The first time Jiang Fan saw this thing was in the old house of the Yang family!

At that time, Qiu Yuanfeng took great pains to find this thing, but in the end he succeeded in Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan not only got 50 years of lifespan, but also directly improved the Jiuyang Scripture at that time!

Even in the final appraisal, I got a bronze key!

Although I don't know what the key is, but only looking at the appraisal fee of more than 3,000 points, I know that it is definitely a good thing!

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed directly!

"Croy, what do you want this thing for?"

"Oh, it is said that this thing is a longevity stone from China. It can attract wealth and treasures at home, and it can also maintain health. In short, I am not too clear. The point is that Dick is about to celebrate his birthday. I am going to buy it and give it to him as a gift. !"

Croy smiled slightly!

I don't know the goods!

Jiang Fan shook his head and looked at other people!

"Where are they? Are they here too?"

"Well, it's almost the same. Basically, they are intended to be given away. You know, no matter where you are, the most face-saving things are given to China!

"Well, you go to discuss with that Jin Zhonghuan, I want this thing!"

"No problem! I'll do it right away!"

Croay said, heading directly to the heartbroken Jinzhonghuan!

The two of them said a few words at random, just by looking at Jin Zhonghuan crying and laughing, they knew that this business was definitely negotiated!

As for why he was crying, he was probably thinking about life to make money, whether there is life to spend money in the end!

As Jin Zhonghuan entered the background, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang again!

Just as Jiang Fan picked it up, Yin Binghua's roar suddenly sounded!

"Jiang Fan! Why are you crazy? You can beat Li Zailie, so why do you have to kidnap him?"

"Being bored, have you caught up with that old man?"

"Chasing! The strength of this old guy...extremely strong!"

Yin Binghua's voice was extremely gloomy!

Jiang Fan was startled!

Although Yin Binghua is the pinnacle of the fourteenth level, but the teacher is too strong, her true strength is definitely far beyond the master of the same level!

What kind of strength does the other party have to make her say very strong?

"Could it be that the other party..."

Jiang Fan spoke slowly!

"No! But the threshold has been touched...Stop!"

Yin Binghua gave a low voice, and then hurriedly spoke!

"I will continue chasing him. Don't let Li Zailiee go for the time being. I'll talk about everything when I come back... Don't worry, no one can touch you with me!"

When the phone was hung up, Jiang Fan felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart!

But he frowned immediately!

Touching the threshold of the Grandmaster level, these two concepts are completely different from the fourteenth level pinnacle!

It's like there are as many as nine levels in the world, but there is a reason why ten levels are not common!

No matter where this old man is, his status must not be low!

But now, he actually disregarded the rules and robbed the auction house and ran away!

This can only show that this "Mu Tianzi Biography Fragment" is extremely important to him!

But what is the use of this thing? Is he also planning to kill some monster?

Or, is there any secret on it that you don't know?

Jiang Fan was puzzled, and the others were pregnant with ghosts, just winking at each other, and occasionally glanced at Jiang Fan with weird eyes!

Obviously, these people have already made some plans!

for a long time!


With a soft sound, the door of the backstage suddenly opened!

Immediately afterwards, two staff members walked out carefully carrying a box!

What was placed in the box was an arm-high stone statue, this thing is exactly Tianyuan Shizhong!

However, at this moment, except for Jiang Fan, the others just glanced at it and completely lost interest!

It's all special now, who wants to give gifts!

The point is that the sky-high price of "Mu Tianzi Biography Fragmented Scroll" is ahead, and now compared to them, this thing is not worth anymore in their eyes!

Only Jiang Fan looked excited!

Others don't know the benefits of this thing, but he knows it very well!

Not only can you increase your lifespan, you can also enhance your strength!

"Sir, this is your lot, please check it!"

One of the staff spoke politely!


Jiang Fan nodded and picked it up!

Although the expressions and movements of this Tianyuan Shizhong are not the same as Jiang Fan's previous ones, but in terms of touch, they are exactly the same!

It is definitely authentic!

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 30,000 karma points!"

Thirty thousand!

It turned out to be 10,000 more expensive than the previous one!

But of course it will never be sold!

"System! Jian——"

Jiang Fan just muttered in his heart, at this moment!


Two extremely violent auras suddenly rose!



The two staff suddenly shot, and at the same time two palms hit Jiang Fan's back and lower abdomen!

These two people turned out to be killers!

And they are all masters up to level twelve!

Everyone was stunned by this incident!

Li Zailie was overjoyed!

"Hahaha! Good! Good fight! Jiang Fan! Didn't you expect it? Our masters from the Li family have already rushed over!"

"Hehehe! This time, you will go to **** honestly!"

"It's a pity! I wanted to torture you to death!"

Li Zailie laughed wildly!

But he didn't notice at all, the horrified look in the eyes of the two Li family bodyguards!

"Well done! You two have done a great job, and you have a lot of rewards!"

While talking, Li Zailie, who had been kneeling, was about to stand up!

But at this moment!

"Did I get you up?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded!

At this moment, Li Zailie only felt a cold breath rushing from under his hips to the tip of his tongue!

The hairs all over my body are about to explode!

He is so familiar with this voice!

Jiang Fan! It's Jiang Fan!

He raised his head in disbelief, only to find that Jiang Fan was looking at him with a smile!

After being hit by these two level 12 killers, Jiang Fan actually did nothing!

At this moment, not only Li Zailie, but everyone was shocked!

"Where are you, what?!"

"I was bombarded by two twelfth levels, but he was unscathed?!"

"This, this is impossible!"

"Even if the fourteenth-level pinnacle is on top, you have to vomit blood!"

"Is this kid beaten with iron?"

"This body is too hard!"

Everyone stared at Jiang Fan stubbornly!

And those two killers were soaked in cold sweat instantly!

"No, it's impossible... it's impossible!"

The assassin facing Jiang Fan suddenly roared, and slammed Jiang Fan up again with heavy punches!

Jiang Fan backhanded Tianyuan Shizhong into the backpack, letting this killer blow his chest again!



Jiang Fan remained motionless, but the assassin behind him suddenly howled, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the sky!

Great shift of the universe!

Move vigorously!

Jiang Fan actually transferred the assassin's energy directly to the person behind him!

That person couldn't even dream that he had been bombarded to death by his own people!

Everyone was completely confused!

I have no idea what happened!

Especially the assassin, who actually didn't believe in evil, fisted in advance, ready to punch again!


"You're still addicted to fighting, aren't you!"

Jiang Fan's backhand was thrown up with a big mouth!


A crisp sound!

The man flew out more than ten meters suddenly and hit the ground fiercely!

After landing, everyone saw that this man's head was almost twisted behind his back, and Jiang Fan's mouth was slapped to death!

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