God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 961: White fox nest

The ninth sixty-one chapter of the white fox nest

The demon family retains animal nature, but it is a kind of bloodthirsty fierceness. It comes from the bones and is difficult to remove. Once it is mad, no matter who the opponent is, it will rush forward and not fear death.

However, the higher the realm, the stronger the ability to control itself. This wolf has obviously achieved this. After discovering that Qin Qi is invincible, it will converge and will drink.

The wolf did not turn out the ontology, and slowly moved to Qin Qi. At the same time, he also observed everything in Qin Qi, but in its perception, Qin Qi was a fog, and he could not wear it at all.

The dragon behind Qin Qi, the strength is also very amazing, so far apart, let it have a feeling of trepidation, I am afraid that the blood is very pure, far beyond it.

However, the woman around Qin Qi, only the realm of a star Wu Wang, is not strong, but it can not be taken lightly.

"You forgive me. In an extraordinary period, the reaction of our warriors is inevitably over-excited." The wolf used a human race to hold a punch to Qin Qi and apologized.

These demon people are all splashing blanks, eating hard and not eating soft, unless your strong can press them, otherwise you can't even talk.

However, this is the Yaozu, respecting the stronger than any ethnic group. As long as it is strong enough, even human beings can win their respect.

"Nothing, after all, they can't hurt me." Qin Qi slammed the promise, faintly laughed.

Hearing the words, the wolf bites his teeth for a while, but he dare not say anything more, because it knows that Qin Qi’s words are not empty, and if Qin Qi took the shot, the white fox nest would probably suffer heavy losses in an instant.

"I don't know what you are told?" The wolf asked with fierceness.

"I want to see your king." Qin Qi is still the same sentence, but this time he said a few more words. "I know that you are worried about the thunder and lightning, and my purpose is to help you deal with Lei Guangzhi. Yao."

In this case, after the wolf listened, the pupil suddenly shrank and looked at Qin Qi deeply, but still shook his head: "I am sorry, our king is retreating and cannot see you."

Qin Qi’s light flashes slightly, and the words of the wolf should be true. Otherwise, it is impossible to let him cooperate with him in the current situation of the White Fox Nest.

"Then you guys, there is a fox, she came back shortly, I want to see her." Qin Qi Shen sighed.

The wolf heard the news, some unexpectedly looked at Qin Qi, and then smiled and said: "It is unfortunate, after the lady came back, she went to the retreat to see the king, and has not yet."

"Okay..." Qin Qi was speechless and resistant to the temper: "Then she brought back the little bird, don't tell me that it has also entered the retreat."

"That didn't, just..." The wolf hesitated.

"Just what?" Qin Qi’s voice was suddenly cold. If something happened, he would never let these demons pass.

Feeling the strong murderousness of Qin Qi, the wolf couldn't help but swallow his mouth, and even the heart almost stopped, feeling the threat of death.

It didn't dare to hide, just just talking, there was a loud noise coming from the depths of the white fox's nest.

This loud noise, too violent, earth-shattering, is Qin Qi here, they feel a clear vibration.

"What's the matter!" The wolf exclaimed, and quickly followed the sound of the past, and in that direction, a large block of thunder poured down from the sky clouds, almost turned into a thunderous ocean.

"It is the king's retreat, damn, there are enemies breaking in!" The wolf's look suddenly changed, and that position is the retreat of the Lord of the White Fox.

There is a lot of defense there, how the enemy got in!

I couldn't think too much. In the nest of the white fox, there were countless roars, and the hidden demon strongmen rushed to the place where the loud noise came.

The same is true of the wolf, who has no intention to manage Qin Qi, directly out of the body, and rushes back.

"Is it the thunder of thunder!" Qin Qi frowned, behind the blue wind wing fan, with Fu Cai Xuan flew past, at his speed, but the first to reach that area.

This place, what it was originally, could not be seen at all. The heavy and powerful defenses were directly broken open, and there was a blackened piece everywhere. It was turned into ruins under the horror thunder.

However, in this black, Qin Qi found that the array is still operating, it should be a closed-door defense, and has not been completely defeated.

However, this is also extremely amazing. Even if it is a five-star Wu Zun, it is difficult to directly cause such a terrible killing.

"Who is the courage to shoot out my white fox nest and give it to the seat!" In the white fox's nest, a dragon in the realm of Samsung demon screams, and the demon raging half the sky.

This old man is indeed very powerful, and his breath is extremely terrifying. If he is mad, with the advantage of the Yaozu, I am afraid that he can fight with the four-star Wu Zun.

And in addition to it, the demon statue of the white fox nest is almost all dispatched, all rushed out, there are six full, the strength of unity can not be underestimated.

This is the strongest fighting power of the White Fox Lair in addition to the Lord of the White Fox.

"Hey, a group of rabble, but also dare to chaos, it seems that you still do not know, today is your death!" A cold screaming from the thunder, and then a few people swayed out, hanging above the sky.

"Lord of Light!" The look of the old man suddenly changed, and the worst thing happened. The Lord of Light Ray personally came, to give the White Fox Nest a critical strike.

They are looking at the weakness of the Lord of the White Fox and want to take the opportunity to destroy the White Fox Nest.

At this point, although the white fox nest has long been prepared, but who can think of the other side acting so overbearing, directly smashed almost all defenses in the retreat.

When Lei Guangzhi mastered these forces, I am afraid that people from the Jun family have taken the shot.

This time, Lei Guangzhi really made up his mind to let the white fox's lair disappear completely, so the power of dispatch is extremely powerful. The Lord of Light and his brother personally descended and said that there are six other masters of Wu Zun!

Even the strongman of the six-star Wu Zun of the Jun family personally shot and thundered the thunder of the Thunder madfield to carry out the general attack of destroying the earth.

Losing almost all defenses, the home court advantage of the White Fox Lair has been cut by more than 70%, and what do you fight against them?

"You are a group of squatting animals, you will die here today!" The Lord of Lightlight laughed happily. He had been fighting with the White Fox Nest for hundreds of years. He had never taken advantage of it. Even for a while, he was suppressed by the Lord of White Fox. Now, he can finally razed the land to the ground!

The strongman of the Yaozu, at this moment, his face is blue and green, his hands and feet are slightly cold, and the thunder of the thunder is too terrible. He even came to two five-star Wu Zun.

With such power, they can't compete at all. Although there are many people, it is very difficult to recover the disadvantages.

This time, the White Fox Nest is probably going to be finished.

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