God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2604: Goodbye leaf fish

Qin Qi looked at Bai Luoshen and was funny.

However, Bailuo God buried his head like this, revealing his lower body outside, his skin close to the clothing, holding up a drumstick, and tempting some.

People can't help but want to sin.

"Cough, don't hide, come out first, look at the power of this colorless diamond." Qin Qi coughed.

After a while, Bailuo was slowly swaying out of the quilt. The beauty of the pair was angered, and the smashing of Qin Qi was finished.

"Do you give me this martial arts, don't you want it yourself?" Bai Luo Shen bite his teeth.

"I need a martial art that really belongs to me, but before that, these martial arts must be removed from the body. In fact, I have only two martial arts left now," Qin Qidao.

Bailuo was slightly surprised, and the scorpion smashed, and immediately shook his head: "No one is as powerful as you, I don't understand, but since it will not affect you, this martial art, I accepted it!"

At the moment, Bailuo began to stimulate the power of the body. There were already avenue particles appearing in the faint, and as the volatility continued to sublimate, a martial art emerged above her head.

No sky, colorless diamond!

The eyes of Bailuo’s eyes suddenly brightened, and she could feel that her strength has improved a lot in an instant, and the realm has already stood firm in the sky.

Next, just hit the sky!

"The colorless diamond, I have heard of his deeds, he is very strong, very strong, although it seems that his strength is nothing, but on the potential, it is still terrible!" Bailuo Shinto.

The colorless diamond is the man of the strange world at the beginning. The true heavenly posture has not yet reached the realm of the king, and it has the tendency to win the first person.

His growth, the kings are very concerned, very scared.

Unfortunately, he failed to grow up. Under the circumstance, he was replaced by the first taboo at the expense of life. It must be said that it is a pity.

But now, he has the opportunity to once again let the world see his strength.

The ability of the colorless diamond is combined with the Kaleidoscope of Bailuo, and the power must be shocked!

"With this martial art, I am promoted to the opportunity of Tianzun, and a lot bigger!" Bailuo smiled, and his heart was hard to hide.

After all, if she is not, she wants to promote Tianzun, but it is not easy.

"That's good," Qin Qi laughed, and the remaining two martial arts, he also had to shoot as soon as possible.

The dark dragon ride is still good to say that Qin Qi already has a candidate, but the bright pastor, so far, no suitable person can inherit.

And this matter must be cautious, but it is not simply to give the martial arts to others, these martial arts, there will be great use in the future!

Of course, this matter is not in a hurry.

Bailuo began to completely integrate the power of the colorless diamond, and Qin Qi also took the opportunity to talk about his experience since this time.

"When are you going to challenge Mo Yun Huang Xiu?" Bai Luo Shen has some concerns.

Moyun Huangxiu was the first goal of Qin Qi. After that, it was the first Kunlun.

"I haven't decided yet. Before that, I plan to go to the mining area first."

"But this thing is also because of me. I have a lot of enemies. Maybe I haven't waited for me to go to Moyun Huangxiu. Others will come to the door first." Qin Qi smiled bitterly.

"The pair is on the top of the Mo Yunhuang, are you sure?" Bai Luo Shen asked.

She knows that Qin Qi is very strong and hides deeply in the martial arts test, but that person is the Mo Yun Huang Xiu, the master of the Imperial City for so many years, Megatron has been famous for a long time!

It is too difficult to beat him.

"To tell the truth, with my current strength, I want to defeat him, the probability is not more than one in ten thousand." Qin Qi is not concealed. He is very clear that he and Mo Yunhuang Xiu this level of existence, the gap is still very large.

Because of this, Qin Qi was planning to go to the mining area first.

One is for Zhao Cai’s swallowing tower, and the second is that he wants to use the resources of the mine to re-forge the blood!

He wants to break the sword of Kunlun and truly integrate it into the blood.

If it is possible, he even intends to incorporate the imitation of the gods' abyss abyss. If it is really successful, then the sword that is obtained is afraid of being the number one in the past and the present!

At least not weaker than the four banters!

But even if everything goes well, if Qin Qi's own realm does not break through, then there will still be a lot of pressure on the Mo Yun Huang Xiu.

But it is not impossible to fight!

"You didn't have the supreme sacred fairy. Isn't that seal even you can't solve it?" Bailuo Shinto.

This is one of the most counterproductive creations between heaven and earth. If it is completely used for its own purposes, Qin Qi’s combat power should be more than that!

"I can't solve it," Qin Qi shrugged.

He hesitated, and did not say the things of Xia Luoyan.

"Does this?" Bailuo whispered and his look flashed a few times.

Immediately, she calmed down her strength and looked at Qin Qi. Some tweaked words: "What should I do next?"

"What do you mean?"


Qin Qi is a glimpse.


What tonight.

What are you doing tonight?

Bailuo God is suggesting this?

No, this is already clear!

If Bailuo God is like this again, he can't stand it anymore. After all, no one can refuse such a beautiful woman, and it is still a friendship.

"Tonight..." Qin Qi swallowed hard.

