God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2450: Suzaku

"Is that a nirvana nest?" Qin Qi whispered, and Yu Ling's information naturally included many known mysterious introductions.

One of them is the Nirvana Nest.

It is rumored that this mysteriously very special, into it, can get a chance of nirvana.

This is not the flesh, the realm of power, etc., can be Nirvana once.

Of course, Nirvana is not without risk. If you are not careful, it is a dead word.

However, for those who have had a long time to break through, or who have already done their way through the road, this nirvana nest is a rare place to change.

Once Nirvana is successful, it is equal to the vast road ahead, you can go a few more steps and even go to the top!

Niepan nest and the land of creation, how, there will be a small phoenix breath.

Is she in the nest of Nirvana?

Qin Qi and Green Luo looked at each other and saw each other's surprises in their eyes. Naturally, they understood that this was not an illusion, but a real one.

"Niepan nest, the Phoenix family..." Qin Qi whispered, there will be a connection between the two, it is not a particularly unbelievable thing.

After all, the phoenix family is born with the ability to have a nirvana.

Xiao Huang had the privilege of entering the Nirvana Nest. It was like a green radish entering the Great Wall. It can only be said that the air transport has arrived, and it should be so!

"Go, let's hurry and meet with Xiao Huang!" Green Luo surprised.

She did not expect to meet Xiao Huang here!

"It’s not a small phoenix, it must be very powerful now!" Green Lol could not help but admire.

For Xiao Huang, Green Luo is naturally very good, her best friend, one is Ye Yuexin, the other is Xiao Huang, the other people, except Qin Qi is her husband, they have to be a file.

This is the friendship that grew up together since childhood. Not to mention that Xiaohuang is so innocent, and people can't help but care for it. Green Luo is even more worried.

At this moment, I felt the breath of Xiao Huang. The first thought was to rush over immediately.

After all, I don’t know how Xiaohuang’s situation is.

Of course, if you want to change it to Ye Yuexin, the green radish will not be so anxious. After all, the kitten will not suffer.

"Go," Qin Qi nodded.

Here again meet the old people, Qin Qi certainly wants to meet as soon as possible.

And Xiao Huang, Qin Qi's impression of her still stayed at the beginning of Ji Jiachu, it was a pure girl like a white paper.

How can you be reassured?

At the moment, everyone is leaving, and at the fastest speed, they are rushing to the position where Nirvana Nest and the land of creation are bordering.

The closer they are, the clearer the phoenix's breath is, and the more Qin Qi they are, the more sure they are necessarily Xiao Huang, not forged.

"There is movement, it is fighting fluctuating!"

She is almost a world tree now, and the perception spreads out and penetrates into every corner of the world, almost no less than the perception of Qin Qitianzun level.

At this moment, I felt the battle fluctuating, and my heart suddenly burst into shock and suddenly accelerated.

Around her, the power of the world circulates, the whole person is almost out of this world, and is not bound by the law. The speed is fast, and it is temporarily forced to break the void.

"Wait for me!" Qin Qi screamed.

However, I also know that Green Luo is in a hurry, and in fact, he is also anxious himself. At the moment, he is also speeding up, like lightning, and instantly disappears at the end of the world.

In the front, the scenery began to change, and the large flames came from far away with the potential of the original.

These flames are full of devastating breath, but in this destruction, they are accompanied by new life!

Nirvana fire!

Is the front of the Nirvana nest in front?

"The other side!" Green Luo fully sensed, then locked the direction, and directly smashed the void.

The power of the world is madly condensed on her body, apparently, ready to deal with any opponent.

Qin Qi is close behind, as a supplement to the green radish.

With the current strength of the green radish, even if it is Mephis, it is impossible to kill her easily, and it is not too dangerous to think of it.

The Qin Qi battle, almost guaranteed, will not cause any accidents.


The flames burned, and the front is the place of battle. It is the two flames that are fighting, fierce and fierce, absolutely the collision of the heavenly level.

And you can see that one is the phoenix.

The other one, the same control of the flame, and not lost to the Phoenix, is very powerful.

The two flames are constantly colliding, burning the heavens and the earth, and between the vagueness, you can see that both sides are birds, like the elves born in the flame!


Qin Qi was shocked.

Suzaku, in fact, is very similar to the phoenix. It is the most powerful inheritor of the fire system. Even in appearance, there are some similarities.

Only the phoenix is ​​more beautiful, while the Suzaku is more pure.

In fact, judging by the strength of the fire system alone, Suzaku is still a bit beyond the phoenix, but the power of Nirvana possessed by the phoenix is ​​lacking in Suzaku.

Therefore, between the two, they are stubborn and weak, and they can only look at their own cultivation. In the blood, there is no high.

"A maliciously called wild animal?" Qin Qi blinked.

Suzaku, in fact, Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, these four great beasts, in the Tianyuan world, belong to the Yaozu, but in fact, in ancient times, it was classified as a wild animal.

In addition to this, there are some dragons, which are also listed under the different animals.

However, the similarities between the wild and the beasts and the beasts are extremely high, and since the long years, the blood connections have become more and more close. In the end, some parts have been separated from each other.

It is said that the demon is also OK, saying that it is a different animal.

Of course, if you want to go to the extremes of blood power, you still have to return to the ancient times, and you need to present them in the form of wild animals!

In front of this Suzaku, it is not a simple demon, but a red and wild beast that regains the blood of the ancient Suzaku!

Suzaku humming, the flames suddenly filled the world, even in the void, burning flames, as if it is where the world of fire.

Under such a strong flame, the phoenix could not resist it.

And if you look closely, you can find that the fire of the phoenix nirvana, there is a nirvana fire, although much weaker, but even more pure!

That is the breath that Qin Qi and Green Luo are familiar with.

That is Xiao Huang!

"Little Phoenix, I will help you!" Green Luo saw the situation, and rushed into the sea of ​​fire without saying anything.

The world tree is indeed a tree. It has the power of wood. This is restrained by the fire system, but the world tree is different. The power of the world includes, there is no fear of flames!

In fact, what the world covers is all the attributes of heaven and earth. Green radish can be said to be naturally restrained by no power.

Being able to beat her will never be a force to restrain her, but only strength is stronger than her!

Green Luo entered the battle with Tianzun's combat power, and the white-hot battle suddenly changed. The Suzaku was furious and the flames almost melted through the void and took the green radish.

And on the green radish, a world tree slammed into the sky and shook the flames of Suzaku a lot.

"World tree!" Suzaku exclaimed, but did not expect to encounter this power.

With this strong support, the phoenix in the fire of Nirvana was greatly encouraged, and began to storm the Suzaku, not giving a time to breathe.

With the cooperation of green radish, the two joined forces, and the Suzaku is strong again, and it is impossible to reverse this situation. It has no chance of winning at all.

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