She waved her hand suddenly!

next moment!


The entire palm forest seemed to come alive, countless palms slapped the branches and leaves, and slammed a group of robbers!

At the same time, all kinds of spiked vines stretched out one after another, tying them firmly!

The key is that these normally meek plants are actually sucking blood at this moment!

In less than half a minute, these robbers were all sucked into human beings!

The driver is dumbfounded!

Look at the scene in front of you incredibly!

The whole person was trembling in fear!

"Spare, spare, spare..."

"Don't talk nonsense! Drive your car!"

As soon as Jiang Fan stretched out his hand, he bounced off a vine that was about to stab the driver: "Kristin, wait a minute, kill him, will you come to drive?"

"Sorry, sir!"

Christine looked ashamed!

Under Jiang Fan's indifferent eyes, the driver finally restarted the car tremblingly!


Under the night, a small town appeared in front of everyone!

"Sir, this, this is Alorza Town..."

The driver looked at Jiang Fan with horror!

"Very good, your car money!"

Jiang Fan casually threw two US knives!

As soon as the driver picked up, he was shaken to death by the internal force attached to it!

"The money is given to you, but if you dare to insult me, I will laugh at your life!"

Jiang Fan clicked the corner of his mouth and got out of the car first!

Obviously this is not the first time this driver has done this kind of thing.

But Christine who followed Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

I like the short-term character of adults!

Sure enough, no matter what time it is, adults will not let their own people suffer!

Everyone entered the town, but Jiang Fan went straight to a hotel!

"My lord, don't you just kill it directly?"

Douglas looked surprised!

"Kill it? The idiots of the sword of thorns just determined that there is a branch of the Solomon Key here, and then assessed based on past experience that the other party is a thirteenth-level earl, and the rest of the special things don't know anything at all!"

"Otherwise why don't those idiots come to earn points?"

Jiang Fan looked annoyed!

"This...sir, then should we just fix it on the spot and inquire slowly?"

"How can we have this idle time? Just find a guide!"

"But, what do you want to do in the hotel with a guide?"

Jiang Fan had to stop and explain patiently, pointing to the hotel in front of him!

"I ask you, in such a remote place, do you think people will come often?"

"……will not!"

"Then what's the meaning of this hotel?"

"This... Although few people come, it doesn't seem to be a problem to build a hotel?"

"Okay, you are right! The key is to see that his decoration style is not, too new and gorgeous, and the brand outside is so shiny, for fear that others will not see the same!"

"If you were the boss, would you build such a luxurious hotel here? Lose you!"

"Let's not talk about this first, just for the decoration, but all strangers who come here will definitely choose here the first time!"

"In other words, as long as a stranger comes, this hotel must know it!"

"Will I still use it next?"

Jiang Fan hates iron but steel!

"No, no! I see, this hotel must be built by Solomon's Key for strangers who come here!"

Douglas nodded hurriedly!

"Yes! So the guide we want is inside!"

As Jiang Fan said, he has stepped into the hotel!

Unexpectedly, in such a gorgeous hotel, the front desk turned out to be an old man, who was napping on the table at the moment!

Just as soon as Jiang Fan and the others came in, the old man suddenly raised his head, looking suspicious!

But he immediately put on a smiling face!

"Are you going to open a room?"

"No, I need you to be a guide!"


The old man was taken aback!

"Yes, take me to your branch!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

The old man's face changed directly!

Suddenly raised his hand!

Five-level magic-smoke screen!

In an instant, the entire front desk suddenly filled with black smoke

The old man was about to take the opportunity to escape, but the ground trembled abruptly. The next moment, a wave of dirt rose from the ground and directly wrapped him firmly!

At the same time, Curtis squeezed his right hand, and the diffuse black smoke disappeared instantly!

"grade ten?!"

Seeing this scene, the old man suddenly exclaimed!

"Don't be so surprised, I know you are the person of Solomon's Key, just take me over to make sure you are all right, but if you don't say it, hehe..."

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's grinning smile, Christine immediately clicked his little finger, and a pot of Chlorophytum on the table grew rapidly, but within a few seconds, its branches and leaves had stretched to the old man's head!

"Wood Ability!"

The old man's face was as gray as death, and his eyes were full of fear!

The wood element is greatly affected by the environment, especially in the desert terrain, a level 10 wood element is not even as good as a normal level 9!

But used to torture people, this kind of ability is enough to rank in the top five on the ability list!

Thinking of the sight of the blood and bone marrow all being sucked up by plants, the old man suddenly screamed!

"I said! I said!"

"Very good! Lead the way!"

Jiang Fan laughed!


Alozha Mountain is two kilometers high, with dense vegetation on the side and foot of the mountain, but sparse vegetation at the top!

The biggest reason for this is because this is a volcano!

active volcano!

Only thirty years have passed since the last eruption!

And according to forecasts, in recent years, it is likely to erupt once again!

Everyone went all the way up, and soon came near the mountainside!

"Big, my lord, this is the entrance!"

The old man pointed to a cave that seemed to be naturally formed, and opened his mouth cautiously!

"Go in!"

Jiang Fan said lightly!


The old man was startled, but seeing Jiang Fan's indifferent eyes, he finally gritted his teeth and walked in slowly!

The cave doesn't look big on the outside, but after entering it, it suddenly becomes clear!

It is full of artificial traces, and the diameter around it is almost three meters!

A few people walked tens of meters, and a silver-white door suddenly appeared in front of them!

Looking at the material, it is definitely a titanium alloy level!

The old man stretched out his hand tremblingly, after the fingerprint iris comparison, the door trembles slightly, and finally opens silently!

However, the moment the door opened!

"Swish swish!"

Countless strong winds suddenly sounded!

The old man became a sieve almost instantly!

A trap has already been set up here!

Waiting for Jiang Fan and others to come and die!

Jiang Fan, who was just behind the old man, seemed to be prepared for a long time. He didn't evade in the face of the strong wind, and directly blocked Curtis and others with his body!


Those strong winds hit Jiang Fan, and immediately burst out the crisp sound of countless metal clashes!

A large expanse of Mars is blooming!

Then it clanged to the ground!

And until this time, everyone could see that it was countless sharp nails!

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