God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 926: Last hope

Chapter 196, the last hope

"It seems that this demon is not too stupid." Qin Qi blinked his eyes, and Lanze’s action apparently restored calmness, and he saw his strength characteristics and did not intend to continue to shoot.

As a result, Qin Qi naturally took him no way.

With more power increase, it is impossible for Qin Qi to reach the height of Lanze. Just like Lan Ze wants to understand, only he can kill him!

As a result, Qin Qi only smiled, the consumption of the **** form is extremely horrible, it is difficult to maintain for too long, and the invincible state is limited, and it is almost time-limited.

Without this invincible state, how can Qin Qi dare to stay under this nine-day sky?

Helpless, Qin Qi can only return to the field of green radish, instead of continuing to waste the soul to continue the shape of the gods, it is better to help the green radish together with the field.

Anyway, like Lan Ze, it is impossible to continue to attack.

In this way, the two sides actually reached a subtle tacit understanding, and they were all trying to resist the power of Jiuyang Tianzheng. The fire crow fluttered, the flames were even more terrifying, and even the void was burning.

Jiuyang Tianzheng, finally to begin to release the strongest force!

"No, you can't hold it!" Green radish bites his teeth and his face is ugly.

Although she is very powerful, there are few people in the younger generation who can, but can not use the current treasure, the wood strength is also restrained by the fire system, can not continue to support.

If you go on like this, everyone will be burned to death.

"Plus my strength to try." But it was the night of the demon suddenly, and he was also shrouded in, I hope he can help.

At this point in the present, it is no longer a time to entangle and hate.

The night of the demon shot, it is a night scene, overlapping with the tree world, the power of this night is quite a mysterious, actually actually shared a lot of pressure for the green radish.

Coupled with the ice power of Qin Qi, the effect is still very amazing.

Just, still can't resist.

The fire crow burns, like the void, it has to be melted, the field is getting smaller and smaller, and it is almost impossible to wrap the people.

On the other hand, Lanze is not much better. It is supported by the madness of swallowing the drug.

"Lin egg is not, you are thinking of a way, I am still so young, I have not married and have children, I don't want to die here!" Green Luo is about to cry, I knew I wouldn't run out to find Qin Qi, now it's good, even life I have to get in.

"No solution." Qin Qi sighed, and repeatedly summoned the Queen several times, there is no news at all.

She seems to have mastered some of the forces that can affect the system, and perhaps she really does not care about Qin Qi's life and death.

"Hey, the last winner, or me!" Lanze smiled, he could hold on, and finally survived!

"I didn't expect Laozi to steal the tomb of a lifetime. In the end, he still died in the tomb. It is a causal cycle. No wonder God!" Zhang Lang sighed, and he looked like a daddy.

"Condensed, don't be afraid, I will accompany you both in life and death." Liao Tian also said, his mouth is as stupid as he is, but at the moment it is a long-lost love story.

"Yeah." Xue Ning nodded and buried his face in Liao Tianyi's arms, a life and death and a common look.

"Adult, blood." Ghosts whisper, even if they are two deaths and deaths, I am afraid that they will burn to ashes. Before dying, ghosts want to addiction and drink blood.

Qin Qi sighed and looked at the green radish. "Radish, I am so miserable. I am still a virgin when I die. This will be laughed at by the following. At the last moment, only you can help me."

"I am going to you%&%%......%......*%" Green radish is full of black lines, screaming, and the chest is constantly undulating, extremely angry.

It’s just Qin Qi, but it’s straight.

"Lin egg is not, what do you think!" Green screaming, this bastard, this time there is still a mood to think about these things.

Although she is now a tree **** form, her body is hot and hot, but it is not necessary.

Indeed, the green radish can now be different from before. Under the shape of the tree god, the figure is much better, especially on the chest. It is directly turned into a mountain from the plain, bulging and bulging, and the clothes are raised high.

It’s just the clothes or the clothes that I wore when I was flat. It suddenly became like this. The clothes said that the pressure was huge, and I could not help but reveal a lot of “content”!

For example, a lovely apron!

"Apron, apron!" Qin Qi shouted, incomparably surprised.

Rao is facing a dead situation now, Green Luo can't help but look red, screaming, "Qin Qi, I killed you!"

Others are a little speechless, just look at a dudou, not so?

"Ghost sister, your naked boss has seen it. How can he be so excited when he looks at his apron?" Zhang Lang was puzzled and despised.

The ghost squinted her head, she just wanted to drink blood before she died.

Ignore the eyes of the green radish to kill people, Qin Qi is full of excitement, shouting at Zhang Lang, "Zhang Lang, apron, apron!"

"Hey, the virgin is really weird, and the last moment is crazy." Zhang Lang sighed and said in a tone: "Boss, I am not like you, I have never been a virgin, and I have to look at my apron." Excited age."

"I am going to your mother, apron!" Qin Qi is a slap in the face.

Zhang Lang had some circles, and immediately thought of something. His face suddenly showed the same excitement as Qin Qi. "Yes, apron, apron!"

"You two, I will not let you go to the ghosts!" Green Rose face red, too much, she is not a body explosion exposed a corner of the apron, why are as excited as the discovery of the New World, people are ashamed.

Just then, she has widened her eyes, her mouth is big, and she is cute.

"You, you..." Green Luo couldn't speak.

That Zhang Lang, actually took out a woman's apron, and is still a very **** apron.

What the hell, these two people, have a collection of apron?

No reason, the green radish in the heart of a cold, and even worried that Qin Qi will come up to marry her apron.

"At the beginning, the enchanting said that let us hold this apron, I felt that it must have intentions. Now it seems that it is for this Jiuyang Tianzheng!" Qin Qi excitedly said that this is their last chance.

"Yes, it must be like this!" Zhang Lang nodded, but immediately frowned. "But boss, how do you use it?"

"Put on!" Qin Qi did not want to.

"Wear...who wear it?"

"You, hurry!"

"No, I am a man, how do I wear it, do you want to give a ghost sister, or give this big sister a head?" Zhang Lang’s face suddenly fell.

"Less nonsense, when are you burning your ass, will you die in a woman's apron?" Qin Qi called.

Zhang Lang closed his eyes, and he gnawed his teeth, and the mother went out and wore it!

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