God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2442: There is a card

Zhong Shan’s heart was shocked. The power of this boxing is already an overbearing hegemony. In particular, it contains a big world and it is even more amazing.

Zhongshan God is not without the ability to resist.

But suddenly, it did not dare to take it easy, and chose to temporarily retreat.

However, this punch is unreasonable. If you retire, then you will enter, and your fist is facing the **** of Zhongshan. It is to give it a blow!

Zhongshan God was furious and roared loudly. The mountain peaks were like steel guns, criss-crossing, and the green radish should be blocked. At the same time, the limit of the wildness of the body was concise.

Obviously it is intended to give a powerful blow.

The power of this vast world has trembled in its hearts and has been fully confronted.

However, the green radish is a low drink, under the shape of the tree god, at this moment, Tianzun Shenwei!

After seeing the green radish, a towering tree rises from the ground, and the power of the world rises and falls, seems to be able to prop up a starry universe!

world Tree!

So a vibrant, powerful world tree?

Zhong Shan Shen was shocked.

And that punch has already fallen, the world is turning, destroying the earth and destroying the earth, the power of the Zhongshan God is shattered in an instant, and it is difficult to block the power of the world!

"How about the big world, give me a break!" Zhong Shan Shen roared.

The fairy particles in it are madly raging, and a mountain is condensed and heavy, directly crushing the void.

Zhong Shan Shen intends to hit hard with the green radish once.

See if it is stronger, or the world of green radish is more aggressive.

When the two forces collided, the void collapsed instantly, and Yu Wei raged out, almost impossible to stand, and the people on both sides were forced to retreat.

The power of this boxing, the green radish has been fully exerted, almost equivalent to a large world directly exploding, power can be awkward.

But even so, the Zhongshan God was not defeated, both sides were shocked out, each injured and coughed up blood.

This Zhongshan god, really strong!

But even if the attack failed to achieve too many results, it stopped the fighting between the two sides and gained a chance to breathe.

On the other hand, Honglian and Yan did not fight together and each retired.

On the red lotus body, the flame is like a wolf, straight through the sky, the battle of prosperity, accompanied by the avenue particles rolling.

Although she has not yet realized the fairy granules, at the moment she has no less than the strength of Qing Litian.

Enough to compete with Tianzun.

That being blocked by her is the most direct interpretation.

"Radish, are you respected in heaven?" Qin Qi was shocked and excited.

Under the morphological form of the green tree, the body is full of glory. If the goddess of the world is opened up, the breath of the breath is indeed the same as that of the god.

"Almost," Green Lol is shaking his head.

However, it is only the realm of the situation.

In terms of combat power, it is not weak at all!

Green radish perfectly inherits all the power of the world tree. The sacred particles are sinister. It is actually an odd number. It is the history of the Taoist world, and there are only a few unique ones that can be like her.

In the unsuccessful way of heaven, we will fight against Heaven!

"That is even more amazing!" Qin Qi laughed.

If you don't arrive in Tianzun, it means that green radish has more potential.

"That's still used to say, don't want to think about who I am!" Green radish is very proud, the chin is up high!

"My wife is awkward," Qin Qi laughed.

Green Luo heard the words, suddenly a red face, snorted, of course, did not object.

The conversation between the two people was easy. It was the transformation of Green Luo and Honglian, which made them morale. However, in fact, everyone knew that there was no fundamental change in the situation.

Green radish is strong and red lotus is not weak.

But on their side, Memphis, Qing Wu and Qing Litian have almost lost their fighting ability.

Jiang whispers and crows, after all, are inferior in the realm, and it is difficult to play a role in this level of fighting.

Before Jiang’s whispering, he still took advantage of the special black day and used the method of sneak attack to deflect the attack.

Even Qin Qi, the body of the undead, the body of the dragon, and the war, it is already difficult to maintain the peak power.

After all, he suffered more damage than Qing Litian, and he consumed it more than the limit of recovery.

In addition, the time limit for the advanced version of Memphis is approaching, and the situation has not changed much.

They are still at a disadvantage.

"The result, it will not change!" Zhongshan God cold and cold.

獓狠和梼杌, consumption is also huge, especially 獓狠 被 被 被 被 被 被 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦

But the wild and savage beasts exclaimed the vitality of the metamorphosis, so that it still has terrible power at this moment.

Even the red lotus at the moment, it is difficult to say that it can be completely suppressed, at most, it is evenly divided.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and his eyes fell to Qing.

For the sake of the present, the best reversal plan is to kill the green.

Killing him, Qin Qi can officially step into the realm of heaven, at that time, even if the Zhongshan God is more powerful than the average Tianzun.

Qin Qi also has confidence and can defeat them.

Kill, or not kill?

Qin Qi is hesitant.

Of course, it is reasonable to say that you should not hesitate. After all, the other party is a dark genus, and it is innately opposed to the enemy.

"That guy, in fact, is quite easy to use. We can go to this step. In fact, it is also sucking his blood. During this time, he was enslaved by me. It is really bad to kill, and it is somewhat unbearable." Green Luo and Qin Qi Whisper.

She and Qin Qi have a tacit understanding, and she also understands the special nature of Qin Qi and understands what Qin Qi wants to do.

Of course, if it is a last resort, Green Roe will not keep it.

She is not a Madonna, know how to make a choice.

However, it is not yet a time of desperation.

"Do you have a card?"

"Well, the price is not small, but it is worth a try!"

"That's awkward!"

"I know."

"First weaken them, then, at the end of the day, a hammer!"

"it is good!"

The two talked quickly, and there was no logic in even the upper and lower sentences, but they knew each other clearly.


Qin Qi shouted.

At the moment, the red lotus and the green radish are all shot together and go all out.

And the three heads of heaven, naturally will not back down, the ravages of the wild, greet the three.

Losing the traceability of the advanced version, even if the blood is accompanied, there is no advantage left, and the war continues. Gradually, the pros and cons have already appeared.

Qin Qi they gradually fell to the bottom.

Whether it is red lotus or green radish, they are beginning to be injured, and Qin Qi, if not killed and blessed, can only be difficult to support by killing the wolf.

But the three-headed Tianzun also paid a huge price.

The breath has fallen too much compared to the peak.

"You can't win!" Zhongshan God roared, bringing up the **** rain. I saw a giant peak and smashed a giant tree. With the stronger recovery ability, Zhongshan God compared the green radish and the advantage was expanding.

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