God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2486: Azure purple

Outside the center circle, in the woods.

There doesn't seem to be any strange things here, but a man is kneeling here, his eyes are looking far away, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

This man, who was the one who came out of the body of Zhongshan, has recovered and the whole person has become different!

Long hair Yingwu, the back is straight and straight, and there are mountains and rivers floating up and down in a pair of black scorpions. It is hard to forget when you look at it.

"I just came to see what I left, I didn't expect to meet old friends in the past." The man laughed, but there was not much smile in his eyes.

At this moment, he is looking at a pothole, which is a trace of the battle left not long ago. From the perspective of perceptual feedback, one side is a wild animal.

The other side, very special, relatively confusing, like the power of many homologous but different characteristics.

However, because this is the reason of homology, these forces have begun to merge and further purify.

This is what men can detect.

"It looks like you are not doing well!" The man shook his head and shook his hands.

This purple is very tenacious, has a characteristic that is difficult to destroy, can suppress it, but it is not easy to destroy it.

The man stunned and laughed, and then his hands slowly lifted up, completely annihilating the purple.

"It's not so strange to kill, you can live, it doesn't seem strange, too, I don't always be lonely!" The man smiled, but then his mouth curled up with a hint of coldness.

"First, give you a face-to-face ceremony!"

The man is indifferent, and there is a gradual flow of light in the eyes. It seems that there is a trajectory that continues to stretch, like what to grab.

At the same time, there are things to evade, it seems to escape the pursuit of men.

Once and for all, the man almost lost his trace several times!

"Somewhat!" The man smiled, and Xianwei began to rush out, and the trajectory in his eyes suddenly accelerated, and there was no possibility of being avoided.

At a certain moment, the man's light flashed, and a transparent lens in front of him appeared on the surface like a wave of water ripples.

Immediately, the ripples gradually became intense and even began to roll, and then a figure fell from it.

A large number of purple flames ignited, wrapped the figure, and then indiscriminately flocked in all directions.

"The reaction is okay," the man praised, and did not dodge, and the purple flame came, only to see the road as the water swayed, blocked in front of the man.

"Who are you!" Hunting King stared at the man with incomparable eyes, his eyes full of deep jealousy.

This person is terrible, and the King of Hunting does not even understand how he will be caught.

This power is like coming from the void, everywhere, even if it is the nine heavens, it has not been able to avoid it.

This method is also terrible. The Hunting King believes that his hunting world has a similar effect, but it is completely incomparable.

Can only say that it is a land of creation, always horrible than imagined!

"My name is 荀丹青", 荀丹青 self-introduced, "Don't be too nervous, I am not malicious to you!"

The Hunting King’s eyes tightened and he sighed: “What do you want to do?”

This made him get over, but said that there is no malice, and some can be somewhat convincing.

The letter is strange.

Not to mention such a strange approach, even life is not in your own hands.

"Don't be so excited, I said that there is no malice, that is, there is no malice." Yan Danqing smiled lightly, then pointed to the purple fire of the hunting king's eyebrows, said: "Do you know the source of your strength?"

The Hunting King stunned. The process of getting this purple fire was very strange. Although this power belongs to him now, he is ignorant of the source of this power.

This person in front of me, can't you know?

In the land of creation, the Hunting King has seen too many terrible, and it is guessed that this place is related to the ancient times, and even the power of which era belongs.

It is also very likely that this is from that era.

It’s hard to be done. The people in front of us are actually from the ancient times.

This is amazing. The ancient times have already passed away. How can anyone still live in the world? Even if it is the supreme world, it can't resist such a huge time span.

"What do you mean?" Hunting King Emei.

The other side is much stronger than him, and the power characteristics are particularly strange. He has no possibility of fleeing.

Now that you realize this, you don't have to think about it. It's better to see what this guy wants to do.

This will get him over, not always for his life.

Hunting King is still clear, he is not worth it now.

At least in the eyes of these powerful people.

"This power is very interesting. If you get caught up, you can't get rid of it anymore." Dan Danqing smiled lightly.

The Hunting King snorted and said: "I didn't want to get rid of it!"

In the eyes of the hunting king, there are fine beatings.

He will never forget the kind of despair that he faces in the land of exile.

Already in that desperation, the insights that have been seen are superb.

Indeed, giving them the presence of the Purple Flame gave them a chance to survive, but the Hunting King was not grateful.

He only has the boundless desire for that power!

He wants to be that kind of existence!

Yan Danqing looked at the Hunting King with some surprises, and immediately realized, "Look at my brain, it is a little rusty. You swallow so many similar purple flames, you should understand what you want to do."

"Just..." Yan Danqing looked at the Hunting King with some playfulness. "Do you think that you have the ability to capture the power of that guy?"

"To know that the guy is not only inexhaustible and rid of the power, but also is notoriously careful, you can not succeed in this way, you can find it, you can't live," Yan Danqing laughed.

"Is it just like this, can I live?" Hunting King taunted.

Yan Danqing was not angry, just thought about it, and then nodded: "You are right, the guy is notoriously careful, it is very famous, you are dead!"

"Who is that person, what is your relationship with him?" asked the Hunting King.

"Our relationship is very bad, so kid, you are lucky, I will not harm you, on the contrary, I will help you to seize her power!"

Hunting King stayed, of course, will not say anything to believe in nonsense like you.

"What to do?" asked the hunting king.

“Very good!” Yan Danqing nodded, then said: “You must first know that this purple fire is just the benchmark form of her strength. When it is purple, it turns into azure purple, it is her real strength. !"

"I will help you get azure purple, so that he will have no control over you, and he will not be able to recover the power invested in you."

The hunting king heard the words, his eyes suddenly brightened, but his face did not change much. Any gain is accompanied by the price!

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