God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2455: Try the standard

Such a combination is absolutely rare. From the perspective of Qin Qi, these people's talents are high, but they are geniuses in genius.

In fact, if Hong Lian and others have not been greatly improved, today's combat power should be similar to them. Even if they can win, they will be very limited.

And Sheng Qianmo should be truly overshadowed by them.

"How, help or not?" Green Luo asked.

Qin Qi did not hesitate, since he has already met, naturally he does not sit and ignore the truth.

"You go, kill those sinisters." Green radish is also lazy to hand, pointing to the green.

Qing's face is a bit ugly. Now, is he actually turned into a beater?

Fortunately, such a person has set him up already, although his heart is angry, but the action is not slow, a lot of dark particles condense, turned into the power of the end.

In the area of ​​the squad, the strongest is just a high level of heaven, not yet close to the power of Tianzun.

For Qing Wu, even if it is a wound, it will recover nearly half, and it is easy to crush.

Sure enough, without a half-minute effort, Qing Wu has killed all the sinister soldiers, and there is no residue left.

It seems that he has suppressed too much anger in his heart and took the opportunity to vent.

For Qing Wu’s sudden rush into the battlefield, Sheng Qianmo and others were shocked, but seeing Qing’s hands and knives and killing the Yin soldiers, they were relieved.

Obviously, this person is not coming to them.

Otherwise, it is not an opponent.

"Tianzun?" The thirteen emperor sighed, and the light flashed, and the heart couldn't help but be shocked. At the same time, the body could not stop shaking.

It is an autonomous reaction to the pressure of Tianzun.

At the same time, it is also the fear of the power of Qingwu!

Naturally suppressed.

Feeling, I saw the natural enemies!

"Darkness is a genus!" Zhang Xianyao's pupils contracted, and they were so cold that they couldn't move.

As the most outstanding descendant of Zhang's family, she has the status as a natural being, and naturally knows some information about the dark genus.

She never imagined that in such a place, she would encounter dark genus.

Moreover, it is still a heavenly level!

"These guys are not in exile, how come in?" Zhang Xianyao really does not understand.

Knowing the identity of the other party, even if the opponent's target is a sinister, Zhang Xianyao does not dare to have the slightest luck, but has a miserable color.

Darkness is a congenital enemy. How can the other party let them go?

Leave them not to die, I am afraid that there are other purposes.

Qing Wu has not killed all the sinister soldiers. It can be said that it is ruining and ruining, and seeing the look of these people left, Qing Qing can not help but lift his chin, extremely arrogant.

This is correct.

Qing never feels good, and the reality is like this. They first entered the Guangming community, and the picture they guessed is like this.

Who ever thought that they would encounter the abnormalities of Qin Qi and Green Luo?

At this moment, there is a feeling of wanting to cry.

Zhang Xianyao and others are all stiff and full of staring at Qingwu. They dare not make any movements. After all, if it is a bad one, it will anger the other side, but it is dead.

"What to do, I feel very bad, just like encountering a natural enemy, he is afraid, will not let us go!" Yu Wenji and the soul of everyone.

It’s very difficult to get there all the way, and it’s also very lucky. If it’s just like this, it’s really unwilling.

"The other party is Tianzun, we have no chance", the thirteen emperors are indifferent.

Even if the other party is really comfortable, they don't dare to take the lead and can only wait.

But if they wait for the other party to take the shot, they will not have a chance.

Sheng Qian silently looked at Qing no, silent.

The blood is empty, but it is still empty, with the peace of the Bodhisattva, the look is much calmer than others.

"This is the dark genus, our natural enemies, to him, we don't have a chance." Zhang Xianyao said indifferently.

“Don't do anything?”

"If he is hostile to us, then wait for death," Zhang Xianyao does not want to talk nonsense.

Of course she is not willing to wait to die.

But where is the decision they can make, just look at the green, do not want to start with them.

"Hey, a group of ants!" Green no cold, with a scornful color.

He is no match for Qin Qi and others, but these people, he is still not in the eyes, at this moment is naturally full of pressure, intend to find some confidence in these people back.

Otherwise, he really has to doubt his ability.

"Thank you for your help," Sheng Qianmu took the lead.

He felt the feeling of being naturally suppressed, the body's incomparable rejection, and the danger of knowing each other, but the other party did save them, and they could only suppress this anxiety and fear first.

"You don't have to thank me, you are not worthy!" Qing did not disdain, his eyes swept over the crowd, and sneered twice: "Look at you like this, if I am shooting for you, is it going to die like this?"

"Oh, it really is the descendant of the loser, it is impossible for each to be an exception." Qing did not sneer.

"This guy, it seems to be itchy again?" The eyes of the green dilute shook a few times.

Qing Wu this is being suppressed for too long, can't stand the enslavement of the green radish, intends to vent a wave, otherwise, it is estimated to doubt life.

But why didn't he think about it? After doing this, Green Roe would immediately make him doubt his life?

Memphis used his hand to help the amount, and this is still to be honed. This kind of emotional management is really a bit of a reputation for the master's house.

Of course, Mephis is not incomprehensible.

After all, for them all the way, the failures encountered this time are unprecedented, and they have overthrown too much of what they believe.

Confusion is also inevitable.

It’s not awkward to vent your anger now, and to regain your confidence, I’m afraid it will have an impact on the Tao.

"Look first, there may be unexpected things." Qin Qi made a surprising decision.

He did not come forward to stop the meaning of Qing.

"Which one did you sing again?" Green Rose blinked.

However, since Qin Qi said this, of course, she will not come out. After all, for these people, she does not know at all, and it is indifferent to save.

Moreover, Qing Wu just wants to take the opportunity to vent, but dare not really kill these people.

If so, he is really an idiot.

Mephis had some accidents, and immediately looked at Sheng Qianmo and others, and some did not understand Qin Qi’s intention.

These guys, is there a hatred with Qin Qi?

At this moment, they saved them, but they saw the friendship of the same family, but did not mind giving them some lessons?

Mephis can only think of this possibility.

Qing Wu was actually a little panicked, so he waited for it, but found that Qin Qi and others did not have any movements, nor stopped him.

This will not understand.

What he thinks is also the set of Mephis.

It seems that as long as it does not kill, a little suppression should not be a problem. "Let's do this, this seat does not bully you, let you shoot, as long as you hurt this seat, you will spare your life, if you can't do it, then die here!" Qing no sneer, completely high on the look .

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