God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2614: Taikoo mine

The Taikoo mines have a very long history. With the current records of the Guangming Group, it is impossible to trace back to the beginning of the Taikoo mine.

But one thing is certain, the Taikoo mine is like a land of creation, and it was left from the ancient times.

However, because it is too mysterious and dangerous, no one has ever found out about the Taikoo mines, let alone the things buried in the mines.

The previous mine disaster in the world is enough to explain everything.

Qin Qi strolled through the void, step by step, almost close to the place agreed with Zhao Cai.

However, Qin Qi did not rush to show up.

It is not that I don’t trust Zhao Cai, but I am worried that there will be an accident.

After careful exploration, Qin Qi determined that the agreed place was not the same, but found a problem.

Zhao Cai, he did not even wait for him here.

Zhao Cai is the first step back to the mining area to prepare.

It stands to reason that he should have been waiting for it.

Qin Qi slightly frowned, a flash, has entered the agreed place.

This is a very hidden cave, which is hard to find, and the traces inside the cave can be seen that some people have been here before.

Qin Qi was keenly aware and carefully discerned, knowing that it was indeed the atmosphere of Zhao Cai.

Not long ago, Zhao Cai was indeed here, but left.

"This fat man is extremely valued to swallow the tower, it is impossible to leave easily. This time, I am afraid there is something unexpected." Qin Qi said to himself.

When Qin Qi retired from the cave, he was not eager to leave, looking for Zhao Cai, but to explore nearby.

He wants to find out if Zhao Cai has any information left.

About a quarter of an hour later, Qin Qi stood on an inconspicuous tree, and on the trunk, a small jade butterfly was inserted.

This jade butterfly has been specially treated and will not emit any fluctuations. If it is not visible to the naked eye, I am afraid that no one can find it except Qin Qi.

Qin Qi glimmered lightly, took it off, and entered power into Yudie, but there was no movement.

After thinking about it, Qin Qi changed his power and became the soul force used in the Tianyuan world. When this power changed, the Yudie really reacted.

A message suddenly appeared in Qin Qi’s mind.

"Darkness is a genus?" Qin Qi frowned.

According to the information left by Zhao Cai, he did not reveal his purpose.

But even so, he went to the Taikoo mine, because the dark scorpion requisitioned him.

In fact, the dark genus has been deployed in this mine area. It is not necessary to say that it is so rich, but their real purpose is to find something.

Since the night of the night, the dark scorpion sent a large number of researchers to operate in the mining area.

Those mines that are considered to be restricted areas have dark scorpions.

But until then, no one knows what they really want to do, it is the strength of the mining area, and they are completely unaware of it.

Of course, the darkness is acting, they do not dare to ask more, and seeing that they are more active in those restricted areas, they will no longer be in charge.

But this state, not long ago, found a change.

The dark scorpion suddenly asked the giants of the mining area to help each other, not only the call of various resources, but also the consumption of a large population.

Yes, the dark shackles force the people to send sacrifices to pour the Taikoo mines with blood, in order to open a passage to the deeper parts of the Taikoo mine.

The giants of the major mining territories dare not defy the orders of the dark genus, and can only drive a large number of bottom-level living creatures into the Taikoo mines. Most of them are unable to go to the depths of the Taikoo mine.

The reason why it can be done is that it is all over the way, and it is made up of people.

Therefore, in a period of time, the whole mine area is full of **** smell, showing how terrible the death and injury are, and hundreds of millions of souls die like this.

Although the mining giant is angry, it is helpless and can only succumb.

In addition to these victims, the top fighting power has also been called by the dark genus.

The dark genus wants them to enter the Taikoo mine and explore the secrets of the mine.

Of course, the darkness has promised many benefits, and promises that if it is harvested in the mine, 30% of it will be distributed to the major forces.

It’s just that this promise can be honored at that time, but no one has the bottom.

After all, the situation is stronger than people.

