One second, remember [69 books,], update fast, empty windows, free reading! “Supreme

    , no way, you’re not even the King of Fairy!” White ghosts scream, this is not consistent with common sense.

    Even the great criminals here, many can break the common sense and hold the most powerful power, but in the case of Cinderella, the supremacy, almost unprecedented!

    In fact, Supreme’s strength should be the power of the great wisdom.

    It’s almost hard to break the common sense.

    This kid now has the supremacy in the first flower.

    Are you kidding me?

    He didn’t even get the third Step’s fairy power, he just crossed the level, straight to Supreme’s strength?

    “Impossible, it should have taken advantage of some kind of Forbidden Artifact’s power!” The white eye is cold.

    But what kind of Forbidden Artifact?

    Is that the sword?

    it’s very strong, but it shouldn’t be!

    What the hell is that?

    “Forbidden Artifact, the boy has something good in his hand, and if he owns Forbidden Artifact, that day he can…” There are great criminals who shine and show greed.

    Forbidden Artifact, indeed.

    Maybe you can get Forbidden Artifact out of jail and get his power out of here.

    “Forbidden Artifact?” Zhao’s holy eyes, the slightly shook of the head.

    He’s not sure, but it doesn’t seem that Forbidden Artifact is so simple.

    He didn’t touch Forbidden Artifact.

    In any event, however, victory in the field has not yet been divided, and at this point everyone wants the white ghost continues to fight again so that they can figure out exactly what’s going on.

    We don’t have to wait for the supremacy!

    “Boy, you’re really surprised, but that’s not enough!”

    “Supreme is stronger, but how much do you have? But a drop of fur that’s all, now, I’ll show you the power of the Third Step Fairy!” White ghost Hah!

    next moment, day, night infiltration, constantly spreading, the power of extermination has increased, and this hole is already unavailable!

    “Damn, you want to kill us in the middle of the night!” The culprits in the bottom hole are alarmed.


    power used in the night is not under the second flower. They can bear it. Once contaminated, they will not die or die.

    But the night doesn’t care about that, the night is dead, and it really wants everything to be destroyed.

    Those big criminals, complexion, have changed, and only gnashing teeth have escaped.

    They can’t stay here anymore!

    The night sneered, who was in the second flower, showed the third Step Fairy, which was not what common Expert could do.

    When he betrayed, he had the power he had, naturally, great superiority!

    Zhao Xiao Xiao Xiaoxi has made a slight change in his body, turning his magic in and blocking the power of the day’s death.

    It looks easy.

    Apparently, his Strength is far beyond the night.

    As for the ceiling cave, there is no turning force at all, but the night break is hard to close, as if there are more terrifying forces there!

    Other major criminals, the waves of shock power are resistant, some are barely strong and others can compete against each other.

    They are not, however, the goal of the day of death.

    Qin Qi is!

    “Third Step Fairy, I have a difference, okay ight”, Qin Qi Lower.

    Just let the white guy give him his foot!


    night created by the Third Step Fairy has passed away, and the power to exterminate is strong, and at least before this, Qin Qi has never seen the power of such extinction!

    Indeed, there’s an extremely far distance on this one!

    Unfortunately, he met Qin Qi.

    Third Step, the night of the increase in fairy power has passed away.

    With the sword that Supreme was driving!

    It’s weak.

    It’s Qin Qi!

    “Pure Supreme Power, this fellow!” Zhao’s holy light has risen.

    next moment, swords collide completely with the night, and the power of extinction swept out, and the hole is no longer sustainable, and it collapses instantly!

    This is the strongest place in the crime mountains, where this hole has survived so long that it has never been destroyed, but now it starts to collapse!

    “Damn it!”

    “Asshole, what are you doing? You want to kill?”

    “Damn it, I can’t stop it!”

    “Save me. Somebody help me!”

    Two great extinction forces collide with each other, and that power is too much more than terrifying.

    It is now difficult to sustain those who have been able to resist the great crimes of both manpower.

    A little weaker, Death.

    He’s been killed.

    But no one cares about their death, the white ghosts are in insane roar, and the second flower of war has completely erupted.


    fairy power of Third Step is definitely terrifying.

    And the supremacy of Qin Qi, even more than not to repeat it, is only terrifying.

    The silent extermination.


    underground of this central hole in the Mount of Crimes, which has been expanded by a dozen times, has completely disappeared by the fact that dozens of the major criminals have no sign of a wave of flowers.

    The remaining major criminals, even realm, with a second flower, have become difficult to stay and withdraw from the perimeter of arrived.

    “Zhao San, what do you think?” Up to the cave, together, sounds loud.

    Zhao San coldly snorted, whispering at the bottom of his eyes, but indifferently said, “White ghosts are dead.”

    Seems evenly matched, but Zhao is well aware of what Supreme’s strength is, if Qin Qi has just a little bit of external fur, or relies solely on Forbidden Artifact to play the supreme power.

    Then Qin Qi might fail.

    But apparently not.

    So the white ghost, though strong and extremely hard to kill, has only one dead end!

    The people in the cave didn’t care about the answer, but said, “I’m not asking this.”

    “What do you want to ask?”

    “I want to know, do you think he can let us out?”

    Zhao is silent, and then smile, “Maybe I can, but you…”

    As far as the exist in the cave laughed and stopped talking.

    And Zhao San, complexion, slight, silent.

    On the other hand, the war was intense, but the trend had long been set.

    The white guy’s crazy roar up, he’s all fucked up, and the whole guy’s like going to blow up the same one.

    However, the failure has stopped.

    white is completely gone, swords are covered, and the ghosts will fly ashes.

    “The power of this house is as immortal as you dont think it’s possible to kill me, it’s useless!”

    “You’re ruining me, but I’ll be born again, or the mother’s crew won’t lock me up here!”

    White ghosts scream, he may have failed, but not necessarily lost!

    Just that sword suddenly changed into iron slaughter.

    the sword of slaughter!

    If it’s destruction, opportunity to live.

    So, where’s slaughter?

    under slaughter, everything is intangible, Death!

    White ghosts have to get all hailed, painful roar.



    sword of slaughter fell with the supremacy, and the white ghost couldn’t resist it, and all opportunities to live were cut off by slaughter, destruction!

    White man, it’s dead.

    The most heinous sinners who were ever known are now in Qin Qi’s hands.

    And Qin Qi’s realm, and then Upgrade, officially stepped on the second flower!

    Second Step Fairy, full of qualities, plunged into the Third Step Fairy!

    And the supremacy of the system’s original sources is more open, and the Qin Qi at this moment is incredible!

    “Killing White Ghost is not easy, just, it should be in an arrow at the end of the flight alright!”

    He suddenly pulled out to suppress Qin Qi while Qin Qi was the weakest!

    However, he was wrong. Not the weakest, but the peak!

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