God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2693: Seven great masters

It took a full three days, and Honglian and Qingli genius were able to stabilize the battlefield situation.

However, the cost is to retire backwards. I almost spit out all the results from this period of time and returned to the time when I just entered the Tao.

And that's it, it has already made Honglian and Qing Litian both exhausted.

It’s a bit of a sense of incompetence with the people who have broken up today.

One person alone is the same, but still can firmly grasp the rhythm of the war in his own hands, so that Honglian and Qing Litian are exhausted.

Yuan Yuanjin, the first person in the innocent dark heaven army!

And the three-day battle, the opponent's combat power is almost understood.

This time, the seven famous gates of the Dark Heavens participated in the battle, and most of them came from elites. This time, the Round Table Council is not a small fight.

It is really directed at directly ruling the bright circles.

The other is that the war has reached this level, but the defunct and his squadrons still have no appearances. How much power they have is hard to know.

For a time, the morale of the United States fell sharply and fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Before the countermeasures were taken, the frontline wars were temporarily suppressed and no further shots were taken.

"The seven famous gates, divided into seven roads, are listed in front of our front line, and let us go to challenge."

In the central big account, Honglian smashed his eyebrows and looked a little tired.

Even if it is just such a stalemate, she still needs to spend most of her energy on the formation of the troops. After all, the other party is not always on the move. Once the intention is reached, they will swallow their last line of defense.

"The enemy is strong and weak. We can only divide seven battlefields. In contrast, the Terran, the Yaozu, the Mozu, the Haizu, and the wild animals are the core of the five battles."

"In addition, Qin Yi, Tianzhu, poetry, sea listening and the emperor, this time must go to the front line of the battlefield, use your ability to let the five-way army play a stronger battle!"

"Otherwise, we can't beat the opponent all the way, even their weakest black-day terminator!" Qing Litian said.

This five-way army is not only composed of the Legion, but also countless to the existence of the Yellow State. They also came from all walks of the Guangming community to participate in this battle!

Those who have not yet reached the Huang dynasty, and even have no qualifications to participate in the war, can only become cannon fodder, and it is meaningless cannon fodder.

This is indeed a very unacceptable fact.

The other party is only half of the legions of the major names.

But for the Bright Circles, it takes almost a racial force to fight!

Moreover, it is not always better than the other side!

"The remaining two roads, I and Hong Lian each along the way, based on the mixed army of the various ethnic groups, formed a two-way army to come out," Qing Litian continued.

Everyone heard the words, they all changed slightly.

It is hard to say how much combat power such a large army can play. After all, it is a mixture of various ethnic groups. It cannot be like the other single races, and it can gain the power of growth of **** blood or smallpox.

Or, to give feedback to God's blood or smallpox their stronger fighting power.

All that can be relied on is the ability of the soldiers of Honglian and Qing Litian.

The seven-way army has already become a success, although it is still somewhat inferior, but at least it has been able to fight a battle, and the three-day contest has also enabled Honglian and Qing Litian to seize a few points of the past.

After the battle, there is no chance that it will be defeated again.

They are not the existence of being arbitrarily taken care of.

Only the Legion Wars have been partially relieved, but at the master level, the problem is even greater.

Not to mention those Tianzun-level powerhouses who are sprinkled on the battlefield and are waiting for opportunities. Now even the number has not been counted, which is very tricky.

If there is no advantage in locking the armor, the loss in the previous three days will be even greater.

And this is just a small meaning.

What is really terrible is that the Dark Heaven has sent seven master craftsmen to the Taoist world!


Big craftsman!

An unbeatable lineup is enough to sweep everything!

Seven famous gates, seven great masters, several of them, even have the power to approach the Buddha's demon, the undead, this is like seven big mountains, pressing the entire bright group!

To this day, the united forces of Guangming United are indeed not the same as before, and there are many more existences in the realm of Tianzun, and the number of units that have reached the level of Tianzun by means of the lock armor is even more.

But so far, Datianzun is still very scarce, still the old ones.

Only the green radish, the dragon light dance, the gods of the Tao, the talented couple, is the new Datianzun.

But even so, with the second-generation armor, it is still difficult to match the master craftsman.

Not to mention that the dark heavens sent this time also have the existence of the Datianzun level, many of which have the title of a craftsman!

They are from the craftsmen's office, and they have stronger fighting power. They must not be underestimated.

Think about it, even the big craftsmen have dispatched a whole seven, then how many big days and heavens should there be?

The darkness of the heavens that has never been cut off since time immemorial, the depth of the foundation is evident!

"The top-level combat power can't be defeated, it is defeated, and there is nothing." Qin Qi took a deep breath and sighed.

"Three great masters, we can use the Taishang nine to turn to the gods, and three strong people of the same level have already come out, enough to fight!"

This point is clear to everyone.

The previous test also fully proved that it can indeed match the strength of the master craftsman.

"But this is not enough, we can't do without the battlefield!" Red Lotus frowned.

She and Qing Litian are each one of the nine people. If the battlefield is separated from them, it will collapse in an instant. Is it still necessary to fight afterwards?

"No problem, they are the masters of the high, the strongmen from the famous, they can not easily fight!" Situ Jing is the way.

"This war is indeed the darkness of the heavens for the sake of the interests of the war, but as long as the night is still there, then the dark heavens are still nominally nightingale, proud of the darkness, how can it easily fight for the night?"

Situ Jing said it was good.

The soldiers underneath will be counted, the nightingale is the supreme, the status is far beyond them, and there is nothing to say.

But the master craftsman is the closest level to the supreme, not to mention the back of the door, they will not bow to the night, even if they bow slightly.

In their view, they should be on an equal footing with the nightingale.

"They should only be on the Kunlun Mountains. As long as we can't get in, they will never come out." Qin Qi laughed.

"Then win the war first, and kill it in the fusion!"

"But the combat power is still not enough," Tianzhu said.

"If the war can win, then we can also fight!" But Qin Yi opened the way.

And what she said, we are naturally fire, blood and smallpox!

If the war wins, then the power of the ethnic group can be gathered on one of them, and the combat power at that time is not necessarily weaker than the master!

Especially Qin Yi, she has a salary, and in the exile, the fire of the emperor is also left to her.

With her unprecedented two fires, it would be terrible to gather the power of the Terran.

Even, you can challenge the big craftsman of the Heihe swordsman!

"There are already six people, and the other one is left to me and the sea to listen to it." Dijiang smiled.

He is the king of the wild and the wild, and the sea is the king of the sea. The two can indeed increase the power of the people, or the power of the people, in the same way as Qin recalls them.

It’s just that it’s hard to do that Qin recalls them, or it’s a bit worse.

But if the two join hands, it is not impossible to fight for the last big master!

It seems that it can be matched, but all of this must be built in the case of war victory.

"There is nothing to say, win it!" Red Lotus smiled.

Everyone heard the words, they all looked at each other and smiled.

Yes, it is won.

There is no way out, and there is nothing to worry about.

Win it!

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