God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2687: Too nine turns to the gods

"There is intelligence that shows that there is a change in the place of exile."

Gao Wei took over the spy agency of Guangming United, and with the current forces of Guangming United, the espionage of the espionage naturally extended to the entire Guangming community.

Even the borders of the enemy camps and the central areas are no exception.

Especially in the Taoist world, there was originally the existence of Yu Lingling. Although it was cut off later, the foundation was still there. After the Gaochun took over, it continued to operate.

This time is the news that Yu Linglong passed back.

Inside the exile area, there are special fluctuations.

"Sure enough?" Qin Qi sighed, although he was prepared, but still hopes to come later.

In this way, the Light Alliance has enough power to fight against it.

"But the specific situation is still unclear for the time being," Gao said.

"Continue to stare," Qin Qidao.

"I know", Gao Hao nodded.

"Right, children, is there any news?" Qin Qi asked.

Since the little guys accidentally left the exile, there was no news anymore, but Qin Qi did not expect that, now, there is still no trace of them.

Can you leave the Guangming community?

"Still no," Gao Hao shook her head, she is also somewhat worried.

"Forget it, these little guys, it is estimated to enjoy happiness in other places, believe me, no one can bully them in this world, they will not bully people, you will burn incense," Qin Qi laughed.

"Fuer knows things very well," Gao Song snorted.

The combination of light and light has occupied the scope of 90% of the bright circles, and naturally it has spared no effort for the search for former friends.

For example, Xiaobai, Ye Yuexin and others have returned to the outside world in this year, each of them has a strong fortune, and with this cultivation of holy places, the realm can continue to climb.

If time is still able to be more generous, Qin Qi even has the confidence to fight against the darkness of the genus.

"Right, they are also in the emperor's kingdom, are you letting them come over?" Qin Qi asked about it.

"Hey!" Gao Qi slanted and looked at Qin Qi.

Qin Qi was a little embarrassed.

It is estimated that Gaochun has already known what happened between him and the three people of Ye Shenyu. It is indeed absurd to say, but Qin Qi has nothing to admit.

Of course, Gao Song will not be tempered with Qin Qi because of this kind of thing. It is not her character. Situ Jing is still similar.

"They came over and did an experiment. I will also participate in the time," Gao said.

"Test?" Qin Qi sighed, "Is the yarn woven out?"

"The yarn weaving is also involved, but it is mainly dominated by Hockens and the different Kunlun."

At the beginning, Qin Qi left half of the heterogeneous Kunlun's computing core in the outer world, so the existence of the different Kunlun is not secret in a few high-level.

"Hoogans?" Qin Qi was surprised.

Hockens was the original researcher of the dark heavens. He was the one who led the team. Nowadays, it is mixed with the yarn weaving, and all kinds of techniques from the chaotic fairy world are very fast.

However, out of the fear of the dark genus, Hommins could not participate in the manufacture of the entire lock armor, so when there is free time, Hogans will participate in other research topics of the Tianyuan Institute.

For example, Gao Hao said this now.

"If it succeeds, it may become a killer," Gao said.

"What is it?" Qin Qi could not help but come to interest.

He really can't think of it. What kind of experiment is that Ye Shenyu and Gao Song are involved together. After all, they should have no intersection at all.

"Do you remember that you were from the exile of the ancient battlefield and turned to the gods?" Gao Xiao laughed.

Too nine turns to the gods.

Qin Qi thought about it and remembered it.

At that time, he went deep into the ancient battlefield, and indeed got such a battle from several heroes who died in battle.

Qin Qi remembers that this method is very different. It can combine the nine people with the same power and strengthen the combat power.

It is because of this large array that the nine brothers and sisters of the ancient same door can join hands to defeat a master craftsman.

This is undoubtedly a very amazing record. It is incredible that no one of the nine positions is a great man. It is impossible to defeat a great master who surpasses the ordinary big heavens.

"That is very strong, but it also has boundaries. The strength of the big craftsman is the limit, so we are thinking, can we continue to raise the limit!" Gao Weidao.

"Our own masters of the tactics, yarn weaving and different Kunlun, have spent a lot of time in it, but the progress is very slow."

Qin Qi is still deeply involved in the law, so it is not unexpected to hear this.

If you are too close to the array of gods, this is amazing, the composition of the inside, the use of materials, are very mature, it is too difficult to change.

This is definitely a big project.

"Why, is Hogans playing a big role?" Qin Qi laughed.

"Yes," Gao Hao nodded. "Horgez also unintentionally learned about this project. He is blunt about this method and he is familiar with it. He has done research specifically."

In the ancient war, the Guangming community almost destroyed all the ancient survivors, and the dark heavens also suffered heavy losses.

Among them, in this too, the nine-turned goddess array, suffered a huge loss.

To know that the people that Qin Qi saw were only one of the strongest players in the war, and there are a large number of powerful people who have the same kind of media as an opportunity to use this array.

The result added a lot of great masters' level, which made the dark world unprepared and the loss soared.

If it is not for Datianzun, this method has lost its meaning relatively. Otherwise, the loss of the dark heavens can be unbearable. It is estimated that it will not be able to slow down for thousands of years.

Because of this, after the war, the gods sacrificed the study of this formation, and wanted to find a way to crack.

Unfortunately, in the end, there was no effective cracking technique. In addition, the end of the war, the two circles maintained a stalemate, and the **** sacrifices did not continue to invest resources, and this array was put on the shelf.

When Hommins enters the **** sacrifice, the resources in the **** sacrifice have already been tilted to the creation of the lock armor, which is too much to turn to the goddess, naturally no one cares.

After all, this method is useless for the dark genus. From the beginning of the design, the most root cause is that it was created for the souls of the bright circles, and cannot be copied for its own use.

It's hard to imagine who created this kind of formation.

In short, Hobbys was obsessed with the squad of the Guangming community, and carried out a lot of research, including the Taishang nine-turn goddess.

He failed to surpass his predecessors and found a way to crack, but he accidentally found a method of strengthening.

Although it is just a concept.

Later, Hommins did not continue to study and joined other projects.

I did not expect that he will see this law again today.

"Isn't this a fortune?" Qin Qi said with some sighs. "But he really wants to help. Is he not thinking about strengthening the law, and eventually the unlucky ones will be dark?"

Gao Hao is also shaking her head, but she has the answer.

"He exchanged for more technology to lock the armor. For their fanatical researchers, it is everything to explore the unknown," Gao said.

Qin Qi heard a word.

The idea that Kunlun left for him, said a word to Qin Qi, Qin Qi still remembers.

"The truth of many things is far more crazy than you think. You have to understand that the biggest temptation in this world has always originated from the unknown. For this reason, some people can give up everything!"

This was what Kunlun said at the time, but Qin Qi did not feel the same, but now, but a little understanding.

"But this method does not require the same medium as the benchmark, can it be integrated?" Qin Qi wondered.

At the beginning, those who were strong were from the same door, so they could be merged.

But sorghum and leaf squid, etc., there is no intersection at all, what should we do?

Gao Yan heard the words, but it was a playful look at Qin Qi, and he sneered twice.

"What do you mean?" Qin Qi's eyes twitch slightly, what expression?

"After all, it is not a yellow flower niece, this yin and yang in the body, this yang, do not know who it is," Gao Qi slanted Qin Qi.

Qin Qi looked a stiff, suddenly twitching his mouth. Is this Nima also OK?

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