If you are weak, you will be bullied.

The weaker the life, the less valuable it is. Otherwise, the billions of creatures that piled into the Taikoo mine will not die so easily, and only a string of numbers will be left.

In short, the dark genus should have gained something during this time, and eventually all the power was invested in the Taikoo mine.

Therefore, a large number of strong people have been recruited, including Zhao Cai, which has the existence of special abilities.

Whether it is deep into the mine or exploring the secret land, Zhao Cai's cornucopia is a force that cannot be ignored. With him, the difficulty and chance of getting the treasure will be greatly improved.

"Qin brother, I feel that I will die if I go here. You have seen this message, but you must come and save me. I still don't want to die!"

This is the last message of Zhao Cai.

That pair of tears looked like a way, so that Qin Qi was speechless.

As for this awkward fat man, even if it is taken away by the dark scorpion, the chance of dying is not great. At most, it is not good.

However, the Taikoo mine itself is in danger. Qin Qi naturally does not dare to neglect. He does not hesitate to enter the Taikoo mine.

Taikoo mines, the outer periphery alone is very huge, and with the deepening of Qin Qi, the air gradually appeared in the air.

The more progress, the more intense the **** taste.

And across a low mountain range, a **** river suddenly appeared in front of Qin Qi, and it was particularly dazzling in the shadow of the poverty around the earth.

Among the blood rivers, there are a large number of bones floating on it, all of them have their own horror before death, which is unbearable.

The darkness is an order, let this land float hundreds of millions of people, whoever sees this scene, will not feel good in the heart.

And this process, not even the darkness is a do-it-yourself, but a fake hand in the Guangming community.

I saw this scene, and then think about the thousand worlds that were designated as sacrifices to the dark scorpions in the negotiations between the two circles. Qin Qi’s heart even hated the nightingale and the Kunlun first.

If it is not their selfishness, how can there be such humiliation?

Qin Qi looks cold and goes all the way along the blood river.

Soon, Qin Qi felt a pressure.

This is from the Taikoo mine, an invisible sense of oppression that falls directly on the soul.

In the eyes of Qin Qi, this Taikoo mine seems to have survived. It is no longer a mine in the earth, but a "giant" lying in the ground!

Of course, this feeling is only a moment, and there is no basis, and Qin Qi does not think so.

But it can be seen that this Taikoo mine is indeed not ordinary.

Fortunately, this pressure is nothing for Qin Qi. He still keeps moving at a high speed. Finally, in the middle and rear sections, he discovered the traces of the dark genus.

It was in the **** river, and a building similar to a lighthouse stood there.

The shape of the lighthouse is weird, and there is some sense of science and technology in the quaint and simple style. It is obviously the style of darkness.

At the top of the lighthouse tower, a **** fire is burning.

With the burning of this blood, the air of this world has become somewhat different.

If you open your blood, you can see another strange scene, as if a basin of water was dripped into the blood and began to become cloudy.

Even in the end, it will turn into a **** color!

Qin Qi’s light flashes, and this may be one of the forces that darkness needs to open the Taikoo mine.

Nothing to do, Qin Qi left the place with a flash, and as he continued to move forward, this kind of lighthouse is getting more and more, and the blood fire is getting more and more prosperous!

Until Qin Qi came to a giant pit, above the sky, even the clouds of blood have accumulated, it looks like a large burning fire!

Here, it is the entrance to the main mine of Taikoo.

Here, it seems that you can hear endless mourning, just like being in hell!

This is the remnant of the horrible mine disaster in the past, and the billions of souls that have been sacrificed to open the mines are roaring!

Qin Qi stood on the edge of the entrance and was almost unperceived after deliberately converging.

And when he looks inside the mine, he can still recognize some of the breath. "Hey, this breath..." Qin Qi gave a slight glimpse, and he sensed a very unique atmosphere, and he never imagined that he would meet this person here.

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