The eternal chaotic sea truly witnessed all the history of this world.

Whether it was the glory of the Guangming era in the ancient times, or after being destroyed by the dark heavens, only the remnants of the Guangming community were left behind.

It has witnessed the rise of countless days of arrogance and witnessed their demise.

As time goes by, many things have changed, and this chaotic sea is always here.

No one knows what is on the other side, never.

At this moment, under the chaotic sea, there is a new chaos, although this new chaos is nothing compared to the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

But the terrorist power that broke out in it is real and really amazing.

Qin Qi is fighting against the night.

Qin Qi, who returned from the sky, has not yet reached the peak state, and this battle can just let him sort out the power.

As for the night, there is no such arrogance, he has gone all out.

All the power is shown in this battle.

In the hands of the swords of the banned level, like a complete night, where the stars are a little bit, it seems to seal the infinite universe!

The night is not cool. In order to refine this sword, it costs a lot of treasures. I have countless times to enter the forbidden land. There are several times that I almost died.

And in the end, he still supported it.

In the end, the sword was pushed to the level of the four major banters.

How can you do this step?

It is the great master of the dark heavens. If you don't rely on the vast resources of the dark heavens, you will not be able to do what the night can do.

Later, the nightingale made the world supreme, and also helped the night to cool, helping him to push the sword forward again.

Already the level of the half sage!

What a terrible thing!

No one in the world wants to get it. The sword that is held at night is actually a half-blessing soldier!

"This sword, named not cool, my name, my sword!"

Before the war started, I told Qin Qi that it was not cool at night.

Now, the sword has been shattered and crushed by the **** hands of Qin Qi.

Half-Bingbing, in front of the real Xianbing, is still not enough to see, let alone the Qin Qi's weapons to kill, all things in the heavens and the earth, as long as they stand in front of the sword, they can not escape the fate of being killed.

Not a cool sword.

It has been cool.

Night Weiyang is a disciple of the nightingale. Like the night, they started at the beginning of the night.

But later, the night did not go to the road.

Even the nightingale changed his own way and went to the road of Kunlun.

The teacher felt that Kunlun’s Tao was the strongest, so he changed.

Night Weiyang feels that his own path is the strongest road, so after she recognizes the road, it will never change.

Even the fiasco will not change to Kunlun.

The night is not cool and very confused.

He doesn't know how to change.

This should not change.

It is a very lucky thing to have a strong fellow and a great master.

But sometimes it is also a very painful thing.

This is especially true when the teacher and the same door are farther away than themselves.

The night was not cold and I was caught in such pain.

No one helped him, no nightingale.

He can only rely on himself.

But in the end, he came out and walked out on his own. He finally knew that he should not change, how to change.

He also changed.

His path is called Midnight.

After the night of the cold, the moonlight is deep

This is the poem of the mortal scholar, which was heard when the night was lingering in the midst of confusion.

He feels very fit for himself.

The midnight road is a piece of night, overlapping, and after midnight, it is exactly the deepest, countless stacks of clouds, like the siege, can trap the world.

Very strong road.

The nightingale also praised him.

I don’t think it’s cold at night, he wants to be in the middle of the night, look for his own way, go all the way, never back down!

He will let everyone know that his way, midnight, is very strong!

So before the war, the night did not tell Qin Qi this point, because Qin Qi will know the first one, how strong his way!

Now, the killing of the kendo is full of Kunlun, the night disappears, and there is no left.

After the cool night, it is now cool.

Night Weiyang once thought that since teachers and sisters are so powerful and want to surpass them, then it is not just weapons, not just avenues, but also physique, but also beyond them.

So for a long time, the night is not cool, looking for ways to strengthen the body.

Even once possessed a lot of special physique, I studied how to transfer their power to myself.

This kind of thing, as a disciple of the nightingale, he is very familiar.

In the end, he did it. He used a lot of special physiques and different materials to make his physique change qualitatively, and completed the unprecedented - night body!

This physique is very strong, and even the paper surface strength does not lose the top physique such as the body of the dragon.

And this physique, there is room for growth!

The night is not cool, and I can't help but be proud. With the body of the night, he feels that the master of the dark world is not a problem.

Now, Qin Qi's dragon veins shattered the night, and the body of the night was completely ruined.

The night is not cool and lacks courage.

When he doesn't like to be completely uncertain, he likes to put everything in order.

For example, not a cool sword, such as the Midnight Avenue, such as the body of the night, these are all built in the night and are the most suitable for him.

This kind of him, very strong, very strong!

So, he finally had the courage to challenge some invincible.

And now, courage is scattered.

The battle under the Chaos Sea is very fierce and extremely exciting. Qin Qi must admit that the night is not very cool and very strong. It is not something that ordinary craftsmen can measure.

He is close to the level of the Buddha's demon and the undead.

Moreover, he should be able to move forward.

However, he did not have this opportunity.

The power he is most proud of has been broken by Qin Qi, first and foremost, but at the end, it is a completely crushed posture.

There is no chance to lose.

"You are really too strong, maybe the teacher will be in your hands," the night is not cool and weak.

He looked at the young man in front of him, his injury has begun to repair, and even when he died, the other party can fully recover.

In this battle, he has no results.

Qin Qi did not think so, but seriously said: "You are also very strong, stronger than I thought."


Qin Qi did not continue to say.

"And it can be stronger, right?" The night is not cool but it is a self-deprecation.

Qin Qi nodded and said nothing.

The dead will not become stronger.

The night did not cool down and coughed twice, and finally there was only bitterness.

If this courage can occur earlier, perhaps he can reach a higher level.

But it is also possible that it has already fallen.

Therefore, no regrets, only bitterness.

"You can't win the teacher now," the night is not cool and dumb, it is already on the dying.

"You also said, it is now, and even now, I will not necessarily lose!" Qin Qidao.

The night is not cool and laughing.

This is the difference between them.

The body that was not cool at night began to dissipate, the chaotic sea rolled, the surrounding space began to reshape, and the temperature was a little lower, which was quite cool.

Qin Qi can't talk about sadness, but there is no joy, but no matter what kind of emotions will not stay in his heart for a long time.

Because the enemy is still there, the battle is not over yet.

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