Alston was frightened and angry, never expected that these people would actually attack him!

It's just that, after all, he is a powerhouse at the fourteenth level. When he reached a desperate situation, he actually chose to fight back!

"Holy Light!!"

Alstom endured the severe pain and suddenly shouted!

next moment!


A huge pillar of holy light suddenly descended from the sky, and directly enveloped all three of them!


Jiang Fan let out a low roar, suddenly raised his hand and blasted towards the holy light!


The Holy Light blasted to pieces, but Jiang Fan's arm trembled, and his palm was even burned by the Holy Light!

After all, this palm was just a shot of Zhou Yancun, which he imitated with the great shift of the universe, and he couldn't use his true strength at all!

At this moment, Zhou Yancheng's second punch had once again hit Alstom's body!


There is another crisp sound!

Alstom suddenly spewed a big mouthful of blood!

In that blood, there were actually two pieces of internal organs!

Obviously, with such a serious injury, he will definitely not survive!

"Bastard!! You shameless scumbag! Come back to the Lord's embrace with me!"

Alston let out a miserable cry, and a dazzling holy light burst out from all over his body!

"No! Get out!"

Jiang Fan screamed and jumped straight upstairs!

The other two also jumped downstairs screaming!

next moment!


With a loud noise, Alstom's whole person turned into a ball of holy light, and then it was blown to pieces!

The power of this explosion was so powerful that it actually blasted the top three floors of the entire building into ruins!


Jiang Fan and the three fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassed manner, and then did not dare to stay at all, and ran directly into an alley!


Several people were shocked and scared, breathing for several breaths!

Jiang Fan was even more shocked!

Fortunately, he had no impulse at the time, and these fourteenth-level peaks surely all have hole cards!

Alstom, an idiot, if he chose to hug Zhou Yancheng and then blew himself up, then Zhou Yancheng would definitely be dead!

However, just after breathing well, Jiang Fan grabbed Jacob by the collar!

"Grass mud horse! Say it's OK to kill Alston together, are you **** paddling?"

Facing Jiang Fan's scolding, Jacob looked embarrassed!

Jiang Fan was right, he did not give his full strength just now, it was all because he still didn't completely trust Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Zhou, you, calm down your anger, the first time you cooperate, it is inevitable that you are unfamiliar, this..."

Jacob hurriedly explained!


Jiang Fan snorted coldly!

But my heart smiled coldly!

Jacob would paddle, and he expected it. Although everyone signed a contract, if this guy really did his best for the first time, that would be a problem!

But what he wants is this effect!

The three killed Alstom and they have become grasshoppers on a rope!

And until the second shot, Jacob will definitely go all out!

Therefore, Jiang Fan spoke again!

"Now that Alstom is dead, there is no threat from the Illumination Council. We can kill those judges at any time. Next, it's the Li family!"


Jacob's eyes widened suddenly!


Moreover, the point is, he actually wants to kill the Li family?

Even Zhou Yancheng's eyes widened!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"Don't make a fuss! Jacob, I'll just ask you, are you tempted by the wealth of the Li family!"


Jacob hesitated!

The wealth of the Li family is equivalent to half of Goryeo's wealth!

No one is unmoved!

"Li Family..."

Jacob looked tangled!

And Jiang Fan has already spoken with sincerity!

"The Li family's reputation has been ruined by Jiang Fan tonight! The stock market will be in chaos tomorrow!"

"But this news will definitely be suppressed by the Li family! Even if we make a move, we won't get much benefit!"

"But what if the Li family is dead?"

"At that time, you and my two will join forces. When others react, we are the worst, and we can get half of the benefits!"

"Half of the wealth of the Li family, think about it!"

"Yes, but..."

Jacob was sweating profusely, his fists clenched and loosened!

Half of the wealth of the Li family!

This is simply the temptation of the devil!

And Jiang Fan has already added another fire!

"Jacob, there is not much time left for you! Alstom blew himself up just now, I am afraid that many people have rushed over!"

"If you don't do it, then my Zhou family will have to do it yourself! Anyway, this is not the first time we have done the genocide! It's just that those benefits have nothing to do with your George family!"

Jiang Fan's words successfully crushed Jacob's nerves!

In the face of huge interests, he directly and selectively ignored the loopholes in Jiang Fan's words!

"Okay! But how to do it?"

"The lives of the Li family, father and son, are simple, but before that, the five masters of the Li family must be eliminated!"

"Without their protection, Li Cheng's whole family is the fish on the cutting board!"

"The five masters of the Li family, a group of two, a group of three, let's kill the two group first, and then push to Jiang Fan!"

"When Jiang Fan is dead, we will join the rest of our Zhou family and kill the Li family completely!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily, and at the same time, he seemed to inadvertently glance at a certain direction!


Jacob nodded directly!

Soon, the three rushed to the building where Alstom was before!

At this moment, several masters of the Li family, Zhou Yantang, and the rest of the Guangming Council have all arrived!

"What happened?"

Jiang Fan pretended to be surprised!

Thanks to Alstom’s blew up just now, this explosion directly wiped out all the traces of the previous fights!

"It's Alston, he...dead!"

A master of the Li family has a gloomy look!

"how come?"

All three Jiang Fan were "shocked"!

"It must be the sinner!"

"Damn it! I actually figured out Lord Alstom!"

"When you catch him, you must burn him to death with holy light!"


Several judges looked gloomy!

But Jiang Fan's expression sank at this time!

"When Alston was killed, you weren't together?"

"Yes, your lord let us look for Jiang Fan together, he is waiting for the opportunity to take action!"

A judge said!

"Naughty! Didn't I say that? Jiang Fan is very cunning! Letting you two together is to prevent this from happening!"

Jiang Fan is "furious"!

"Damn! Remember! From now on, no one is allowed to act alone! Jacob, you come with us!"


Jacob smiled!

It was logical that Jiang Fan and Jiang Fan joined together!

Jiang Fan looked at the leading master named Jin Puji from the Li family again!

"Isn't your Li family claiming to control Goryeo? Where are the people dead? Why haven't you found Jiang Fan's shadow?"


Jin Puji looked angry!

But he still patiently explained!

"This kid is too cunning. Although we have arranged eyeliners everywhere, we really haven't found his trace yet!"

"Huh! Trash! It seems that I can only count on remarks, I hope he can contact us soon!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he waved his hand directly!

"Keep looking!"

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