much longer.

At present, serious injury to these strange fish is not enough to kill, to maintain the existing combat power, it should be enough.

As for flying into the sky.

Green Luo has considered it, but decided to give up, but to raise some heights, so that the attack of the strange fish has a buffer, and there will be no situation of exhaustion.

This choice naturally has the truth of green radish.

After all, the swamp is so dangerous, can it be calm at high altitude?

It’s a dangerous move, no matter where it is.

The situation in front of me can still cope, and Green Lol does not want to put herself in the unknown danger.

"More strange fish are gathered, let's go, play while walking!" Red Lotus Road.

In this way, the two cooperated and circulated with the strange fish. Although the number of strange fish increased, the two men became more and more stressed, but they were able to support it.

However, luck does not seem to be on their side.

"How do I feel that I am going deep?" Red Lotus said bitterly.

"This way?" Green Luo also had some doubts.

But this place is too big to distinguish the position. It is not a random election. It depends on luck.

If you really go deep, you can only blame bad luck.

"Wait, there is movement!" Suddenly, the green radiance changed and looked somewhere.

There, there is a slight wave of volatility, but judging by distance, fear of extreme volatility, it is likely to be a big battle, otherwise it will not be transmitted here.

“Would you like to see?” Green Luo asked.

The red lotus light flashed and finally said: "Go and see, be careful."

"It is estimated that the fierce battle is right, we will stay far away, there will be no problem," Green Road said. "And the more fierce there, the less strange fish in that area."

So, the two quietly approached.

Sure enough, the volatility is beyond the imagination, and both sides of the battle are extremely terrifying.

It took about half an hour, and they could finally see the battle. It was still not over, and it was still in a state of heat.

"Good!" Green Luo snorted.

Their growth has been big enough, but it is still much worse than the two sides.

"One side seems to be a strange fish, but the difference between the form and the previous one is very big. Is it the king of this swamp fish?" Green Luo whispered.

"The other side...how is the power so strange, I have a feeling of being naturally suppressed, never seen before!" Honglian reveals a dignified color. "A certain kind of particle, if I can perfectly blend the world tree, I can also master some kind of particle. What kind of person does this person come to, and even master the particle?" Green Luo whispered.

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