God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 978: Dragon God Tears

The ninth seventy-eighth chapter dragon **** tears

In the 100,000 years since the Great Destruction, there has never been such a treasure in the long river of this period.

Not only that, but the Golden Dragon is also extremely terrible, and the origins are equally scary. As far as the green radish is concerned, the artifacts owned by the Huang Daolong Palace, Huang Tianlong Sword, will not be stronger than the golden dragon!

Qin Qi, is the combination of these two swords.


Dragon God!

If one day it really turns into a full version of Dragon God Tears, how powerful is it to be scary?

I dare not imagine, fear is the king of artifacts!

This vision did not last long, and soon disappeared, but the cloud did not recover, still retaining the huge circle.

Here you can see the sky!

Such a scene, the entire Thunder madness has only appeared in the place where Qin Qi found the mask for Emperor Ji. With this point, the city of Chaos is the city of heaven and earth, which can become the core of the Thunder mad domain.

"This time, it is much easier." Mo Ziqi laughed.

In the past, the scene of the Thunder madfield was really suppressed. Even the sky could not be seen. There were thunder everywhere. Now, at least, there is still a ray of sunshine in the city, which is exciting.

This is also an improvement in the quality of life in the city of Chaos.

"Go, let's see, how strong the sword is now." Green Road, has turned into a green light, she is really curious.

On the other hand, Qin Qi will hold the tears in the air in the hands of the Dragon God, and his heart is very excited. This time the refining is perfect, leaving no regrets.

From the perspective of vision, the promotion should be huge.

According to the excited mood, Qin Qi click to view the specific information.

Dragon God Tears (upgradeable)

Tian Shang Shang Bao (the best)

Attack speed +5000%

Attack +5000%

Agile +5000%

Dodge +5000%

Freezing effect (ignoring resistance)

Tearing effect (ignoring resistance)

Longwei effect (ignoring resistance)

5000% violent effect

50% lethal effect

Equipment skills:

The mark of the sky (ignoring the armor, one cut and two broken)

Tears of Heaven (10000% attack bonus, ignoring armor)

Tianzhiwei (will be effective, maintain half an hour, regardless of the state, this skill shot, must be)

Dragon God blessing (not effect, maintain half an hour, no matter what state, this skill shot, must not be)

Infinite Sky Sword (can summon the Tianjian to kill the enemy, each Tianjian inherits the 50% attribute of Dragon God Tears, and there is no limit)

Golden Dragon Festival (Summon the Golden Dragon to kill the enemy, each has 1000% attack plus layer, up to 36 layers can be superimposed, the number of summons depends on the user's strength)

I am dropping mom, this is to send!

Qin Qi feels dizzy for a while, this attribute has a total of Lin Lin, each of which makes Qin Qi heart a little faster, at this moment, the heart is like a drum, and it will be able to win with the bride and wife.

Too strong, really fucking, the bulls are big!

Qin Qi has been excited at this moment.

I know that this time the promotion will be great, because the resulting debris is more than ever, almost one-tenth of the original two swords.

But when it was really forged, Qin Qi was still amazed.

This property, not to mention, brought Qin Qi's promotion definitely exceeds the promotion two levels, oh no, the strength brought by the promotion of the third level.

瞧瞧 This attack speed, 瞧瞧 this attack, nothing to say, is the cow.

In addition, various effects directly indicate that ignorance of resistance, that is to say, in the past, the situation of the other side is extremely high, and the effect is obviously weakened.

For example, this frozen effect, even if you are the emperor, it is effective!

Of course, it is impossible for the whole person to freeze, but the DEBUFF such as the rigid deceleration brought by the ice system is inevitable.

In addition, the lethal effect is added to 50%, although there is still a soft rib that is too high for the effect to trigger, but the 50% chance is absolutely horrible.

With 4 lucky points, the odds of the second are still huge.

The rest is the skill, and the most exciting place for Qin Qi.

The mark of the sky, the absolute spike technique, but possessing the skill CD is really a bad injury. It can only be used once in the past, and it is difficult to support the real war.

Now, the skill CD disappears directly. As long as the soul power is enough, how to use it is really strengthened.

Almost, the Tianwei and Dragon God blessings are the duration of the increase, from the original three minutes, directly to half an hour.

In this way, Qin Qi's emboldenedness is even greater in the large-scale battle.

In addition, this time added two skills, this is the real surprise!

This infinite sword is simply tailor-made for Qin Qi's infinite sword system, and each sword has 50% of the attributes of Dragon God's Tears, which can be compared with the general heavenly treasures.

Think about it, when Qin Qi casts an infinite sword system, every sword is a scene of a sword on the heavenly level. It is simply invincible!

The last one, the Golden Dragon Festival, this is even more powerful, almost can be seen as a big move, the more golden dragons summoned, and if the final 36 is summoned, the damage and achievement that can be caused is 36000%. !

360 times, against the sky!

Of course, Qin Qi estimates that with his current strength, summoning a total of eight or nine will be the top of the sky, but no matter what, this is definitely a big killing, giving Qin Qi and the Qixing Wuzun a great battle.

"I don't know how to completely restore your past strength, or even further, what a shocking world?" Qin Qi whispered, and couldn't help but rub the sword of the Dragon God's tears.

"Lin egg is not, this sword is so powerful, give me a look!" Green Luo flew over, grabbed the Dragon God tears.

Qin Qi did not care, let her play, and hehe smiled: "Radish, with this sword, Xiaoye promises you can't marry!"


"Oh, no, you are happy to see me, I promise you don't have to marry, no matter who you are, your brother is flat!" Qin Qi haha ​​laughed, confident.

"Cut, don't be too arrogant, those guys, the pride of the sky, born to be the person on the people, may come up with an artifact, or be careful." Green Roger pouted, just waved a few dragon gods Tears, in addition to the sharp, can not open any features!

At this time, Fu Caixuan also came over, and Mo Wushou and his son also heard the news.

"How is it, is it very powerful?" Fu Caixuan asked.

"This..." Green Luo flat mouth, the dragon **** tears to pay for the color of the Xuan Xuan, unhappy said: "This sword has the characteristics of the dragon's secret treasure, the human race can not be used, so he can use it ""

"It turns out that." Fu Cai Xuan nodded, and sure enough, but even so, it is sharp, but it is far superior weapons.

"But don't be too happy, too." Green Roger said.

"What do you mean by this?" Qin Qi was surprised, and took back the tears of Dragon God into the space of the backpack.

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