God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2448: Cooked Tianzun

It will make the dark world make different decisions, only one possibility.

That is the Kunlun bring variables.

But is it really possible?

The Darkness of Heaven is intended to be a one-size-fits-all, and directly to Kunlun.

Kunlun is stronger, and it is only a rising star. Can you surpass these few worlds that have lived from the ancient times to the present?

"I can help you, become another voice in my family, but I want to change it. If I am not enough, I can only judge with the final result." Mephis does not hide.

Qin Qi’s light flashed slightly.

Although Mephis did not say so, Qin Qi generally knows that Kunlun is the only factor that determines the direction of the event.

Apart from him, it doesn't make sense for others to work hard.

And this obviously has exceeded the scope of Qin Qi's ability. If you don't talk about it, the immediate interests are the most important.

Qing Wu’s proposal is enough for Qin Qi to spare his life. After all, the gap between the two worlds is a world apart, and this gap is like a strong and weak contrast.

It’s not important to have one more green or one less.

Instead of leaving him alive, perhaps it is really a good thing to cooperate.

As for Mephis, the same is true.

In her position, even among the black moon performers, it should be able to influence a certain proportion of ethnic groups. After all, she represents the future of the black moon performers to a certain extent.

"Let's do it, temporarily leave you a life, but your combat power can't be restored to more than 50%. I hope that you can cherish this opportunity and don't do anything you shouldn't do." Qin Qi finally decided.

Since Qin Qi has made a decision, Qing Litian is not saying anything, she just does what she should do.

"You can rest assured, I understand what to do." Qing has no way.

From the previous submission, to now, he did have some changes in mentality.

It does have a basis for cooperation.

Just look, this way, will there be any more changes.

"I will do it!" Mephis said.

"Give me your badge", reached a consensus, Qin Qi did not talk nonsense, but made a request.


Qing Wu and Memphis are both surprised. What Qin Qi wants is naturally the badge of the craftsman. This is not only a symbol of identity, but also a proof of authority.

Through it, you can check the infinite knowledge of the corresponding rights of the gods!

"What do you want this badge to do?" Mephis frowned.

This thing is personally owned. Each badge corresponds to each craftsman. It cannot be copied and cannot be given. Even if Qin Qi takes it, it is useless and cannot be opened.

"You don't have to worry about this," Qin Qi said indifferently.

Qing Wu and Memphis looked at each other, but this is really not a big loss. After returning to the craftsman's office, they can apply for another one.

At the moment, I took off the badge and handed it to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi is also nonsense, received it directly, has been handed over to the different Kunlun.

Different Kunlun has been deducting the method of restoring the authority of the big master's badge, but although it has progressed, it has not been successful.

The existing two badges should provide a good idea. As a reference, Yi Kunlun may be successful!

This thing will be dealt with by different Kunlun, Qin Qi does not need to be distracted, and the next thing he has to do is also very clear, that is to continue to deepen and seize the heavens!

He has now reached the realm of heaven, and he does not have this qualification.

Of course, we must wait until everyone recovers.

"I said, you are going to stew the two wild animals, the meat of Tianzun, I want to eat and see." Green radish is the way of mouth.

Her injury has not recovered, but everything is on the right track, even if it doesn't bother, it will not slow down.

So, I don’t mind if I have a good time, but I can’t go anywhere now.

Moreover, Green Luo has not tasted Qin Qi's craft for a long time, and he really misses it.

"It's not bad," Honglian smiled and Qin Qi's craftsmanship, it really can't be easily missed.

Not to mention the flesh and blood as a food, regardless of the recovery of the injury or the improvement of the repair, there will be no small help!

"Tianzun meat, you are too cruel... I want, I want too!" Jiang whispered suddenly, and his eyes were staring at Qin Qi.

Well, it seems that no matter what realm, for food, you can't live up to it.

And just in time, Qin Qi himself wants the ingredients of the Tianzun level, what kind of food can be made in the end, presumably, the world is also the only one!

When Qin Qi did not say anything, cut the essence of meat from the cockroaches and cockroaches, and prepare to show their talents and show the true meaning of the chef!

Qing Wu and Memphis almost looked at it.

Do not dare to believe.

Is this Nima really going to eat?

Eat Tianzun's meat?

Even in the dark world, there is no such thing, it is too much.

Qing Wu and Memphis face each other, even if they have never eaten Tianzun-level ingredients.

Suddenly, both Qing Wu and Memphis gave birth to feelings in their hearts. They thought they were high above them and absolutely above the Guangming community.

As a result, in some respects, it can only be regarded as a dumpling.

This is Tianzun!

"You actually cooked Tian Zun!" Qing couldn't help but marvel.

This kind of thing, he never even thought about it!

Tianzun, which one is not very powerful, why has it been associated with the ingredients.

This is simply the act of barbarians.

The descendants of the loser are the descendants of the loser. Even if they are strong and talented, in some respects, they can't change this barbaric habit.

"You don't eat?" asked Green Luo.

Qing did not sneak a sigh, and proudly said: "How can I eat, my youth is to die here, never return to the dark heavens, and will not eat such things!"

Qing does not know that Tian Zun's flesh and blood will make a miraculous effect, but his identity, his education, his pride, will never allow him to do such a thing.

"The behavior of barbarians!" Mephis disdain.

"Cut, I still don't want to eat it for you!" Green Liao grinned, and then looked at Qin Qi with a look of hope.

Although I haven't cooked for a long time, Qin Qi's craftsmanship has not regressed at all. Even with the improvement of the realm, the use of ingredients has reached a higher level.

The understanding of cooking is beyond the past.

Not to mention that this time the ingredients are heavenly.

After a while, it was already fragrant.

The scent is really indescribable, and all appetites are called up instantly, and it’s no exaggeration to make a saliva.

And this is just the beginning!

As time goes by, even the smoke that has been blown out of cooking has a faint or awkward phantom, full of rhyme.

This is obviously not delicious, absolutely has the effect of comparable medicine!

"Okay, I can't help it!" Green Lol couldn't help it.

"Don't worry, I still have time." Qin Qi flipped the skewers and smashed the soup.

In addition, there are small fried oysters, spiced meat, etc. In addition, Qin Qi has to be stunned, spicy, spicy, steamed, fried and cooked.

In short, this is a sublimation of cooking. It is the last relaxation time before the war.

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