God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2436: Smelly

This brick, come to it, a stable and sturdy, very incomprehensible, at first glance is a veteran, although it is a means of mixing the frame, but this force, but also enough to drink a pot.

After all, the clapper brick is also very particular, flat or corner shot, that is a completely different concept.

Like this note, it is not the face of the brick, but the corner, a hit, an absolute crit damage.

Qing has no faintness.

After all, he was seriously injured. Now he has blocked a group of wild animals with the efficacy of medicinal herbs.

Already near the bottom line.

How can you prevent this sudden brick?

Moreover, it is still so tricky.

"Oh, I am still anxious, and this can be sustained." A complaint complained, but I didn't know where I was, obviously hiding very well.

At this point, it is estimated that it is being considered, whether it is going to be shot for the second time.

However, Qing did not suffer this blow, his physical state finally broke through the bottom line, and he could no longer yield.

Since it is a broken can, he must kill this person who attacked him!

Of course, there are green radish and red lotus, which are not allowed to survive.

It is absolutely unforgivable to let his master craftsman lose the future!

"Why do you worry about it, how big is it, and you are not dead, are you saying?" But it was green radish, appearing on the green body at the fastest speed, and stuffing the medicinal medicine into his mouth.

These Dan drugs are of high grade and can make Qing no recovery of this injury soon.

Although recovery is impossible, it is enough to restore him to the bottom line. As long as he is properly treated, he will not lose his future.

Qing is not on the verge of eruption. Under this circumstance, it is not going to go up, and it is really hard to get out. After all, this time is too much wrong, but it is unprecedented.

But in the end, I still have to endure.

"That's right!" Green Rose smiled.

It was really shocking.

Even though there is no outbreak of green, she is now fearless and confident to escape.

After all, now she has mastered the fairy particles.

However, such a good thug, naturally can not be lost.

"Dare to attack me, do you think you can hide it?" Qing has no face and iron, he did not resist the broken can, but this person who attacked him, he will never let go.

The hiding method of the other side is indeed a bit clever, but it is impossible to want to marry him!

The **** cockroach ants, still hiding and preparing to issue a second strike, is simply an insult to him. He is now a tiger in Pingyang.

But no one can deceive him!

"Call so loud, I think this girl is very cute, this hand is made of bricks, the technology is excellent, I really appreciate it!" Green Luo laughed.

"What do you mean!" Qing has no eyes shaking.

"Take your wounds, then you have nothing to do", Green Robo is not welcome.

Qing did not take a deep breath and secretly healed himself.

I have endured it before, and now I can’t bear it, it’s too unbearable.

"Girl, come out and meet you, just to explore the art of making bricks!" Green Luo said with a hand on his back.

Waiting for a while, there is a voice, it is the direction of the previous lock, then a girl came out, watching the age is not too big, but the exit is very beautiful.

Of course, the temperament of a little girl in her body is also unknown.

However, it also matches and has a unique flavor.

"Sister, you are so powerful, this guy is very strong, so I listen to you like this!" Jiang whispered and laughed.

She naturally saw that green radish protected her.

"So, next time you have to pay attention, you must be cautious." Green Luo saw the Jiang whisper, but it was very kind, it is estimated that the two are not the mainstay of the security.

"No, just like him, I don't know what kind of species he is, but the next time you attack him, don't move your head, the crit damage is too low, you have to knock on his celestial cover, definitely knock one!"

"Oh, that's it!"

"And, there is a ring in their body. It is not good. You should not use bricks. You can stab the sword directly and ruin the ring. It will definitely do more with less."

"That won't work, I like bricks!"

"Well, that's great, it's a professional, it's time to stick!"

"And ah..."

"Oh oh!"

The two of you have a sentence, I talked about the score, and there is quite a feeling of seeing each other.

Qing is still on the side, listening to the whole word without missing a word.

At first it was very angry, but gradually, his face changed and became pale.

These two women are too embarrassed, what the heart is doing, the various means they talked about, and they feel scary when they are not listening, and their hands and feet are cold.

He suddenly felt that he was absolutely looking for an opportunity to escape. Otherwise, the end is definitely very miserable.

In the past, a green radish was scary enough, and now there is another more similar role, watching them become more and more speculative and deeper.

Qing did not dare to stay again.

"Oh, whisper, your practice is black unicorn 诀? Great, have you improved all the way?" Green radiant eyes flashed.

"Oh, great, but if you want to go further, it will be difficult." Jiang whispered helplessly.

She is indeed a talented person. She has already been out of blue, but she lacks the necessary accumulation. The black unicorn is nothing but Qin Qi’s gains in chaos.

The grade is low and there are still defects.

However, she has upgraded this practice to the flood level all the way, which is not easy.

"I have a way to let you whisper further!" Green Liao picked up his eyebrows, small and proud.

"any solution?"

"This is Qilin Yuandan, you refine it." Green Luo directly took Qilin Yuandan and handed it to Green Luo. "You don't want to look down on it. This is the Yuandan of the ancient unicorn. It definitely makes you a big step forward!" ”


The word, Jiang Wenyu, although there is not much contact, but also has a concept, knowing that the so-called ancient unicorn, and the absolute view of the past is absolutely different.

"This is not very good," Jiang whispered hesitantly, although the eyes of her eyes had already betrayed her.

"You will still be modest?" Green Lol smiled.

The two got along very close, but they already know each other very well.

Jiang whispered his embarrassed head and said: "Then I accepted it, thank you radish sister!"

"Small meaning, anyway, it is also easy to handle," Green Rose laughed.

Green has no face and black.

Niang's, is not his life to kill, if not him, who can subdue the thousand water Zelin?

"As for the dark day..." Green Dill aimed his eyes at Qing.

Qing no feeling the back of the ridge is cool.

"His power seems to be similar to you, or you can learn from him to learn from it," Green Lol smiled.

"What jokes are you making, just because of the descendants of these losers, the blood is inferior, and you want to touch our strength, idiots say dreams!" Qing no anger. "Don't be so excited, since you said so, let her try it." Green Luo is not angry, smiled and said: "Look, can she master your strength!"

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