Bai Luoshen flashed a bit of complicated light, then bite his teeth, and the white fingers grabbed the quilt, and he planned to grab the quilt and cover both people.

Qin Qi, who is also a person, can predict the opponent's movements when fighting, and can't understand what Bailuo wants to do.

Although he was a bit strange in his heart, it is reasonable to say that Bailuo should not be so bold.

But things have come to this end, the atmosphere has already been formed, Qin Qi will not back down.

However, at this time, it was a sound.

"You haven't started yet, I thought it was over!"

The timing of this sound is really smashing, Bailuo Shen and Qin Qi are both physically stiff, suddenly screaming, and squatting to the side.

"I said, Luo Shen Huanghua prostitute will forget, you tweak what strength, when you are a virgin?" Ye Shenyu looked at Qin Qi very despised.

Come, it is the squid!

Qin Qi was separated from Ye Shenyu, and it was still in the battlefield. After that, he never saw it again.

I did not expect that I would meet again here.

However, it is not surprising to meet her here with the relationship between the squid and the shy flower.

"No, what are you doing?" Qin Qi squinted, very depressed.

I didn’t come late, but I came out one second before I was ready to drill the bed. It’s deliberate, it’s too embarrassing.

Of course, to say that, to be able to reunite with Ye Shenyu, Qin Qi is still excited, after all, this is the first person he saw after entering the Tao.

"What is your attitude, do you think I am bad?" Ye Shenyu's eyes shook and he was very dissatisfied.

"That is not there," Qin Qi can only accompany the laughter.

"I said that you are also, spring is worth a thousand dollars, I waited for an hour before coming in, how do you even start the foreplay, what efficiency?" Ye Shenyu is very helpless, and looked up and down with a skeptical look Qin Qi .

"Are you injured?"

"I do not have!"

This leaf squid suddenly jumped out, and the spring night was naturally gone. Qin Qi was helpless.

"Luo Shen, why are you burying your head in the quilt?" Ye Shenyu took Bai Luoshen, funny.

"Nothing, a little cold."


After sorting out the emotions, the three of them did not have any scruples, so they sat on the bed generously.

"What the **** are you doing?" Qin Qi asked without a good gas.

"Come to see you!" Ye Shenyu looked like a smile.

"Do you know it is me?"

"Hey, you gold house, I thought I didn't know?" Ye Shenyu snorted twice.

Look at this, Ye Shenyu has seen the summer geese.

Speaking of this, Ye Shenyu couldn't help but admire Qin Qi, swearing: "It's not too handsome to say that you guys, the result is good, even the summer geese are following you, amazing!"

"Don't talk nonsense, there are many reasons!" Qin Qi coughed.

Ye Shenyu shrugged, but did not care, but the correct color said: "I know it is you, I came, but not for myself, for the boat."

"Mu brother wants to see me?"

"Well, he has something to tell you."

"I intended to go to him tomorrow morning. It seems that it is not too late." Qin Qidao.

"He... is really anxious, specific things, you can ask yourself," Ye Shenyu said.

"Good", Qin Qi nodded.

Ye Shenyu informed Qin Qi Mu Zhou where to look at this, she did not intend to go, it is to let Qin Qi alone.

Qin Qi did not doubt him, and disappeared without a trace.

"Shen, my heart is a little uneasy."

After Qin Qi left, there was a worries in the eyes of Bai Luoshen, and there were some concerns.

Ye Shenyu heard the words, just sighed, then shook his head and said: "That is her life, we can't change anyone. If anyone can, then only him."

"Mu Zhou will tell him everything, after that, he will see his choice." Ye Shenyu sighed, and soon, he quickly cleared his mood. He smiled slightly: "I am going to find Xia Luoyan, we... ...total total!"

The Qunfang Pavilion covers an extremely large area. In addition to the area where guests can find their guests, there are many secret areas that are not open to the public.

In the end, the Qunfang Pavilion is also a big giant in the realm, and the foundation can be profound.

According to the position given by Ye Shenyu, Qin Qi came to the deepest part of the Qunfang Hall. This place is full of dangerous atmosphere. If ordinary people come in, one step is wrong, it may be the disaster.

However, Ye Shenyu has already prepared in advance, and Qin Qi has come all the way, without hindrance, nor has it leaked a little bit of breath.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour, Qin Qi stood in the hall of a underground palace. Here is the location given by Ye Shenyu, and Mu Zhou is in front of him.

However, Mu Zhou’s appearance at the moment is very strange.

He was suspended in midair, and a translucent chain was drilled into his body from the void. His whole person seemed to be hung.

Qin Qi can feel that his breath is incomparably weak, and those chains are fatal to him!

"Mu brother!" Qin Qi exclaimed.

"I guess you will come. Sure enough, you didn't let me down, nor did you... let her down." Mu Zhou looked up and looked at Qin Qi, a weak smile.

"Mu brother, what is going on here, what happened to you?" Qin Qi asked in a hurry.

Mu Zhou’s vitality is perceiving the passage of time. Mu Zhou shook his head and said: "This is not important. I am here, there is something to tell you."

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