God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 955: The power of Gong Sun Yilin

The ninth and fifty-fifth chapter of the powerful Sun Yilin

At the beginning of this thunderstorm, Qin Qi had encountered a very powerful opponent. Nothing was inferior to him in all respects. If he did not rely on the system, Qin Qi might have the possibility of defeating the North.

Gong Sun Yilin, Qin Qi has a profound influence on this guy, but he is one of the strongest archers he has seen in this world.

Moreover, he also cultivated the power of the wind system and the gold system, and the use of the two attributes was extremely clever. Qin Qi also had to admire.

However, this product has a shortcoming, that is, the extreme perfectionist, it is no different from neurosis.

"Hey, this time I was chased and killed, I don't know if it was perfect." Qin Qi had some gloating, did not choose to show up in the first time, he was ready to look again, to figure out the ins and outs of things.

Gong Sun Yilin constantly fled, the speed is very fast, like a gust of wind, and every step of his life is confusing, people can not predict, can only follow him.

As soon as he is brought closer, he will quickly change his position, and the change will give people a very awesome feeling. It is difficult for the chasing person to keep up with his rhythm and will be opened instantly.

It is a pity that although the strength of Gong Sun Yi Lin has been greatly improved compared with the last time, it is already a master of the four-star Wu Wang realm, but the person who pursued him is too strong, and there is actually a ten-star Wu Wang’s existence. In front of such a master, Gong Sun Yilin can persist until now, it is already extremely powerful!

"Damn thief, you are really a dog, stealing the head of our thunder, and want to escape, can you escape? Today, this seat is going to hold you, and you will be ruined!" Sun Yangji He laughed and said that he was rushing forward.

His speed is undoubtedly on the side of Gong Sun Yilin, but because Gong Sun Yilin's skills are more than him, so he has not caught up yet, which can make him feel very wrong.

However, even if Gong Sun Yilin's skills are superb, the realm is limited. All the way from the thunder of lightning to escape here, the soul has already consumed 7788, the speed has begun to decline.

It’s just a few breaths to catch up with Gong Sun Yilin.

"Give me a stay, haha!" Sun Yangji laughed, his body suddenly burst into a blur, and instantly flew a few tens of meters forward, then his long knife suddenly fell, the flame rushed out, turned into a tiger, crazy Rush up and completely drown the Gongsun Yilin.

The power of the ten-star Wuwang is not a good match. Even if there is still a distance, the power is weaker, but it is not good enough to force the Gongsun Yilin to stop.

However, when the tiger plunged, an arrow suddenly fired out. This is different from the arrow and the general arrow. The arrow tip is larger and has a spiral pattern. When flying, the arrow will rotate rapidly. Get up, the whistling sound is ringing in an instant, bringing a tornado whirlwind!

The whirlwind rushed into the sky, and Sun Yangji’s firepower was also brought up, and it could not pose a threat to Gongsun Yilin.

This is not the case. After Gong Sun Yilin shot the arrow, he almost opened the bow again at the same time. A dark arrow instantly separated from the string, but unlike the previous one, the arrow was like a ghost. There was no sound at all. It can't even be perceived.

Shooting this arrow, Gong Sun Yilin did not wait for the result, but changed his position again and flew away to the other side.

"Be careful!" Sun Yangji perceived the arrow and hurriedly screamed.

The goal of the arrow is not him, but the man of his five-star martial arts realm.

The man was still far away, and he did not notice the arrow of Gong Sun Yilin at all. However, with the reminder of Sun Yangji, he immediately evaded.

He is not a rookie, but a veteran. At this time, he will never drop the chain.

However, as he emerged, an arrow appeared in front of him with precision!

This arrow has been aimed at this direction from the beginning. Obviously, Gong Sun Yilin has already predicted the reaction of this person in advance. This combat skill is terrible.

"Hey!" A fine sound, the arrow is too sharp, but the characteristics of the gold power, almost instantly pierced the man's armor.

However, at the critical juncture, the person’s reaction was fast enough, and he screamed and tried his best to defend himself. He knew that if he had to fight for a little time and avoid the key, this arrow would not kill him.

It is true that the knife is on the tip of the knife. This reaction is indeed good. The power of the arrow is obviously limited, and it has been slowed down a bit, so that the person can successfully avoid it.

However, the corner of the man’s mouth has just been picked up. It has not yet turned into a laugh for the rest of his life. Another arrow, but suddenly appeared, aimed at his key points.

Spooky child arrow!

"噗", the arrow penetrated into the person's body, and then the power of the wind system swept out instantly, smashing his heart.

The man couldn't hold it anymore, fell directly, and was shot by Gong Yilin.

"Damn, chase, must kill him!" Sun Yangji roared, hate teeth itching, his blood vessels were violent, and the soul was even more terrible.

Gong Sun Yi Lin's faceless expression, continuous transformation of more than a dozen positions, a total of thirty-six small direction choices, has already escaped the ability to escape to the extreme.

Unfortunately, the opponent is too strong, even if it is temporarily opened for a short distance, it will be caught up again.

Gong Sun Yilin gradually developed cold sweat on his forehead. At some time, his eyes flashed coldly, suddenly changing direction, and the bow string was tightened in an instant, and a row of arrows screamed and flew out.

Ten arrows to swim the dragon.

Ten arrows, turned into a dragon of anger, rushed toward Sun Yangji, the wind swept across, the continuous cutting, is a wind blade, extremely sharp.

"Knife worms, know that you can't escape, want to desperately, dream!" Sun Yangji sneered, long-knife screaming, big open, smashing the arrows of Gong Sun Yilin, and other masters, divided into several directions, already Presented the trend of encirclement.

Gong Sun Yilin is cold and cold, constantly archery, each arrow is extremely powerful, the arrow is rotating, all have the wind cutting and the penetration force of the gold system, the lethality is terrible.

Moreover, his arrows can have dozens of characteristics, which are impossible to prevent. Some are silent like ghosts in the night, and some are as overbearing as volcanic eruptions.

Gong Sun Yilin's eyes are constantly blinking, grabbing every battle detail, hands phantom, not breaking the bow and arrow, countless arrows instantly pour out.

Millions of arrows are sent!

Gong Yiyi’s every arrow saw the flaws of the enemy. Even if Sun Yangji could not be dealt with, other people could not ignore these arrows. After a few breaths, three others were pierced through the head and died directly.

I have to say that the outbreak of Gong Sun Yilin is really wonderful. It is definitely a general battle of textbooks. Unfortunately, the other party has many people and the realm is higher. Even if he goes all out, there are limits.

Five people were killed, except for Sun Yangji, who was completely surrounded by Gong Sunyi.

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