God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 943: system update

Chapter VIII Chapter System Update

Qin Qi’s heart was a pity, but he did not dare to show it. He replied quickly: “No, you can see the whole leopard, and you have this method. You believe there will be no problem elsewhere.”

It’s hard to mix it, Qin Qi is crazy and will not continue to check!

The Queen heard the words, did not say anything, did not know that she really believed in Qin Qi's ghosts, or did not care about these, in short, did not Qi Qin shot.

Now she is completely out of the system, that is, Qin Qi will not be threatened if she dies. If she has the heart, killing Qin Qi is naturally easy.

"Your mission should be completed?" The Queen was indifferent.

It was reminded by the Queen that Qin Qi was able to react. When she was asleep, the system had already heard the news, but Qin Qi slept too hard and did not wake up.

When Qin Qi opened the system news, she saw the information of the task completion.

“Hey, congratulations to the player for completing the SSS level mission ‘The Queen’s Renaissance’, rewarding the artifacts of God’s Nejos*1”

Nesius of God!

Qin Qi breathes slightly and heavy, clicks on the artifact, and wants to control it, but the result is that Qin Qi is incomparably unexpected. There is a circle on his hand, leading to another space, where Nizhnyos is in it. But he couldn't take it out!

This artifact is so amazing?

"You come by yourself." Qin Qi tried several times and failed, and had to hand it over to the Queen himself.

The empress of the emperor shines brightly, and the hand is lightly lifted. A circle appears in front of her hand, and the other side of the circle is the independent void of the **** Nesius.

The Queen put her hand in, and with a little force, there was a thing that was pulled out by her, but only a part of it was drawn, it was dark as night, strange, and I didn’t know what it was.

However, only a hint of such a trace, but also accompanied by a very horrible atmosphere, even the world is discolored, there is a hurricane sweeping, Qin Qi's pattern, can not bear, will be split!

This is also amazing, just a small part of it, even the artifact does not know, even so powerful?

"Good guy, it seems that it is really possible to be above the scepter of the gods!" Qin Qi exclaimed, but did not feel pity.

Such a **** soldier may be the most suitable only in the hands of the Queen. In his hands, only the pearls can be dusted, and the most suitable for Qin Qi is the tears of the Dragon God. Qin Qi only needs to constantly improve its power. I believe that one day Even beyond Nirvana of God!

The Queen took a part and did not continue. Instead, she gave a shot and let God's Nejos return to the independent space.

She is not able to get out, but it is enough. She already knows the power of God's Nereus.

"Your Majesty, now is the time for you to fulfill your promise!" Qin Qi said.

The Empress of the Night has no meaning at all, with her pride and disdain. She has been changing the system for the past few days and has finally succeeded.

But even if she is, she can only do this step.

The Queen extended her white fingers, a little in the Qin Qi.

"Hey, the system has an unexpected upgrade and is downloading the update package"

"Hey, update package download progress 1%...10%...100%"

"Hey, download is complete, start updating"

“Hey, the update is complete, the system upgrade is successful, and the player clicks on the update log to view the update.”

Qin Qi breathed a rush, and opened the update log without saying anything.

"Update 1: The experience required for player upgrades is reduced by 99.9%"

"Update 2: The experience gained by killing monsters increased by 100000%"

"Update 3: Player redemption points can be directly exchanged for Yuanjing, the ratio is 1 (orange dots): 1 (metacrystal)"

There are actually three updates, Qin Qi did not expect the Queen to give him such benefits!

Needless to say, this first item is exactly what Qin Qi wants, and the magnitude is very large, completely beyond the expectations of Qin Qi, so that he laughs and closes his mouth!

A 99.9% reduction in experience means that Qin Qi’s experience in upgrading now is only one thousandth of the previous one. It would have required 10 billion orange shields to enter level 57, but now it only needs 0.1 billion!

This change is really amazing, making people want to laugh!

To know that before the killing of Lanze, Qin Qi got an 8 billion orange shield, even if it used 1 billion promotion, it still has more than 7 billion.

Originally, there are still some distances from the 10 billion experience strips, but now it is not only directly filled, but also more than that, still rushing forward.

56 to 57 is 0.1 billion, 57 to 58 is 100 million, 58 to 59 is 1 billion, and 59 to 60 is 10 billion, so the remaining 7 billion experience directly makes Qin Qi rise to the whole three levels. , enter the rank of 59!

The whole three levels, how terrible, that is the situation of the nine-star martial arts king!

The level is improved, Qin Qi's strength naturally rises, even if there is no invincible state, the shape of the gods, etc., there should be a battle for Samsung Wuzun!

And if the cards are out, I believe I can already tie with Lanze.

And this is only the first update. The second update is equally astonishing. The experience gained from killing monsters has soared by 100,000%, which is a thousand times!

The Queen, not only reduced the experience required for upgrading to one in a thousand, but also increased the killing of monsters by a thousand times!

Oh, buy 嘎, Qin Qi really feels like a dream.

Normally, the four-star Wu Zun can bring Qin Qi the experience of 0.1 billion orange shields, but now it is directly increased by a thousand times, that is, 10 billion.

Kill one, Qin Qi will be able to upgrade again, rush into 60, become a ten-star martial artist!

What is happiness, this is it, Qin Qi only feels that the whole person is in the boundless happiness, can not help but shed tears of happiness.

Think about the previous upgrade, just like a pothole, but now, finally liberated, what four-star Wu Zun, not to reach out and kill, rushing into the realm of Wu Zun is just around the corner!

From now on, who dares to say that promotion is faster than Laozi, huh?

I want to ask, who else!

"Your next time, it is too interesting. It’s not too cool. I used to blame her. It turned out that she is not a devil, an angel!" Qin Qi thought, very excited, after all, the degree is far more than his Imagine it.

After all, according to Qin Qi’s original idea, the emperor’s ability to reduce his experience of upgrading to one-tenth is the limit, but he did not expect to drop directly to one thousandth, and he also improved the killing experience by a thousand times. .

This harvest can definitely be compared with an artifact, but for Qin Qi, the meaning is even more significant, far beyond the Nesius of God.

The value is really too much!

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