God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2505: Liuhe ban

The land of creation will fall apart, and no one can stop it.

A large number of fairy lights are like drooping waterfalls, and the strength is strong. It is a barrier that Tianzun can hardly break.

If it is hit, it is afraid of being a god, and it is also fierce.

It is as strong as Moyun Huangxiu, and at this moment it is also a change of color, can no longer maintain the arrogance above the sentient beings, and begins to dodge.

Such a great change, Tianzun is also slightly smaller.

It is only difficult to get rid of the fact that the undead sage has already left, and separated from them.

"Damn, this old thing has such a means, it is really a small look at him!" The devil's cold channel, a knife out, the magic is mighty.

It’s just a knife, but it’s just falling into the fairy light, but it’s not able to penetrate it.

In this way, we must not be bullied before, and compete with the undead.

"Can you just watch him leave?" Tiger Zun screamed, but it was helpless.

"It seems that it is necessary to consider, the emergence of another unfinished world leader." Solomon's door is hidden in a fog, a faint road.

The unfinished world leader is the first person under Kunlun, infinitely close to the realm of heaven and earth.

Nowadays, this undead singer has taken this kind of creation, and he returns to the day, fearing that it is also the realm.

Now think about it and how to deal with it.

"He hasn't had this life yet!" Mo Yunhuang rested coldly.

He carried his hands and still looked down on the undead.

Look at this, it seems that even such a result, can not let him see a few points on the undead.

The demons received the knife, but they did not speak, but suddenly they looked at Qin Qi.

Immediately, the dawn is great!

Qin Qi body, the fairy light surging, actually began to become more and more rich, the Taoist Xianwei spread out, set off him like a fairy.

The immortals in Qin Qi, how can these powers?

"That kid, from the Luo Yongsheng seized the Supreme Majesty!" The main hall of the Temple of the Gods is cold and cold, the heart is extremely shocking, the sound is full of killing.

The blood scabbard originally belonged to him, but now, it is obtained by Qin Qi.

Nowadays, even the Supreme Emperor will be captured by Qin Qi?

How did he do it!

All of you are horrified, and you can't understand how Qin Qi can do this step. You must know that even if they are now, it is difficult to take anything from the hands of the dead.

But the facts are already in sight.

The Xianwei of Qin Qi became more and more intense, and the undead sage that went far away began to weaken.

Unwilling roar, roaring.

Undead is almost savvy, but no matter how he stops, the immortals in the body are completely uncontrolled, and they are constantly gathering toward Qin Qi.

The Supreme Majesty will be completely acquired by Qin Qi.

In the end, is it still a wedding dress?

Undead, how do you want to smash Qin Qi's corpse, this kind of mood, even if you kill the soul, you can't vent your anger.

However, the undead lord also knows that at this moment, it is necessary to remain calm. Otherwise, it will not only be the Supreme Emperor, but even the Supreme, will be lost.

Everything is irreparable.

In addition to accepting his life, at this moment, there is no other choice.

But the immortal Tianzun will never allow Qin Qi to seize this anti-tianistic creation so easily. This thing, except him, no one wants it!

"Liuhe ban!"

Undead screams, and puts a seal into the uncontrollable Supreme Immortal.

Liuhe ban is the most top seal, and the higher the realm of the man, the stronger the seal is, and it is difficult to lift.

Obviously, the undead **** knows that he can't stop it, then this is a good thing, and Qin Qi doesn't want to use it.

He will seal this supreme sacred fairy, wait, return next time, and then recycle.

Even if it can't be done, at least, Qin Qi does not want to have it.

"Liuhe ban?" Solomon's main door was slightly surprised, and then pointed out, it was also Liuhe ban!

He is in line with the undead sacred, and once again raised the power of the banned hexagram!

Immediately, the main hall of the Temple of the Gods, etc., also shot, and banned the six-in-one ban.

Obviously, no one hopes that Qin Qi will get the power of this supreme sacred fairy.

Therefore, they do not mind the use of this kind of effort.

In the end, the Temple of the Gods, the Lord Solomon, the Nightmare, the Undead, the Moyun, and the Tiger, all shot, with the power of the six great gods, to form a higher level of Liuhe ban.

Such a seal, between heaven and earth, I am afraid that apart from opening Kunlun, only the unfinished world can break open.

Qin Qi, was completely cut off the possibility of getting the supreme sacred fairy.

"Haha, hahaha, Qin Qi, little bastard, you wait, waiting for the deity to come back!" Undead is a big laugh, full of endless killing.

He has gone far and gone and disappeared.

And more sensation emerges, completely isolating everyone.

Qin Qi did not change his face, but only made a message and poured into the minds of people such as the sea.

There is a coordinate inside, which is the gateway to Zhongzhou.

These Tianzuns, who are all eyeing Qin Qi, in order to protect their safety, naturally have to enter the exile.

As for Qin Qi himself.

I am afraid that it is not so easy to get through this robbery.

Sure enough, several Tianzun did not intend to give up on this, and they all shot.

The isolation of Xianguang made them unable to get close to Qin Qi, but with their strength, they still could control the direction after Qin Qi left.

Anyone wants to make that direction more biased towards themselves.

After everyone has this idea, it is difficult to control. As a result, no one has any benefit, and Qin Qi is completely lost.

Directly rushed into the void, I don't know where it will drift.

The land of creation has been completely cracked.

Extremely sorrowful, unsatisfied, but only with the broken earth to fly to the universe, until the fairy light, can freely move.

"It seems that you are right, that Luo Yongsheng, can not get the supreme sacred fairy", the wild and strange animals laughed.

She stood with Yan Danqing and watched the land of creation fall apart. She also looked at the genius of this era and drifted to the universe.

"In this way, her treasure will also be in the world, and the key will be obtained by him. I don't know if this treasure belongs to him."荀丹青淡淡道.

"Her treasure is in the darkness of heaven, it is not so easy to capture." The wild beast shook his head.

And as she said, her body began to become illusory and getting weaker.

Yan Danqing noticed that his brow was wrinkled, but he said nothing, he had already expected it to become like this.

"The Supreme Majesty has already had the Lord, and my mission has come to an end. This land of destruction has broken down, just to be my end!" The wild and strange animals laughed.

She is the will of the land of creation, and has survived to the inheritance of the Supreme Immortal.

Now that the mission is over, it is time to return to the long river.

Dan Danqing is speechless, only bitter.

The one he knows is one less.

"Right, I am the widow of a wild animal, you help me find a descendant, our family, can not be absent from this era!"

She has a hunch, and the next era, perhaps, is no less than the age of the ages!

"Okay, don't worry," Dan Dan nodded.

The wilderness and the beasts are turned into light particles, and they disappear.

Yan Danqing sighed and his heart was mixed.

However, before his emotions were released, suddenly, even if he could not bear it, he almost wanted to squat down, and instantly filled the whole universe!

He changed his mind and looked up, and the whole person froze directly.

A crack appeared in the universe, then slammed and smashed all the stars around it!

The bright circles are like being torn apart by life, a big star, a big world, in front of this huge crack, it is as small as an ant!

"Black Diamonds!" "The Heaven and Earth Supreme?"

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