God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 946: Shura field

The ninth and forty-sixth chapter

"Oh, it is necessary to see what kind of character the little princess of the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce is!" Situ Jing flashed a little, some expectation, and some nervous.

Green Luo is the daughter of the president of the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce. The jewel of the Ji family is naturally noble and inferior to the imperial family.

Of course, with Situ Jing’s current ability, but it will not be awkward, the reason why it is nervous, or because the other party has a special relationship with Qin Qi, Situ Jing can not show weakness.

"Xiao Jing, this green girl helped a lot of Qin Da brother, and we are not rude to us." Fu Caixuan shook his head and laughed.

"Do you say this, should I worry?" Situ Jing grinned, then pulled Fu Cai to preach, "You are also, you are a big sister, you must have the momentum, anyone wants to enter the house, who said it is useless, you Nodding!"

"If people are born noble, they don't necessarily think about entering our house?" Fu Cai Xuan laughed.

"That is also, he is such a jerk, how can Princess Jijia look at him?" Situ Jing nodded.

As I said, the green radish has come in. As soon as it appears, it seems that the surroundings are bright and it is unspeakable beauty.


Qin Qi entered the city's main government, and did not alarm anyone. He missed paying the color to announce them, and did not want to waste time.

However, on the way to the independent small courtyard, Qin Qi saw Zhang Lang and ghosts sneaking around the courtyard, and looked at the yard from time to time.

Of course, ghosts and ghosts are not as boring as this, just standing quietly, screaming in the cold, motionless.

"You two, why are you here?" Qin Qi fell down and asked in confusion.

Qin Qi thought they were leaving for the Thunder.

"Boss!" Zhang Lang was shocked, and then quickly pulled Qin Qi to the side, pressing down the voice: "Hey, boss, your voice is light!"

"What's wrong, sneaky, is the Thunder madness out of the way?" Qin Qi screamed.

"That didn't." Zhang Lang shook his head and said: "We have been to the Thunder madfield. The name of the genre is really well-deserved, but the situation is special, the power of the ray is too strong, I need to prepare something to carry out. Work, so come out first."

It turned out that Qin Qi felt that Zhang Lang would have left the super tomb that might exist, and rested here for so many days.

"What are you doing now?" Qin Qi laughed.

"Boss, you don't know, it's Shura field now, I don't dare to stay, afraid to spread to me." Zhang Lang pointed to the yard and raised his eyebrows at Qin Qi.

"Shu Luochang..." Qin Qi stunned and suddenly understood what was going on, and lowered the voice: "Is the radish coming?"

"Well, it didn't take long to go in!" Zhang Lang nodded, and then excitedly said: "Boss, do you say they will fight?"

Qin Qi rolled his eyes and said nothing: "Are you all bored?"

"Boss don't believe it, you really have this possibility, or it's a slap in the face, jealousy, it's definitely a tearful drama!" Zhang Lang patted his chest. "Boss, you can think about it. If you go in now, I am afraid it will be dead." ”

"Should it not?" Qin Qi was somewhat flustered by Zhang Lang.

"Oh!" Zhang Lang shook his head.

"Go, go in and see."

"Hey, don't pull me, go to yourself."

"Less nonsense, come to Laozi!"

When Qin Qi forced the Zhang Lang to go in, and also called the ghosts over, it was courageous, but it was clear that there was nothing. What happened to the unscrupulous heart?

"Hey, go out, and you must die before you die!" Zhang Lang bite his teeth.

It was just that there was no such thing as a torn drama. After entering the yard, I heard laughter and laughter. Green Luo was talking and talking with Situ Jing and Fu Cai, and it was very pleasant to talk, as if I had known for a long time.

"This is what you said about the Shura field?"

"I don't make sense." Zhang Lang blinked and looked across the vertical. He found that it was not installed. Then he went to the gun. "Boss, I know that the girl is not looking at you. It seems so!"

Zhang Lang patted Qin Qi's shoulder and comforted him: "But don't be discouraged. The value of this thing is envy. After all, not everyone is born like a brother, and the jade tree is flowing!"

"Roll your uncle!" Qin Qi no longer pays attention to this demon-speaking guy, and quickly walks up.

When Qin Qi came over, Fu Caixuan and Situ Jing suddenly showed the color of surprise. If it wasn't for the green radish, they might have flew to Qin Qi's arms.

"You are back!" Fu Cai Xuan soft channel.

"You still know to come back!" Situ Jing said.

The words of the two are quite different, but the joy in the heart is the same.

"This time I went out for so long, I am worried, sorry." Qin Qi apologized.

Fu Caixuan and Situ Jing shook their heads. There may have been many complaints and grievances before, but Qin Qi is now back. Those dissatisfied but disappeared in an instant, only joy.

Look at this, Qin Qi quietly sighed, not to say that they are afraid of jealousy, but the wretched heart turned into a super wretched heart, Qin Qi's woman's edge is almost broken, Qin Qi is really afraid Fu Caixuan and Situ Jing have changed their attitude towards him.

However, it seems that the aura of the district is no longer comparable to their feelings for Qin Qi.

"I haven't seen you for many days. The two ladies are more and more beautiful. Come and let me take a closer look. What progress has been made in other places!" Qin Qi was still not serious, and he laughed.


"Who is your wife!"

"I don't want to be a lady, but my wife is good."

"Hey, you guy..."

"Cough!" Green Luo finally coughed, this time must brush the sense of presence, or this mouthful of dog food is fed, where to eat.

Qin Qi also coughed twice, then smiled: "You should all know?"

"Yeah, Ji girl is well-informed and has a good personality. We have talked a lot and it is very speculative." Situ Jing laughed.

"Don't call me Ji girl, I will see you too much, or if I want to call me green radish, my baby will be finished." Green Road.

"I still call it radish like me." Qin Qi smiled.

"Don't call radish!" Green Luo took the table.

"Good radish, know the radish!" Qin Qi, Situ Jing and Fu Caixuan nodded in unison.

"..." Green Luo's face is incomprehensible, and finally lamented, "Sure enough, not a family does not enter a door, but unfortunately such a good cabbage, and still two, how can you let this pig arch?" ”

"..." Qin Qi turned a blind eye, without such a loss of people.

I talked a bit, Qin Qi finally couldn't help it, and looked eagerly at the green radish. "Radish, did my things get it?"

"I know you can't help, rest assured, I am going out, naturally will not let you down." Green Luo proud of the road, I saw a void ring flash, there are several pieces of debris.

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