God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 904: Green radish is here

Chapter 904, Green Rose arrived.

Lanze's talent is different, his potential is endless, he can look down on the demon sacred, but he still has not become a prince now, even if his heart does not look up, but the power can not be fortunate.

The tomb of the demon, can you enter if you want to enter?

Lanze’s face has already reached the extreme in Silver City. It feels that the whole face is swollen and the face is so powerful that if it is blocked now and cannot enter the tomb in one breath, then he has a prestige before it belongs to the following. Word?

"District sacred sacred, before the power of my ancestor's ancestors, what counted!" Lanze roared, completely broke out, the magic soul behind it is more obvious, with the infinite fierceness of swallowing the sky.

That is the shadow of Poseidon, the power of the gods.

In the hands of Lanze, a large blue-eyed cymbal appeared. This is a treasure of the Mozu. It is a celestial top, and its power is extremely terrifying. And in the hands of Lan Ze, the power that can be exerted will be even more amazing!


A blue rushed out and collided with the tomb. The strength was too strong. It felt that the whole space was trembled. Even if it was thick like the wall of the tomb, there were even small cracks.

Before such a force, even the Three Souls and Seven Statues seemed to be small, and they had been cut off and shattered on the spot.

However, among the tombs, they began to turn around the avenue, and the confrontation with Lanze, the means left by the demon sac, is not so easy to break through.

In the face of this, Lanze is just a cold cry, there is no meaning to stop, the massive magic is surging, into the blue shackles, the most violent attack against the tomb door.

The Poseidon family, the magic reserve is the most of the twelve clan, the ancestor Poseidon is also known as the **** of infinite magic, bit by bit consumption, Lanze will not care.

This Lanze is indeed awesome, and it was just beaten up. At this moment, it was completely erupted. The strength was too strong, the void was broken, and the tomb door could not be supported for a long time. It was finally completely destroyed by Lanze.


The blast is constantly raging, and the terrible power is raging, revealing the passage to the interior of the tomb.

"Master Shenwei, the power of the demon saints in the district, where can resist the master, dare to block, direct bombing!" The charming witch suddenly smiled, she will most observe the color, at this moment, it is also to ease Lanze's embarrassment .

"Hey, the demon, this is the low class of our demon, it is nothing." Lanze faintly, holding hands.

The tomb was shattered in one breath, and Lan Ze recovered some faces.

"Adult, let's go in and see. Before the gods had problems, I am afraid that the people who had gone in before left a trap."

Lan Zewen heard that Shuguang suddenly became cold and nodded: "It is true."

Everything just now is a shame for Lan Ze, and he will not let those people go.

No matter who is in this tomb, it will die!

At the moment, Lan Ze took the lead and entered the tomb. However, his movements were too big. The atmosphere left by those in front had already been destroyed. In the two passages, Lan Ze could only choose one.

But Lanze didn't care. He didn't think there was anything to stop him. No matter which one, he could go to the end.

What he chose was the blood sea temple and the Yin Yang Temple.


After a long time, on the tomb, there was an elf between the quiet woods.

Green Luo walked here, and his face was a little depressed.

She came out to find Qin Qi, and the result has not been found yet. She was prepared to look for it intuitively. After all, people who think of her are often extremely accurate.

But along the way, she has been deeper and deeper into this battlefield, and has already arrived in the depths of the ancient battlefield.

"This place, good and gloomy, is there a tomb below?" Green Luo walked lightly, beating in the forest, according to inhuman instinct, she came to a valley.

Here, there is a big hole that goes straight to the ground, and it seems that it has been opened in recent days.

"Good deep." Green Luo stood in the hole and looked down, and found that he did not see the bottom.

"There is a vein compartment below, which was broken by a breath. It seems that the strength of the person who shot is not weak." Green Luo analyzed, and the smell left here has a taste that makes her disgust.


"And the Mozu?"

Green Luo Xiumei slightly picked up, "The **** forest egg is not, is it disturbing the trouble again?"

Green radish is speechless. No matter which time he sees Qin Qi, he seems to have no peace of mind. There are always various things that appear and are extremely dangerous.

"Forget it, let's go and see, he can't die here, or isn't Xiao Huang married to the broken dragon?" In the heart of the green radish, he jumped into the big hole and came to the underground space.

"The strong dead air, it is estimated that there will be a lot of ghosts!" Green Luo Emei.


"Wow, a big tomb, the tomb of the saints, it seems to be careful." Green Luo looked far away, the tomb was arrogant, huge and inspiring.


"Hey? The dead spirits here are dead!"


"Well? How the tomb door broke!"


"Hey, how is this four-star station completely destroyed?"


"What is the genie, the undead, the devil?"


"Ah, it's too easy, it's boring..."


Life and death hall, life and death, want to the past, it is more difficult.

Qin Qi went up the stairs and looked at the hall.

"This..." Qin Qi walked into the hall and looked at everything in the hall, quite surprised.

According to the enchanting, this life and death hall can not be summed up with a large hall. It can be said that it is a small world, extremely huge, far from the scale seen outside.

The temple is extremely weird, half dark, half bright, half dead, and half lively, as if the opposite of life and death, has become a balanced space.

The power of life, and the power of death, are breeding in this hall, and have completely surpassed a proper limit.

If you go in, no matter what the power of life or the power of death, I am afraid that it is not a good thing.

Do not think that the power of life is good, any power is too much, it is not a good thing to have too much power, and the power of this place is extremely extreme, not mild, one is not good, even Will not be able to control their body and enter the state of the runaway.

Not to mention the power of death, it is dying.

It’s really troublesome to have these two tactics in front of you.

"Life and death hall, comprehend the death of life can pass?" Qin Qi Emei, the enchanting revealed not much information, perhaps he did not know the details.

Just to understand life and death, how can it be so simple, the mystery of life may have the opportunity to understand, but die?

Is it true that Qin Qi will die once?

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