God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2431: Who, robbery!

At this moment, from the bottom of the deep pit where Qing did not blast himself, there was a breath that made him feel fearful, just like the ancient unicorn recorded in the **** sacrifice!

Is this the unicorn blood of Qianshui Zelin, let this deep underground power recover?

"You hit the pit, it is your own!" Qianshui Zelin sneered.

"Damn!" Qing no low-lying, black day shock, will thousands of water Zelin instantly fly, the half of the body, but also completely collapsed.

Qing did not want to stay in the hair, did not dare to stay, while hitting the shot, at the same time, has begun to break the void, ready to forcibly leave.

However, a horrible force rushed from the bottom of the pit at an unspeakable speed, and the void was suddenly crushed.

Qing no pupils shrank and shook, and all the power was unreserved, all of them poured out.

On his body, there are nearly a hundred shields, the core one, and the black day emblem, is a strong defense treasure.

Not waiting for what to do, the power has already rushed to him.

One, huge unicorn!

Real ancient unicorn?

No, no, it’s just a force.

The power left by the ancient Kirin, it's a blow!

The unicorn rushed to the ground, and the sip of the singer was not swallowed up. Then, the sound of broken glass sounded in an instant, and it was heard.

When the last shattering sound fell, the blue screams suddenly spread.

"My God, the gods fight, hang up!" Green radish and red lotus in the far distance, small mouth open, amazed.

She has been to the earth and naturally understands various terms.

I have to say that this strong hit is absolutely open.

"That darkness is dead, is it dead?" Red Lotus took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

In this series of battles, they simply did not dare to approach.

"It is estimated that there is no death and half-dead, but the fish, or Kirin, should die."

"Now this swamp, I am afraid that there is not much danger." Some of Honglian did not know what to say.

For them, the infinitely dangerous death swamp, now, has become a pure land.

Although there are still a lot of strange fish alive, but those strange fish have been shivering at this moment, do not dare to go out in the nest, which will go to the red lotus they?

"The power is running out, let's look at it in the past." Wait a moment, the green eyes are bright.

The death swamp engulfs the power, and even if the strength of the two sides is higher, the dispersal will not be too slow.

"it is good."

Both are cautious and slowly approaching.

When they came to the battle area, the two still felt some discomfort. Obviously, even if the power dissipated most of it, the remaining ones still succumbed to their hearts.

"Hurry and find, maybe you can find something good!" Green Luo excited.

"The one that was carried by the swamp over there should be Qianshui Zelin." Honglian pointed to one place.

"Hey, this kind of heterogeneity is not simple at first glance. Although it looks like a little bit similar to Kirin, it is strange that the purity of blood is beyond any unicorn we have seen before!"

Green Luo said as he came to Qianshui Zelin.

Thousands of water Zelin is dead, but the death swamp does not swallow it, but carries it, constantly nourished by strength, seems to want to save it back.

It is a pity that death is death, and the power to infuse more is useless. At most, it is a corpse change.

Of course, that is not the original life.

"Before I heard about the ancient unicorns, it should be a unicorn that we should see, not a concept, or what we have seen, but only the spread of its blood," Hong Liandao.

"I only pass on its shape, is it to keep its marrow?" Green Luo shrugged, this is not important.

She looked at the remnants of Qianshui Zelin, and finally, the unicorn Yuan Dan was collected.

This thing, with its very pure unicorn power, should be close to the ancient unicorn, absolutely great, and of course it must be collected.

"Let's find it again, find out the dark genus!" Green radish thought about it, or bite his teeth.

They did not find Qing no.

Obviously, it is either dead or has escaped.

This kind of opportunity, green radish does not want to miss, if the death is swallowed by the death swamp, then Qin Qi also recognized, but if it is not dead, green lord certainly want to find him.

After all, if you are lucky enough to survive, you must be seriously injured. It is absolutely true that you have a chance to search for it.

This dark genus does not know what ethnic group, but the dark particles have a natural suppression, such as natural enemies.

The intuition of the green radish tells her that this person is an enemy. If it is ok, can't put the tiger back to the mountain!

"If he didn't die, he shouldn't run far."

When the two people are looking for it, the death swamp is bigger, how to interfere with the perception, but in the current state of Qing, it is almost impossible to completely hide it.

In fact, Qing is not seriously injured.

The blow of the ancient unicorn directly shattered all his defenses and gave him a heavy blow.

This blow made him almost lose his ability to act.

So even if you are lucky, you will not be able to die. This is a very strange situation. You must find a place to recover your injuries.

However, the death swamp is huge, and it is not easy to leave. Even if the strange fish are all crouching for a while, they dare not show up. For Qing, it is also continuously consumed.

It will only hurt and hurt.

However, it is really helpless. It can only use the balance of the drug to temporarily stabilize the injury and not worsen.

"Damn, this will not work, you must first restore some, otherwise the efficiency is too low!" Green has no teeth, so that it continues to wear out, even the efficacy of the drug can not be fully utilized.

In desperation, Qing had no choice but to take a huge duckweed from the space ring and place it on the death marsh.

This little fairy duckweed comes from the darkness of the heavens and is extremely rare. Sitting on it, the cultivation efficiency can be greatly increased, and it can stimulate the aggregation of the fairy particles.

Qing Wu is also hard to get.

It is hard to sink now on the death marsh, but the loss is inevitable. I am afraid that it will be used later, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

However, Qing Wu does not care for the pain, he is going to be unable to support it.

The small fairy duckweed appeared, and the green no-small plate sat up, and did not dare to delay even for a while.

And this little fairy duckweed is indeed powerful, the mist slowly spreads out, setting off like a fairyland, constantly nourishing the body without green, speeding recovery.

However, just as Green did not have a little peace of mind, a force swept through it, and it turned out to be the power of the world to directly reverse this area.

Dendrobium is overturned.

Qing was not shocked, and one went out and barely stood in the air, but this time he pulled the injury and let him cough again.

Qing nothing suddenly sinks down, only to see not far away, two women joined together, one of them, looks like an elf, but the tiger teeth bright, there is a little demonic feeling. "Who is that, robbery!" Green Luo shouted!

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