God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2444: Unrealistic

"What can you resist?"

"This will show you!"

Qin Qi is indifferent, and the seeds of the immortality on the body are several times stronger than before, although they still do not reach the level of complete control of the heavens and the earth.

But before, it has already been judged as two people!

The strength of the battle is Qin Qi himself, and there is no concept.

However, it is now a test!

"I don't think so much, you think, you think that you have become a god, I can't help you, or do you think, I am seriously injured?" Zhong Shan Shen smiled.

The face that was drilled from the throat cracked a smile, but only gave a feeling of horror.

Qin Qi can't tell if this is a man or a wild animal.

It is impossible to determine whether there is a human body under the hands and under the skull.

However, these are not important now.

Qin Qi received the sword, and the blood was returned to the scabbard. Immediately, the breath suddenly exploded. It is obviously intended to be invested in this sword!

Enter the realm of heaven.

Qin Qi’s smashing swordsmanship can be used again. This time, the power will be far beyond imagination!

"The particles of this concentration!" Mephis fell to the ground, and he was so weak that he could not move.

It’s just that she is at the moment, even taking care of her injuries, her eyes wide open, and she is incredulously looking at Qin Qi.

Qin Qi's breath fluctuations, even mortals can clearly feel, not to mention the presence of people.

Tianzun’s arrogance, such as fake replacement!

But their respective concerns are different.

What is even more amazing is that the strength of Qin Qi is extremely concise, and the degree of compression has surpassed him!

On the side of the Bright Circles, do you have such a degree of practice?

In Mephis' view, in addition to the black ring vortex, it is absolutely impossible to compress the power to such a level. After all, such compression ratio is unbearable for Dan Tian, ​​the core of the exercises!

Qin Qi body, has a black ring vortex!

And I am afraid it has been specially modified.

This has just entered Tianzun!

"There is no failure at all, this time, finally can relax." Green Luo thought in his heart and completely relaxed.

In fact, she has no fighting power.

Everything, just handed it to Qin Qi.

Honglian chuckled, such a scene appeared more than once, and the final step of the end plan, Qin Qi is also the same, creating a miracle.

As Green Luo believes, Honglian has begun to repair her own injuries.

Because then, there is nothing wrong with her.

Qin Qi is enough to solve everything.

Jiang Liyu, Qing Litian, Crow, and Qingwu are all shocked, but I don’t know why. Even Qing has no such thing, and my heart has a little peace of mind.

This is extremely ironic, at least Qing no own, absolutely not willing to admit.

"Is that sword before, very good, very good, come, let me try, see if I can open my body!" Zhongshan God roared.

He jumped up, countless peaks like steel guns, not even from the earth, but also emerged from the void, killing Qin Qi.

This power is stronger and more horrible than when the original Zhongshan God was in full bloom.

Qin Qi faced the power of this overwhelming pressure, and did not move, just holding the scabbard in one hand and holding the hilt in one hand, still condensing the strongest sword.

Until the power of the Zhongshan God fell, the void collapsed, the earth shattered, and the nuclear explosion scene seemed to destroy this area completely.

Naturally, it also includes Qin Qi.

At this moment, the blood in the Qin Qi double shackles suddenly flourished, and this long-awaited sword suddenly burst out!


Kill innocent!

The blood scabbard and the **** two forces are completely in harmony. With the help of the fairy tract particles, the power is so great that it is hard to resist.

The terrible attack of Zhong Shan Shen was directly smashed into two pieces by this sword.

And the sword light is not limited, according to the body of the Zhongshan God, almost from the position of the center, a sword and two paragraphs.

The **** of Zhongshan, falling down in a hurry, even if it is the body of a wild animal, can not resist such an injury.

This sword, actually killed the Zhongshan God?

Qin Qi himself can't help but feel awkward.

This Zhongshan **** is obviously different from the ordinary wild animals. Qin Qi did not look down on his own strength, but he did not think that he could kill Zhong Shan God with this attack!

But this sword, clearly stunned, there is no trace of falsehood.

"Wow, spike!" Green Roger exclaimed.

“Is it so strong?” Mephis swallowed a mouthful, and some were unbelievable.

Such a powerful Zhongshan god, especially after the "person" climbed out, is even more bizarre, even if she is in the heyday, I am afraid it is hard to beat.

Not to mention the spike.

Qin Qi, really powerful to such a point, first entered the heavens, can you surpass her?

Even the dark world, his most optimistic elementary school brother, fear that there is no such ability.

Always feeling, not true!

Qin Qi's eyebrows, some strange feelings in his heart, lingering, but that Zhongshan God died completely, and he was annihilated by all his vitality.

With his killing kendo, there should be no accidents.

When Qin Qi took the sword to the front and came to the body of the **** of Zhongshan, he carefully examined and found nothing special.

And the man who was drilled from the mouth of Zhongshan had only the head and two hands. He was not wearing the skin of the **** of Zhongshan, but another face of the **** of Zhongshan.

This is really strange, Qin Qi can not understand.

Even Mephis can check the information of the gods, but there is no clue about this situation.

"Is it really dead?" Qin Qi had some doubts.

It’s just that on the system interface, the stars that belong to the heavens and the earth have already been lit up, obviously it is counted to kill this Zhongshan god.

As a result, it seems that there is no possibility of any accident.

"What's wrong?" Qing Litian stood up and walked over.

"Nothing, but some have no real feelings." Qin Qi shook his head.

"After you enter Tianzun, the strength is too strong. The sword just now is indeed open to the outside world. It is normal to have a illusion," Qing Li Tiandao.

In her view, it is not impossible to kill a sword like Qin Qi.

"I hope so," Qin Qi smiled.

Since there is no clue, there is no need to continue thinking about it. It is a matter of urgency to help Qing Litian recover.

In addition to the promotion of Qin Qi, the injury resumed a seven-eight-eight-eighth, and the rest of the people, almost all have been difficult to act, the injury is very heavy.

If it is not restored as soon as possible, it is affirmative to leave hidden dangers.

Especially the green is the worst, the most serious.

Of course, he did not care about Qin Qi, and he did not manage it, let him recover.

Looking for a relatively hidden place, the green radish they began to fully recover, and the bright priest was not sent away by Qin Qi, this holy light, their help is not small.

Of course, the crow will not want to use it. However, because of his inferior position, he did not play against the Tianzun. The injury was not too heavy, and he did not use Qin Qi to worry about it.

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