This painting is very vivid, although it is only a sketch, it outlines all the characteristics of the person in the painting!

Especially the cold eyes of the other party and the scars on his forehead are so lifelike!

However, Jiang Fan was shocked not by the level of the painting, but by the person in the painting, who he actually knew!

Feng Lang!

This person in the painting is actually Feng Lang!

The one who was severed with a sword by himself, absolutely can't die again, Feng Lang!

Feng Lang, how could he still be alive?

Jiang Fan didn't believe in the matter of resurrection from the dead, he had pulled Xia Fanxing back from the hands of the **** of death before!

But that's because he has a system!

And how did Feng Lang come back to life?

Jiang Fan stared at this painting, but a picture flashed quickly in his mind!

More than a month ago, I was promoting "Yijian Wushuang" in Everbright City!

At that time, the system happened to have an order!

It’s for Peter Parker to send mung bean soup!

After I arrived in the store, I found that someone was very familiar with his back!

It's just that I was in a hurry to deliver the meal, but I didn't have time to recognize it. When I went back, the other party was gone!

Now compare that person's back with Feng Lang, it's almost exactly the same!

Feng Lang was really not dead!

How does he live?

How could he be chased by Baili Changfeng?

The key is that since he can escape the wind of hundreds of miles, not to mention his strength, but his speed and hiding ability have definitely reached the level of horror!

Unexpectedly, I actually had another enemy!

However, thinking about it the other way round, aren't Baili Changfeng and himself natural allies?

Jiang Fan is like this, never indulging in negative emotions, on the contrary, he will find a different way and judge a situation that is good for him!

And at this time Curtis also came up!

"Master, do you know this person?"

"Well, his name is Feng Lang, I have...killed him!"


Everyone exclaimed!

This guy who was chased and killed by Baili Changfeng was fine, Jiang Fan actually killed him?

Doesn't that mean that Jiang Fan is stronger than the wind of hundreds of miles!

In an instant, the color of worship in everyone's eyes became even stronger!

"When I killed him, he was not so strong!"

Jiang Fan explained!

Unfortunately, there is no use for eggs!

It seems that everyone has decided that Jiang Fan is the strongest!

"Master, but how can this guy come back from the dead?"

Curtis looked shocked!

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, and finally spoke slowly!

"It doesn't matter how he died and came back to life, the most important thing is how to make him die again!"


Everyone's heart beats!

This is the real strong style!

"Okay! Leave him alone for the time being, contact Douglas and the others, and let them go directly to Cancun to wait for us!"

"Also, tell the plane, don't wait for us in Derio City, go to Cancun too!"

Since the tomb of the dark **** is not here, all plans must be changed!

"As for us, it's time to solve our problems for friends!"


Outside a small clinic, a little nurse is helping Anthony deal with the wound on his shoulder!

And a group of Anthony's gangsters are all lazily leaning against the corner and basking in the sun at this moment!

"Oh~~~! Damn stinky woman! What are you doing with so much energy? Are you looking for death?"

Anthony suddenly yelled at the little nurse next to him!

The little nurse was frightened and tearful, but she didn't dare to talk back, so she could only be more careful!

The surrounding crowd took a few steps back in shock!

After all, these people are Popovich's men, they simply can't afford it!

"Boss, you suffered such a big loss today, why did you let them go?"

A **** couldn't help but ask!

"Idiot! Kill them, who are you going to get the money for? Boss Popovich will be blamed, and you will shoot for Lao Tzu?"

Anthony scolded the bastard!

"Yes, yes! What the boss said! But boss, how do you know they still have money?"

"Then need to say! These cheap bones are like cockroaches, they will always hide their money! And don't listen to them shouting poor every day, there are a lot of antiques! Hehehe!"

"Yes! Antique! Boss wise!"

"When the time comes to collect the antiques, Popovich boss will be very happy!"

"We can keep some more!"

"Spend the money snatched from these **** natives, and then go play with their women!"

"Hehehe, it's wonderful to think about it!"

A group of bullies are overjoyed!

Anthony is even more triumphant!

"But boss, if they give money, then we won't be able to get the antique?"

There is a gangster opening!

"Don't be afraid! After taking the money, I will use this wound to make a claim! If they don't pay, I will kill the white horse!"

"Huh? But didn't you just say that killing is useless?"

"Idiot! Aonunga takes that idiot to take the lives of their people more than anything else. I only need to shoot a gun, he will definitely give it to him!"

Anthony looked smug!

"The boss is too smart!"

"This trick is wonderful!"

"Hahaha, if they don't give it, get out that golden water lily!"


A group of smirks are dancing!

But at this moment!

"Wow~~ You deserve to be the son of a robber, this kind of shamelessness is really amazing!"

A male voice full of magnetism suddenly sounded!

And with this voice, a man with a big mask on his face and an old man in a big pants and flowered shirt had walked over directly to a group of gangsters!

These two people are Jiang Fan and Curtis!

And not far away from them, Aonangana and other steeds were watching here curiously!

Hearing that Jiang Fan was going to vent their anger, many people rushed over!

Seeing Jiang Fan and two of them came, a group of gangsters went viral!

"Damn it, what are you talking about!"

"Dare to say that we are shameless!"

"Are you going to die?"

A group of gangsters roared!


"Shut up to Lao Tzu! Listen carefully to your dirty trash! Did you scrape my master's car yesterday?"

Curtis roared suddenly!

A group of bullies were stunned!

In the entire city of Merida, who doesn't know who they are!

But now, some people dare to yell at them!

The crowd was even more stunned!

next moment!

"Damn! Scrape your car?"

"Don't say it is scratched, even if it is smashed, it is your honor!"

"How dare you yell at us! It's almost dead!"

"Take them away now, find a place where no one is there, and just collapse!"

"Say us garbage? Let's make you garbage now!"

A group of gangsters were completely angry, and they took up their pistols and aimed them directly at Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled grinningly!

With a flick of the backhand, suddenly, a one-meter-long gun with a barrel thicker than a human head, and an extremely hideous big gun has suddenly been aimed at a group of gangsters!

Six-barreled Vulcan Cannon!

At the same time, Jiang Fan even more grinned and pulled the trigger!

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