God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 900: Abnormal love

The ninth chapter of metamorphosis

Just the explosion, the five big three thick, all black hair, sharp teeth exposed, with a huge mouth, a bloodthirsty look, don't mention more horror, but now, turned into a very handsome man, even a talented man Feelings are a lot worse.

This gap is too big, Qin Qi can't accept it.

"Oh, stupid humans, don't be fascinated by the deity, the deity has no interest in you." The enchanting arrogant.

"Who will be fascinated by you!" Qin Qi licked his mouth, and Laozi did not like men.

"Hey, boy, when you face your own heart, you must be sincere. I know that you have been fascinated by the deity. This is not a shameful thing. You just have to follow your heart." The enchanting haha ​​laughed, look like this. Zi, it is really a narcissism to a certain realm.

"Handsome, your belly is gone." But Zhang Lang smiled and raised the bright red apron in his hand.

"I rely on, where do you come from, and give it back to me!" The enchanting stunned and screamed, but it was still so handsome.

The enchanting is a little angry and angry, wants to grab the robbing, but unfortunately it is just a ruin of the soul, nothing can be done, can only sigh.

"I said, who is this apron?" Qin Qi could not help but be curious.

"Whether, death is dead, there is nothing to say, and the adults are already dead." The enchanting suddenly suddenly a bit stunned, full of gray meaning, that is, Qin Qi they are followed with some sadness.

It was only very soon, and the enchanting screamed and danced, laughing and sullen, and lasciviousness was not the same. "Tell you, this is actually the apron of my family, when I took her to take a shower, I secretly stole it!"

"Ah, my family is really the most beautiful woman in the world, that figure, the contour, the leg, the waist, the chest, think about it, it makes people feel so sleepy, and this apron is the thing that my family is close to, that is Wrapped in a pair... ah, there is also the body fragrance of my adult, I can only sleep sweetly when I hold it!"

"Ah, I really love my family, I am really happy with my aunt's apron!" The enchanting face is intoxicated, like immersed in the happy dream!

Qin Qi and Zhang Lang, are a constipated expression, almost spit out.

They ask themselves to be wretched people, and they all like the beauty of **** and long legs, but this one is already a metamorphosis level.

"Boss, let it go." Zhang Lang faceless expression.

"Well, weird, I know that I will not waste my soul." Qin Qi nodded.

"Oh, don't, can you die and resurrect and say two words, don't be so uninvited!" The enchanting cried.

"What are you doing, disgusting people?"

"Don't say that, you are not coming to steal the tomb, I am familiar with this place, can give you directions."

Wen Yan, Qin Qi was a bit stunned, wondering: "Do you really mind if we steal the tomb?"

"There is nothing to mind about this, the demon is like a light, the life does not bring death without taking it, what a little baby to give you?" The enchanting smile, do not care.

"You are not afraid of your family as you are, but also have a remnant soul?" Qin Qidao, now also knows that the fire crow saint is the adult in the eyes of this demon.

The enchanting just shook his head and said faintly: "Impossible, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will not go with the adults, and do it myself."

Qin Qi suddenly did not know what to say, the demon in front of people can not understand, obviously this metamorphosis, but it is so true, the person who loves to die, can really give up his life, go with him to Huang Quan .

Such deep love is rare.

"So, what do you want, do you want us to move your body to your adult?" Qin Qi asked, he did not believe that the other party would help them for no reason.

"No, I am here to guard her." The enchanting shook his head and smiled. It seems that he is here, and he is already satisfied.

"There is still something we need to do for you?" Qin Qi asked softly.

"There is a big man's boudoir inside, you can help me find it, maybe there are other apron pants, and bring it to me, put it in my coffin." The enchanting smile.

"Forget it, you still have to die." Qin Qi no expression, he really wants to make this goods directly smouldering.

"Just kidding, so what are you doing seriously, come and come, I will draw maps for you." The enchanting smile.

The enchanting is indeed very familiar with the tomb of the palace. He is clear in every room burial chamber, and what traps are banned, who are buried, and what dangers are there. All of them are labeled with Qin Qi.

Of course, one of the most striking of them is the mortuary of the Fire Raven Saint.

Qin Qi also did not want to dismantle the wretched behavior of this goods, just asked: "Where is this area?"

"This is a special force collected before the great life. They are placed in the four halls, one of which is the Yin and Yang Dynasties, the second and the dead temple, and the three Yanyang Hall, the four blood sea hall."

"But these are the halls, but in fact they are half a world. The scale is not small, and they are all in front of the adult's burial place. You want to go to the burial place and you must go through these halls."

"Of course, you don't have to pass all the way. This grave is divided into two roads. You are right in this way is the Palace of Life and Death and the Temple of Yanyang. As long as you pass these two halls, you can naturally enter the core of the funeral." Said, the body has begun to fade.

Its soul remains so little that even more souls can't be saved, and at this point, providing soul energy is useless.

"It seems that I am going to disappear." The enchanting whisper is very easy. I obviously don't care about this. "In addition, you should hold it in the apron, maybe it will help, but I will give it back to me."

"Thank you." Qin Qi holds a fist.

"Really don't need us to do anything?" Zhang Lang asked.

"You", the enchanting thoughts, and finally laughed, "That will help me finally look at my family."

After all, the remnant soul turned into a light grain and disappeared without a trace.

The enchanting madness and almost perverted love Qin Qi can not feel the same, but Qin Qi believes in the truth of his mouth.

The reason why he is willing to tell Qin Qi about the layout of their cemetery is probably just the last sentence.

He thought, look at his adult again, even if someone else is going to see him.

"Resident, insane metamorphosis." Qin Qi sighed and re-closed the cover.

"Let's go, with this map, we can be faster." Zhang Lang said with a smile.

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