God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2672: Former comrades are present

"All have been arranged, if you can't hold it, just start." Qing Litian said lightly.

Although it is the same camp now, she does not have a good relationship with Honglian. The attitude is naturally not a bit of a pro-sense.

Honglian snorted and said: "The undead world is already the limit, you can move on to the next step."

Qing Litian shrugged. "Good, the commander of the main battlefield of the dead, is now handed over to me."

Honglian nodded, this is the plan, and there is no way.

However, the contact was not interrupted. Before Hong Lian left, he suddenly said: "The battlefield of the undead world consumes two-tenths of the coalition than you and me before the war."

Qing Litian’s eyes are awkward. “What do you want to say?”

"Nothing, I hope that you can play the pre-war simulation level." Honglian smiled lightly, closed the contact, and went away on his own.

She is going to receive the troops sent from the outside world, and that will be the force that will shake the entire Guangming community.

In particular, there is her shackles, the Wolf Legion!

Qing Litian smashed the image of Honglian, and he snorted twice, his face cold.

"Is it a strong result of two-tenths of the increase, is this strong?"

Qing Litian is cold and cold.

There was a ray of light shining behind Qing Litian. A woman walked out of the transmission array and saw Qing Litian's appearance. She couldn't help but pull her mouth.

I don’t have to look at her, she knows that it’s the red lotus that makes Qing Litian feel a little stimulated.

But she can't persuade anything, but she has some gloating. "Don't be so excited. After all, the power of the Warrior's Highness is there, and it's really worth two-tenths of the victory."

Come, Su Qingqing.

Qing Litian said that it was the Mozu. In the Tianyuan world, the grievances of the Terran and the Terran were extremely deep. Su Qingqing and Hong Lian were all fighting in the battlefield and fighting against Qing Litian.

Even if the situation changes dramatically now, it will not have any good attitude.

Qing Litian heard the words, just a cold cry, and then said: "You just came over, but immediately knew what we discussed, it seems that your performance has reached the peak."

"The peak of the current stage, but you can rest assured that even if you meet the Heavenly Masters, I am not afraid!" Su Qingqing smiled.

She has an unparalleled talent on the plane, and before that, she got the evil spirit of the evil curse from Qin Qi.

This makes her go further.

Although we have not yet set foot in the realm of heaven.

However, the daytime performer is like a warrior. It is extremely difficult to reach Tianzun. Even the Kunlun coalition forces, there is no Tianzun classifier.

Otherwise, once the Tianzun’s daytime masters obscures the secrets, and then the commander of the strong, they can’t really control the entire battle.

The game of heavenly mechanics has always been a general victory factor of war.

Su Qingqing came here to help Qing Litian suppress opponents in the sky!

"You need to do very simple, do your best to disturb the secret, do not be pushed by the other party to my means." Qing Litian faint.

"Just like this?" Su Qingqing blinked. "I don't need me to deduct the other's movements?"

"No need before, after that, no need!" Qing Litian scorned.

Qing Litian naturally understands that Honglian is deliberately stimulating her, but she does have a fire.

Previously, the two big battlefields were commanded by her and Honglian, and they shared the pressure from the night mountain. Now, she is in full confrontation with the night mountain.

Qing Litian has no fear.

Even faintly a little excited.

If she and Hong Lian work together against the night mountain, she can't afford much interest and don't bother with any results.

But it is different now.

It is a one-on-one!

Strong is strong, weak is weak, there is no excuse to find.

Whatever the secret, as long as it is not prevailed by the other party, then Qing Litian, there is absolute unbeaten!

As for winning, it depends on the situation after the real full confrontation.

The war command was taken over by Qing Litian, and Honglian quickly separated from it and went to a corner of the undead.

Undead, in an inaccessible jungle, a huge, colorful, rounded abrupt appearance, filled with space rules.

This is a space wormhole, similar to the existence of a portal, but the technical system is derived from the chaotic fairy world.

The biggest difference between the two is that the wormhole is more concealed and can avoid the detection of the Kunlun coalition.

At this time, the wormhole was wide open, and a force poured in from the other side of the wormhole. The scale was so large that it could not be supported by the ordinary world.

Moreover, these warriors are by no means a miscellaneous cannon fodder. The body is extremely strong, and it is composed of a group of warriors.

In particular, the first legion of the regiment is powerful and powerful. Even if there is no deliberate outbreak of war, its breath is already like a smoky, straight into the sky.

Such a legion, does not move like a mountain, like a tiger, if it is straight, there will be a sense of wolf ringing, as if the next moment will be swallowed up clean.

This is the red smoke of the red lotus.

It was made up of the old department of the old Tianyuan world, combined with the new wolf smoke formed by the world of aliens and flowers in previous years.

Nowadays, the replacement of the armaments has been completed, and the entire 100,000 people have been prepared, all equipped with the standard lock armor!

These 100,000 people, like wolves, are highly wary.

They are already eager to try.

They will let the whole universe see the power of wolf smoke!

The army of the outer world continues to enter the undead world. Among them, there are local forces in different circles and the power of Zhongzhou. The strength is not weak.

Although the overall realm is not as good as the Kunlun coalition, they have their own advantages.

That is the technology from the chaotic fairy world.

Yarn weaving has been in the same world for many years. It is not only the study of the lock armor. Under the cooperation of the dark genus, the outer world can already manufacture the lock armor.

These armor are completely incapable of being compared with the real lock armor, retaining at least one-tenth of the power, but it is better than the manufacturing process.

Even the ability of the outside world can quickly arm all the legions.

This is enough to allow the forces of the outside world to have the confidence to fight the coalition forces.

And this is just the legion level.

At the level of the strong, that is completely different.

There are no shortages among the strong ones in the world. The geniuses of Zhongzhou are fascinating, and this is not the same as today. Today, one by one has already skyrocketed!

Such as the people of the day, such as Gu Renjie, Liao Tianyi, etc., there is no weak one, all are extremely strong!

Not only that, the yarn weaving for them, all of them are real locks and armor, which greatly enhances their combat power.

It can be said that apart from the lack of top-ranking powerhouses, the middle and high-level powerhouses have not lost much.

In the past, no one would have thought of a small world like Tianyuan World. You can get out of such a huge potential.

Perhaps it was the creation of Tianyuan’s nightingale, and I did not expect such a day.

In the past, Tianyuan was just a test field, a piece of chess in the hands of others.

But now, Tianyuan’s pieces have jumped out of the board. What they want is to use their power to fight for a future!

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