God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 981: The foundation of the family

The ninth eighty-one chapter of the family

In addition, the eight-pronged gates are the same as the monarchs. They are all eight-powerful, and their history is far longer than that of the monarch. It has been in the ranks of eight products for nearly a thousand years.

One is new, the other is old, and the gap is huge. Therefore, although Jun Qiqi has a higher realm, it is more than ten years old, but in the face of the tenth, it is also given enough respect.

Another point is that Liu and Zhao are both forces in the Five Elements Empire, and the word gate belongs to another empire - the empire.

The empire of the gods is a very powerful and special country. The strong people in the territory like to condense the words against the enemy. It is like a genius that condenses the word "yu". The principle is similar and the power is extremely strong.

The word gate is one of the strongest forces in the empire of the gods except the royal family. The strength is unquestionable.

When everyone sat together and heard Jun Qiqi’s words, Liu Randao and Zhao Wujie both looked at the first time and apparently planned to let the time come.

Their strength is not weak, but they are not strong. They are all four-star Wu Zun. Obviously, they have a prior tacit understanding. They are only advance. In front of Jun Qiqi, their status is still weak, and it is difficult to take the initiative.

However, it is different from the tenth, and there is qualification for being equal to Jun Qiqi.

When I was aware of this, I didn’t want to shirk it. Instead, I laughed and said: "The long-awaited family has the ability to use the Thunder mad domain. Now it seems that it is not fake. This is indeed admirable. Things, the king's entry into the eight products, is really deserved."

Jun Qiqihe smiled and said, "The court has been acclaimed. In front of the front of the word road, the strength of my family is really nothing. It is not worth mentioning."

In the tenth year, he smiled and said: "I have seen the operation of Leige in these days. It is indeed a whimsy. The predecessors who proposed this theory and realized it are really admirable!"

When I said it in the tenth, I looked seriously. Obviously, I didn’t mean to praise it, but I really thought so.

The rest of Liu Randao and Zhao Wujie also nodded. Although they regarded the Jun family as their opponent, they were the first to enter the eight-hearted family, but they also praised the foundation of this family.

After all, the Jun family entered the list of eight products. You don't have to think about it. The idea of ​​Lei Ge is definitely epoch-making. Otherwise, they will not study for many years without any income.

It’s just a matter of praise and praise. This is another idea. I can’t say it now.

It seems that I know the thoughts of Liu Randao and others, and smiled and said: "This Leige can absorb the powerful Thunder power from this terrible world, that is, the existence of your priestly gods. This is also the reason for the strong family."

"And as the basis of several of our cooperation, this mad **** can be further refined by Lei Ge, turned into pure energy without attributes, that is, you can say that the mad domain can, this point, the brother can have Dissent?" asked in a smile.

"Nature does not." Jun Qiqi said.

"But since it is cooperation, the old man still hopes that the brothers and sisters are more sincere and less routine."

Jun Qiqi heard the words, the dawn flashed slightly, and smiled quietly: "I can't understand the words of the Xun Dao brother. Since the cooperation, my family has shown a sincere intention of twelve points. How come the routine?"

In the tenth day, he shook his head and smiled. He just said: "I only ask one sentence. The power of the Lei Ge, which was shown by the brothers before, is the limit that can be reached?"

"Or, is it just half of what Lei Ge can do?" The ten-year-old still smiled, but the smiling eyes danced coldly.

As the basis of cooperation, the Jun family will provide the three geniuses of the genius that Lege refines. This part of the energy is very active. If it is used for cultivation, the effect is several times more outstanding than Lingjing.

In fact, the energy contained in the nest of the origin of the beast is this kind, but it is naturally formed, but the monarch can be artificially manufactured through Lei Ge!

I have to say that the painstaking research of the Jun family for nearly a thousand years does have a huge harvest and it is a skill.

When I heard that I had said this, Jun Qiqi couldn’t help but squint her eyes and his eyes shook a little.

It’s true that the tenth place is said. The power of the Leige that was displayed before is only 50%. In fact, Leige can further improve efficiency. One hundred sacred gods can be transformed into twenty madness, but The only thing that Qiqi showed at the time was only ten copies.

Of course, the mad gods and the mad gods here are equal. Although the mad domain gods are refined from the mad gods, they are not more pure, but they only remove the power of the lei.

The role of a madfield **** of mine against the Lei warrior is the same as that of a mad domain god.

But this should be the secret of the Jun family. How is this tense known?

Jun Qiqi was shocked, and the mind still looked down on the word.

Zhao Wujie and Liu Randa said that they have changed their minds. They laughed and said: "Jun brother, we are planning to cooperate with the Jun family. We are willing to invest more power. You can do this. Not kind."

If the ten-year-old is true, Jun Qiqi obviously wants to retain more benefits, and that is not in line with the prior division.

In the face of Zhao Wujie and Liu Randa's blame, Jun Qiqi is only a cold cry. For them, he does not need to explain much, but there is still a place to be placed here.

The benefit of this division of the word gate is the sum of Zhao and Liu Jia, so it is very willing to help the two to win more benefits.

"Jundao brother, the old man's words can be different from the facts?" Xunfang is still a smile, but Jun Qiqi knows that the other party is not a good passer.

When the next priest Qi Qihe smiled, said: "The words of the Xun brother, but the wrong is correct."

"What is this?" Zhao Wujie narrowed his eyes.

"This Leige, after several generations of sages of the princes, has been constantly improving. Every step is cautious and careful. I dare not take it out. I am very admired when I see my brother, but the conversion rate in your mouth is still in the testing stage. I am afraid at least It will take a few months before it can be put into use." Jun Qiqi said.

His meaning is obvious. It is not impossible to do what he says in the tense, but he can't do it for a while.

Of course, if this is true or false, it is not known, but it is obviously not careful at the same time. Even if Jun Qiqi said that there is a fake, the current Lei Ge can achieve the conversion rate he said, but he does not The root of the question.

Now refuting the face of Jun Qiqi, there are still some advantages, and it is only a few months, he can still afford.

In addition, Liu Randao and Zhao Wujie also mean this. Hehe laughed: "Jun brother said that this matter is very important. It is still necessary to be careful to test it. In a few months, we can all afford it."

"Thank you for a few understandings, please also understand that Jun is not intentionally concealing, but the time is not yet mature, dare not reveal too much." Jun Qiqi laughed, glorious, but the heart is a dark hate.

In this way, the income of the Jun family is undoubtedly much less.

Liu Randao and others are not willing to expose, they are all laughing, but at this time, someone rushed in.

"What is it?" Jun Qiqi brows.

"Adults, the ten squads that were sent before were killed, and one did not stay." The man squatted on the ground, and some trembling.

"What?" Jun Qiqi's face sank and his anger burned.

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