God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 923: No boundaries

Chapter 193 has no boundaries

This is the end of the matter, the big deal is the treasure, the new one, no longer, then put on the cards to see who is arrogant.

The green and blue madness battles have shown the strongest form, the battle is getting more and more intense, and the underground palace where they are located has begun to vibrate. Whether it is the wall or the floor, it has begun to turn into a flaming color.

The temperature is getting higher and higher, almost in the fire.

"Jiuyang Tianzheng!" Zhang Lang was discolored, pointing to the nine burning fireballs appearing above the dome.

Jiuyang Tianzheng is a heavenly array. It is said that it has the power to burn everything, and as long as the core flame is strong enough, the power of the array is almost limitless!

"Where is the core?" Zhang Lang's eyes swept back and forth, and finally settled on the scorpion of the Raven Saint, where a red pillar of fire appeared and went straight to the dome.

In the pillar of fire, there are three drops of red and gold blood, and there are actually fire crows flying, the breath is too strong, shocking the audience, and if you look closely, you can see that the fire crow has three feet!

This is the essence of the fire crow saint, the most original power of it!


Zhang Lang first was a hi, then his face suddenly fell, with such power as the core of Jiuyang Tianzheng, who can resist, must be burned to ashes!

"Boss, ask your girlfriend, is there really no problem?" Zhang Lang said with a sad face, this fire crow saint left little means, but one is going to be a human life!

"They are all right, you are dead!" Green Luo bite his teeth, and even took time to return to Zhang Lang.

"Big sister, don't be like this, you must save me. I will not be able to do it for you in the future!" Zhang Lang suddenly froze and mourned. "Boss, you can help me to say something!"

"Quiet, things are afraid of being bad!" Qin Qi is a sinking voice, and there is a fine flash in the middle.

He has been running the sneak peek, looking for a way to break the line, but after seeing a certain setting, his face suddenly changed.

"Oops, no boundaries!" Qin Qi exclaimed, his face can be said to be extremely difficult to look at, "This fire crow saint, it is really a trick to kill!"

"Boss, what did you say, there is no bounds?" Zhang Lang said warmly, completely forced, only feeling cold hands and feet.

How can he not know the boundless world.

This is a very special array, also known as a mysterious rune, the effect is to form a field, in which all treasures will lose meaning.

But this is extremely difficult to arrange. There are not many people in the world who can lay it down. Who can think of it, there will be one here?

Jiuyang Tianzheng, plus the boundless world, really wants human life!

"The radish, there is no bounds, you have to die when you fight, and you have to escape!" Qin Qi cried quickly. If there is no treasure guard, under the nine-day array, the people present may be green and blue. Some chances to survive.

Green Luo heard the words, but also was shocked in the heart, knowing that this place can no longer stay, and must flee immediately.

"The descendants of Poseidon, are they going to die together or live on their own?" Green Luo shouted coldly.

Lanze’s eyes are cold. Of course he wants Qin Qi to die, but he never wants to pay for his own life.

In his view, the lives of these people can be far less than a life!

At this moment, Lanze can already feel the power of the blue bubble is dissipating. Obviously, this is the real thing, not the green radish wants to lie to him.

Without this blue light bubble, Lanze could not survive under Jiuyang Tianzheng.

You can only escape first, then go to Qin Qi after you go out and they will be accounted for!

When Lanze took up the power, he planned to take them with Luo.

"The door of the tree world!" Green Luo will draw a hand, a large number of souls gathered to form a portal.

This is the same as the Star Gate, you can shuttle the void.

The means of green radish is much more brilliant than Lanze.

"Go!" Green Luo shouted.

Jiuyang Tianzheng is getting more and more fierce, and the temperature is getting higher and higher. It seems that even the void is burning up. If you don’t leave, I am afraid I can’t go.

Just when they wanted to leave, there were a lot of stone gates in the passage, and then there were countless patterns in the hall, which became a complete piece without any loopholes.

Void, being directly imprisoned!

"Hey, can you sleep me?" Lanze was cold and cold, and under the devil's deification, the strength increased greatly. The blue light in the hand asked the sea directly to the stone gate in the channel. The momentum is strong, just like the demon god.

"Boom!" A loud bang, even the ground palace vibrated, but I saw that the lines of the palace were violently lit, and even the attack of Lanze was scattered everywhere.

Lanze’s blow may have destroyed a door, but it’s absolutely impossible to destroy the entire underground palace!


This time, Lan Ze was really panicked. The demon sacred by him, the means of cloth made him timid, and the most important thing was that he could not think of any way to resolve the crisis.

"Enough!" Green Luo snorted, these arrays blocked the void, even the door of the tree, can not lead to the outside world.

"Boss, you can't break it, hurry and show a wave of operation!" Zhang Lang called.

"Show your uncle, I have to go to the Wang Dian to report everyone!" Qin Qi did not cheer well, such a complicated array, where can be broken in an instant.

Really want to break, that is, art breaks, come to an explosion of art, and then everyone will die together.

However, he may be able to survive. After all, 40 seconds of invincible time, it is a long time, but the dead partner himself survived, this kind of thing, how Qin Qi can do it.

Moreover, there is no bounds, half-city smoke and rain may not be used.

"Well, no, you can use it!" Qin Qi checked his equipment and found that he could still use it.

Is it the relationship of the system?

Qin Qi's equipment is indeed equivalent to the treasures of this world, but in fact it can only emerge from the system, and it is indeed different from the general treasure.

There is no problem in the usual use, but there is almost no difference, but now it is different to see that the power of the unconstrained is obviously unable to cover the equipment, and can only suppress the magical weapons in the general sense.

This is undoubtedly a good news, so that Qin Qi is excited.

Just what to do afterwards, Jiuyang Tianzheng has completely recovered, there are three drops of the roots of the fire crows as the core, the firepower is really terrible, can burn everything.

Even if the equipment can still be used, I am afraid it will not help everyone to survive!

"You can only resist it!" Green Luo Shen Shen, can not use the treasure, it can only use its own strength to resist.

At the moment, the green radish limits the soul force, opens up the tree world, protects everyone in it, and everyone gathers together to reduce the scope of the tree world, while at the same time inspiring forces to resist.

It is only the strength of the wood system that is to be restrained by the fire system, not to mention the Jiuyang Tianzheng.

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